Oliveira ( Olea europaea L ) serve para Prevenir a pressão alta

4 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Oliveira (Olea europaea L) serves to prevent high blood pressure

The olive tree, also known as Olea europaea L., is a very abundant tree in the Mediterranean region, from which fruits, oil and leaves are used, which are used to make tea.

Fruits, leaves and oil have numerous health benefits, as they have very important chemical components, such as antioxidants, olein, palmitic acid, aracluin, stearin, cholesterin, cycloartanol, benzoic acid and mannitol.

The benefits of olive tea are:

Improves digestion.
Helps to lose weight.
Reduces blood pressure.
Improves flu and colds.
Helps treat cancer.
Improves skin problems.

Possible side effects:

Although very rare, the side effects that can occur with olive tea are hypotension, changes in the liver and gallbladder and diarrhea in high doses and in sensitive people.

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