Dog swims to save lonely ball from water

4 years ago

Cora loves to swim, if you let her be in the water, she would be doing it all day. When the owners decided to go on a family vacation they decided to bring Cora along, as it would be her first time being on vacation. Life as a dog travelling seems very easy, sleeping on your owner's lap then sleeping beside your owner, head out the window, sleeping and then you're there. But with COVID-19 they had to take a few extra precautions while bringing her. Knowing Cora loves swimming the owner knew they had to find water for her to swim in on the first day, so they went to Killbear Provincial Park as they have a dog beach. Since the owner had a waterproof camera, she thought it would also be a great time to test it. As soon as they pulled into the parking lot, Cora started pacing in her seat with excitement, wanting to get out. Once the door had opened, she bolted out of the car and raced to the water, ran down the hill fully spear and swam 40ft out and back ran up the hill shook herself off and ran back down. Cora spent four hours straight swimming her heart out, not wanting to leave, even though she was so tired. She spent most of her day swimming back and forth chasing after her ball and stick until it was time to leave. The owner would try and help her swim out, but she would just kick and fight you to let go of her. Cora won't swim and jump in the water from the same height as her owner, and when the owner started to jump off rocks, she looked at her and ran away, so instead they picked her up and held onto while jumping in. The owner was finally able to get cora out of the water a bit later and headed to their next stop. They had a blast.

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