Funny dog tells her owner about her day

4 years ago

The owner’s dad was reluctant at getting a dog but finally gave in and said yes. The first moment the owner’s family had full possession of Cora, he had a connection with her. The owner came outside to find her dad and Cora having a conversation about how her day was and what she did. He still will say that he doesn't want a dog but yet they do everything together, and this video is a great example of that. Whenever the owner’s dad goes to the store and Cora goes with him, she will sit in his seat and wait in the car for him to return. If Cora isn't allowed to go with him and has to stay at home, she will always mope around the house sad or go to the window and wait for him to pull into the driveway again. As soon as he pulls in, she will dash to the front door wagging her tail and spinning around in joy as he walks up to the door. In the mornings, The owner’s dad will sometimes sleep on the couch in the morning, and usually you will find Cora beside him laying down beside him asleep, or hitting him to wake up and play.

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