Needy Dog Refuses To Stop Demanding Attention From Owner

4 years ago

Do you like dogs and do you think they deserve all the attention and love in the world? Many people believe that dogs are the best pets in the world, so they say that the dog is man's best friend. The truth is that dogs love being close to their owners, so they do everything possible to get the attention of their owners and play and have fun with them. In this case, you can see how a small dog demands a bit of attention from its owner, although the man is busy doing graduate work, the dog refuses to leave him alone, obviously needs attention and affection. This dog just wants attention!

It is no secret to anyone that dogs love to attract attention. Be it a change of caresses, pampering, massage or treats, the canes are always behind you to receive some recognition. Although in most cases this does not represent any inconvenience, it can end up becoming a very serious problem if it results in jealous personalities or destructive behaviors. However, part of solving problems (or avoiding them) is understanding why they seek constant attention.
Normally, dogs have different ways of getting our attention, but, in general, what triggers pathological behaviors is excess. In the same way, an unhealthy environment, in which you can be in a significant amount of stress, which also results in wanting to receive more attention from you, or in developing strange behaviors to release tension, excess energy or boredom. .

Because dogs and humans cannot communicate in the same way they do with their partners, the former have had to develop a series of strategies to meet their basic needs (food, shelter, affection). Therefore, drawing attention becomes an evolutionary response that domestication has given to the canes to guarantee subsistence. However, when do these situations become pathological? These behaviors become problematic because they suffer the reinforcement of caregivers, who, involuntarily, end up rewarding them and accentuating their permanence in the dog's habits. One of the most common ways is when we get home, because it ends up accentuating our dog's anxiety during our absences when we caress it effusively while receiving us excited.

The same situation occurs before excessive barking. It is common that when he can beat his bricks to try to calm him down, the caregiver strokes his back and relaxes him. This is what he does is achieve bad behavior, because he understands it as a way to get caresses. While avoiding behavior is easier than correcting it, there are many strategies you can follow to eliminate bad habits that your dog has developed to get your attention.

First, keep in mind that it is not bad to pamper or pamper your pet. On the contrary, affection is something you need for proper mental development. What you must learn is to know exactly what you are required, if your behavior is due to a valid reason (for example, someone loitering for your property), you will be well rewarded for this. However, if the behaviors are derived from something that is not indicated, such as aggression due to jealousy or fear, then it should not be forced. What you and your dog should understand is that there is a time for everything, whether to pet, play or eat.

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