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Cat Not Enthusiastic About Forced Dancing Session
They can be real angels, nudging you with their marshmallow paws on your chest and looking at you with round intelligent eyes, knowing that you need some furry love. They also love to wake you up with those same paws in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. They are brilliant creatures, and they can weather any storm on their own. It seems like you can never truly domesticate them and it’s fine, they are perfect each way. However, at times they can be distracting, say, right at that time when you need to do yoga and you need all the concentration possible. Just ask this owner, he’s got lots of experience with these cuddly and extremely needy furballs.
There are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who love cats and those who despise them. It is not tough to see why, since cats can be quite cunning in their ways, making people believe they can not be trusted. “It takes one to know one”, they say. And yes, we suppose it is true. Cats have really devious ways and if you can’t find a way to understand them, they may seem scary. But people who do love cats and happen to own at least one of them, can tell you that, when in their own zone, cats are actually clumsy balls of fur on four legs who happen to fall in trouble more often than they lead on.
This does seem like one happy cat! His owners must take great care of him; playing with him every day, properly grooming him and giving him the best cat food! After all, you should treat your pets as if they were your family because they really are your family! People are strongly divided when it comes to cats. They either love them to bits or hate their very existence. There doesn’t seem to be any in-between. We can’t really blame the latter, as cats can be really demanding to love, starting with the fact that they are nocturnal creatures. Sleeping all day and then becoming obnoxious at night. They like to scratch stuff as a way of marking their territory and it can be anything from a bed post to a recliner or even your favorite pair of shoes! They can be really tough to live with, until they do something like this.
As many cat owner will attest, you can’t purchase a toy for your pet. You can try your very best, go far and wide to find the bestest, cleverest, most interesting toy in the whole world, and they will probably play with the box it came in. It is just the way cats are. Unless you choose not to purchase a toy for your pet, you can always do what this person does in the video! Go ahead and take a look at these two dancing! We love watching cat videos! They always make us feel confident and full of energy! Do you like cats?
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