Woman Amazed By Passing Stampede Of Elephants

5 years ago

Kenya capital Nairobi is home to the many wildlife projects that are open to visitors and locals alike. When you arrive in the city, you are introducing with many options to see Rhino, Lions Giraffe, Elephants, and more, up close and kind of personal.

Of the options, the one that called tourists attention the most was the David Sheldrake Wildlife Trust, also known as the Elephant Orphanage. This breathtaking video of a girl runs into a stampede of baby elephants also captured in the Sheldrake Elephant Orphanage. The video was filmed when the baby elephants returned to their shelter for dinner after a day in the forest. The Sheldrake Elephant Orphanage is located near Nairobi National Park.

This orphanage park for Rhinos Calves and Elephant Calves from all over Kenya was established and supervise by Daphene Sheldrake widow of Kenya’s well-known Game Wardens David Sheldrake. David Sheldrake was at the center of the 1970’s Ivory poaching wars in Tsavo National Park. Today, the Sheldrake orphanage is a focal point for Elephant Conservation.

Orphaned Elephant calves are brought here from all over the country. They receive significantly specialized treatment here and literally receive personal care twenty hours a day from a highly dedicated crew who becomes the replacement of mothers to the calves.

The center is open to the public each morning (11am-12pm) At this time the calves are being exercised and bathed and visitors are free to watch. The keepers bring the elephants to a cordoned area to play, feed, and to show the public how well they are doing.

While you do not get to feed the elephants, if they get close to you, you can touch and pet them. But, just being there, watching them playing joyfully with each other and listening to their story, is quite a nice encounter. This is a good center for general information on Elephants and their Conservation.

You can also adopt them! They would not fit in your backpack, so they stay living in the orphanage until they are mature and strong enough for their release back into the wildlife. But, your donation of $50 per year helps keep these elephants calves healthy and strong.

If you "adopt" one, you get to go there at the end of the afternoon when they call back the elephants from the open area to their sleeping shelters and they all come rushing back while people get to stand there and watch it. It’s adorable and safe.

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