Kids Hilariously Eat Chips With Picture Of Dip

5 years ago

It is one of those universal human truths, right up there with the fact that we all need food, shelter, love, and acceptance, yadda yadda that, even if we say it is OK, none of us really, truly loves to share our food.

This is the hilarious video of two brothers 'dunk' their chips into a photograph of a bowl of barbecue sauce pictured on the crisp packet as if it were the real sauce.
The video shows the young boys, from Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, happily snacking away on a family size bag of barbecue crisps. But just before they cram the potato discs into their mouths, they adorably poke it into an image of barbecue sauce and they do not seem to notice or care, that the dip is not real.

A man who witnessed their dippy behavior said: 'Two brothers wanted to eat chips.
I saw these kids reaching for something in front of the chips bag.
'They imagined dipping their chips in front of the bag of the chips.
I took out my cell phone and started filming them.'

His 31-second video shows the pair of young brothers perched on the boundary of their chairs so they can reach the party size bag of Lay's crisps - known as
Walkers in the UK. A crunching sound can be heard as the boy on the right (left) devours one of the crisps as the child on the left (right) appears poised to eat one.

But instead, he gently jabs the potato snack into one the image of a ramekin of barbecue sauce. But bizarrely, he stretches his crisp-clutching arm over to the bottom of the bag and gently jabs the potato snack into one the image of a ramekin of barbecue sauce.
And as he shoves the chip, which is obviously still dry, into his mouth, his brother mimics his actions and also plunges his crisp into the sauce's photograph.

The man behind the camera then says that 'young kids think it is tomato ketchup' as the boy on the right stares innocently at the camera before reaching into the packet to snaffle another one. But not, of course, before dunking the chips in that all-important dip.
This footage has been making the rounds on the internet.
It has been viewed more than 30 million times on Facebook alone, and for good reason. Have you ever seen anything like this before? Let us know in the comment section! Be sure to visit for more adorable videos like this one.

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