Milo's Stretching Sequence

5 years ago

Yoga—it’s not just for humans anymore! The versatile pooch, named Milo, in this sweet and hilarious video brings the “downward facing dog” pose to a whole new level with his yoga-worthy stretches and poses, and this one is definitely worth watching! Says Milo’s human companion, “My dog Milo has an unusual stretch, which looks like he’s doing yoga. Over the course of several weeks, I shot many instances of him doing this.” The several weeks that it took him to shoot this laugh out loud funny footage was time well spent, if you ask us!

Milo truly brings something new to the world of yoga, and we can’t help thinking that he’d make a paw-some instructor for some sort of canine yoga class—or maybe a yoga class for humans who want to be as relaxed and "unselfconscious" as our dog buddies always manage to be. Milo the dog may be our new guru, is what we’re trying to say—and after you watch this video, we’re pretty sure that you’re going to feel the same way. And then you’re going to want to do a few stretches yourself, because Milo the dog just makes stretching look so very, very good! Of course, being a dog, Milo has the advantage of being able to go right back to sleep once he gets himself all stretched out and relaxed.

Most of us don’t have the luxury of getting to spend as much time snoozing as our furry companions do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the soothing pleasures of watching their funnier moments captured on video. Our biggest question after watching this is whether Milo is naturally this innovative and limber, or if he’s perhaps imitating something he’s seen his own fitness obsessed human caretaker do on multiple occasions. But we’re betting that this is all Milo. Only a dog could be this adorable and this unique at the same time. If you could use a spot of humor and relaxation in your own day (and we’re thinking that you probably could), then treat yourself to a few minutes of doggy adorableness by hitting the Play button right now. And after you’ve watched this a few times, and bookmarked the page so you can watch it again later, you should definitely forward it to all your dog loving friends—which is probably all of them, because who doesn’t love a good dog video?

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