Adorable Toddler Teaches You The Art Of Working Out

5 years ago

Just when you think that little kids can’t get even more adorable, these kinds of things happen. They have this canny ability to sense when we need a bit of a pick me up, so they do the best thing that they know how to do - they grace us with their presence and suddenly the whole day is better. Their innocent antics and brutal honesty has been the reason behind our smiles ever since the beginning of time.

You never know what kids are going to do, that's when having a camera on your phone comes convenient. You can whip out your phone and record everything in an instant, just like this parent. Trust us, memories are made to last in the digital era.

Kids have this great ability to love us for who we are and what we strive to be. Deep inside themselves they know that if you could you would move mountains for them, and that makes you a superhero in their eyes.

It takes a lot of courage to admit that your children aren’t the artists you imagined them to become. Their paintings are nothing more than a few scribbles with a colored marker on white paper but to you they will always be the next Picasso paintings. Although you would like to keep them on your fridge, try limiting the amount to no more than three at a time. Instead of telling your children how great their drawings are all of the time, maybe you should think about teaching them how to hold the pen properly and learn to use other colors than red.

We have an interesting one on our hands here. This video might not be long but it truly shows the wild imagination of a child. We don't really know what she is thinking but swinging off the counter seems like a great idea, and it seems she is having her self a party.

Her mom say's: "This is a video of my almost 3-year-old daughter, Olivia. I walked outside to take the trash out and walked back into my house to see this. She just sat there swinging for a good 3 mins before she just got down and went about her day.". So there you have it folks. This cutie will brighten up your day as it takes life as it comes and with no seriousness what so ever. We can all learn from this adorable little girl!

Occurred on March 1, 2019 / USA

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