Toddler Has The Funniest Reaction To Gift

6 years ago

Giving is an important feature to possess. By giving you show appreciation, you show someone that you care; you say thank you for being part of your life. Some of the time it is difficult to express emotions in words, but offering a token of thankfulness won't just speak to your feeling, but will enable the person to realize the amount you value them.

It is essential to teach our kids to give and to teach them to know how important is own this feature. However, by giving is not just a great way to tell someone you appreciate them, by giving someone a gift is a great way to make someone happy, to make someone’s day better.

For example, parents love to spoil their kids with gifts. It's a way to show them how much they love them and how much their lives are better with them in it. And to be honest, kids love presents. We remember when we were kids the only day that mattered to us where our birthday and Christmas because those were the days that would receive presents. The excitement was unspeakable!

However, not all kids feel the same way about presents, especially when they are presents that don’t like them. This almost-two-year-old little girl doesn't have the expected reaction when she receives a gift from her hopeful mom. Somehow she manages to be both polite and cruel at the same time!

She was pretty excited before she opened the present thinking that her parents bought her a toy, but after opening the present, she saw that inside were a bracelet and a necklace which she didn’t like at all. But, she was very kind and said: “No, thank you” when her mom tells her to put the jewelry on her. What a sweet, adorable toddler!

But kids have a pure soul, and they can be very grateful especially when they do get the present they want or a gift they have been asking for their whole lives. Just take a look at this young girl cries tears of joy for puppy birthday gift!

When the birthday girl comes walking in the door, she has no idea what is in store for her. Her younger sister comes in first and walks right by the tiny, fluffy puppy sitting on the kitchen floor. Her sister, however, sees the little dog immediately and gasps in unbelief. The birthday girl and the little puppy stare at each other for what seems like forever before Mom yells out "Happy Birthday!"

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