Young Girl Cries Tears Of Joy For Puppy Birthday Gift

6 years ago

This girl just can't hold back the tears as she receives a puppy for her birthday. What a heartwarming moment! Have you ever had someone do something so nice for you that you could not control your emotions and began crying uncontrollably? Check out this heartwarming moment when a young girl gets a puppy for her birthday and when she finds out, she just can't hold back the tears and becomes so emotional, it will just pull on your heart strings!

When the birthday girl comes walking in the door, she has no idea what is in store for her. Her younger sister comes in first and walks right by the tiny, fluffy puppy sitting on the kitchen floor. Her sister however, sees the little dog immediately and gasps in unbelief. The birthday girl and the little puppy just stare at each other for what seems like forever before Mom yells out "Happy Birthday!" It is like the young girl doesn't believe her eyes and is scared to blink in case the puppy disappears.

As soon as she realizes it is her very own puppy, the water works starts pouring. She drops to the floor wailing like a baby and crawls over to the little ball of fur. Her sister cannot believe that her Mom got her new puppy and immediately asks if she can share it with her!

The birthday girl finally picks up the puppy, but puts it right back down because she is so worked up. She is so emotional that she cannot even hold the new puppy yet. It is still like a dream. She just sits on the kitchen floor with her hands over her face and sobbing uncontrollably. The scene is happy and sad at the time, with the excitement of the girl getting a new dog and drama of her sitting on the kitchen floor crying like a baby! She is so worked up that she actually starts to hyperventilate and her Mom has to tell her not to have a heart attack.

Callie, as the Mom calls the puppy, just lays on the floor while all of this is happening. She just looks around at everyone wondering what is going on and what is wrong with this kid! Finally, the puppy gets picked up and cuddled by the birthday girl and after only a couple of seconds, she breaks down again and has to put the poor puppy back on the floor while she cries. This is all so unbelievable to her!

While all of this is going on, we don't realize what she has in her hand until she finally asks her sister to hold it. She is actually carrying around two stuffed dogs as her pretend pets! This little girl has wanted a puppy for bad for so long that she brought two stuffed ones with her everywhere she went.

Finally, she picks up her birthday present off the floor, an eight week old Australian Shepherd puppy and asks her mother with a look of confusion "Is she really mine?" Once her mother confirms that yes, in fact is it hers, she cuddles it close and takes off out of the room to cuddle it on the couch!

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