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In the Velvet Room with Jokerthefool #189

14 hours ago

Discussing: Gyms for Actual Women and the Ongoing Persecution of Christians.

Joker talks about a women’s only gym that reneged on its stance to be trans inclusive. He also discusses the persecution of Christians in Syria and Africa.

First article discussed: https://www.out.com/gay-fitness/women-gym-trans-exclusionary-update-backlash

Second article discussed: https://www.newsweek.com/hundreds-minorities-including-christians-killed-syria-reports-2041764

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Check out Machine to Man: https://velvetroompublishing.substack.com/s/machine-to-man

Check out Miller’s Bio Farm: https://millersbiofarm.com/register?referral_code=Zxl8MEu2mWkK


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