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7 hours ago

Remember these videos from approx two years ago? Well they have NOT left us alone. We thought if we moved on, they would leave us alone(moved in Nov of 2022). But they didn't.
The Nugget Casinos and US Government have joined forces to try to KILL my daughter and me because I made some complaints regarding how they were operating. They also had audio/video cameras in our unit(watching us shower and undress). We were afraid to go live with what we found because they were threatening us. But we did not know how deep the US government was involved at that time. Turns out, the Nugget Casinos run a WORLDWIDE SEX TRAFFICKING Scheme. They have stalked and followed us, hacking our devices, taking our trash like we're criminals. Face Book is also involved to a degree as they have blocked my comments on certain high officials page.
There has been several kidnapping attempts on us.
The state of NV owns the abandoned buildings that are being operated for trafficking and other major CRIMES.
They illegally sale the businesses and create fictitious deeds. They resale every 5-7 years (But the "own" never really changes, only on paper.)
A few of MANY of the Nugget Inn Locations- Operations
651 N Stewart St, Carson City, NV
555 N Stewart St, Carson City, NV
1010 S. Carson St, Carson City, NV
1850 N. Carson St, Carson City, NV
1225 Victorian Ave, Sparks, NV
I'm only reporting and getting this out because they will NOT leave us alone. It is affecting my education where I am enrolled in school (Modesto Junior College). The schools has mistreated me and withheld benefits that I am eligible for. They have made it nearly impossible to finish my summer semester by withholding funds for my books and restarting assignments that I had already completed. It goes on and on. I have been denied services flat out- even counseling services. I am beat. I KNOW it all will hit the fan soon but I am exhausted from looking over my shoulders and not being able to trust new people. I have NO privacy. I have been in this PRISON for over TWO years. My vehicle was broken into several times in order to input audio devices. I actually caught the Reno police going into my vehicle about 10 months ago. Eight police cars surrounded my vehicle in order to block what they were doing. But I arrived and they shut my passenger door. I thought I was in trouble but they dispersed quickly.
They are a cult! They use old, young, children, rich, poor, sick, addicts.
The government is using their resources for EVIL. When they are wrong, the first thing they do is point out everything on your record. Well, I don't have a criminal record, so they are trying to make me out to be an angry black woman. They also don't have a motive to kill me, so they are trying to CREATE one. They've heard our likes and dislikes. They have sent the type of men they think I like to try seduce me, in order to lead me to the slaughter house. They've even sent women to befriend me(fake Christians). But God gave me a sign EACH time to stay away! They KEEP trying because they are afraid. It's very intense now because they fear Trump. They turned up the heat. They want us out before election.


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