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NEW🚨: Maui police chief - you know,

16 hours ago

the one who gave the order to TRAP VICTIMS in the Lahaina fire, John Pelletier, has been named in Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs lawsuit as an alleged co-conspirator...
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman
I have uploaded almost 10,000 videos and I still have not monetized my channels and will not until it is 100% my content. BTW, I upload longer videos to this channel...
Democracy, The only political system that runs purely on legalized treason & bribery.
Always Question the algorithms 🤔
This is a travesty brought on by very poor management or the lack of...
The getto of Reedsport, Oregon...


  • 0/2000
  • Petellitier ?, same Police Chief in Las Vegas for the Mandaly Bay mass shootings then rocked up in Lahina just before that whole shitshorm dropped on the area, ill fate follows him wherever he goes it seems .. or is it just another of those coincidences ?.

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  • Pelatier doesn't realize what the duties of custodian means in regards to public trust. Especially the police commission is 💯 liable as custodians. They are trustee of the people who are Sureties for every dime the government creates from bills. All Bills written by Hawaiian government are financed by the peoples credit called a Cestui Que vie trust.

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  • Who's the dude who is defending this murderer who knows he was hired to cover up and control both Las Vegas massacre and Maui massacre.

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