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Lent Day 8 – Wednesday (March 12, 2025)

12 hours ago

Lent Day 8 – Wednesday (March 12, 2025)

“O Lord, Thou art the vine, we the branches. Bishop Sheen said, ‘Cut from Thee, we wither.’ St. Charbel clung to Thy roots in solitude. Prune one idle habit today—gossip or sloth—that thy fruit may grow for Him.”

Action: Drop a small bad habit (e.g., skip thy morning grumble)

Hashtags: #LentDay8, #CatholicPrayer, #BishopSheen, #StCharbel, #ThyVine, #DailyPrayer, #FaithTok, #PruneThySoul, #GrowForThee, #SolitudeGrace

Royalty Free Music from Tunetank.com
Track: Flying To Nebula by Romanov_Studio


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