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Why we prepared to SELL BITCOIN , When the Whole World was BUYING

1 day ago

This was BTC analysis with the team in December 2024 . I'm not the best trader out there, I don't have any courses to sell you or personal coaching to give , but I do know a few things that can help you get a few steps closer to knowing exactly what you are doing . Just because the news or your friend says something doesn't mean it's true . They tell you lies because they secretly want you to lose . My mission is different , for me to Win long term , the whole Team MUST win . No other way . Nobody gets left behind . Godbless & Godspeed - Ares
#trading #tradingeducation #bitcoin #crypto #tradingmotivation #tradingsetup #tradingpsychology #tradingmemes #daytrading #NoMercyArmy


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