Funny Dog Plays The Memory Game With Owner For Treats

5 years ago

In this heartwarming video we see adorable pet named Kiara playing the memory game with owner. Watching this tiny pooch waving her tail as she tries to guess in which hand owner is keeping her treats, makes us burst in tears. Cuteness overload!

Witty Kiara can smell the treat from miles away, but owner's swift movements and change of hands, drives the dog crazy and it is hilarious to watch! Check out this video and share your thoughts about it!

Everyone would agree that there is nothing more pets want than staying up late, playing with owner. Hilarious clip shows the tiny dog trying hard to figure out where her owner is keeping her treats, but to no avail. The moment Kiara spots the treat, it is long gone and she is left empty handed! LOL

As footage starts, we see a tiny pooch lying on the bed staying face to face with her owner but intensely staring at her human's hand, trying hard to figure out how to snatch her treat. The tasty almond is giving Kiara nightmares, and all she wants to do is to find it and eat it, no strings attached! However, owner decided to test her memory and won't make it easy for her! Check out their adorable game, we bet you would want to jump right in, as they are cute as hell! Enjoy!

Owner keeps showing Kiara the treat, but the second she sees it, it changes locations, and keeps her both entertained and annoyed at the same time. It is not that she is hungry, but the game is so enticing that the pooch wants to score already!

Judging by the intense expression on Kiara's face, she is enjoying herself while playing the memory game with her owner, but she is also impatient about that delicious treat! Cuteness overload!

We remember Kiara from other funny videos on this page, since it is hard to forget her crazy antics! She tends to give owner hard time while vacuuming the house, because she has a serious phobia of the vacuum cleaner. When that part of the day comes, she runs, hides and barks at the devilish machine, which is hilarious to observe!

One time, she was stuck between a balloon obstacle and her owner, and she found a way to put her fear aside and break through the intense balloon lava and reunite with owner. What happens when the love your feel for your owner beats your extreme globophobia? A funny video is made! Check out the hilarious moment when this cute pooch overcomes her fear of balloons just to obey owner's will and respond to a command! Simply adorable!

In this heartwarming clip, we see five-year-old Kiara, a mixed tiny pooch with extreme fear of balloons and vacuum cleaners, overcoming one of her greatest fears only to be reunited with owner. When footage starts, we see a room full of balloons, and we hear owner's voice gently calling on pooch's name 'Kiara, come here'. Moments later, a tiny head peeks through the door crack and slowly enters the room. Judging by the confused expression on pup's face, we can assume that this fluffy ball of fur is afraid of the balloon lava that exploded in owner's bedroom! She must be thinking "What in the world is this junk doing here?"

In another funny clip, we witness the adorable moment when owner gives her beloved pet a scratch on the tummy and sends this tiny princess in paradise! Check it out! Keep following Kiara's journey for more laughs!

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