Fawn Slowly Learns How To Eat From Caring Human’s Hand

5 years ago

Animals can be extremely shy when dealing with a human. Most pets eventually become comfortable, even if at first they are a little standoffish. When some people get dogs or cats they usually have to learn each other’s tendencies before they are completely comfortable with each other.

There are plenty of cute and funny animal videos all over the internet and you can literally spend hours watching videos. Pretty much everyone loves a good animal video. Even if you aren’t really a pet kind of person, you can still find videos like these quite cute. The animals that tend to be the shyest, are the wild animals you might encounter or keep as a pet.

Lots of people have probably encountered a squirrel at the park that is slowly inching towards you. Maybe you will throw out a little piece of bread for it to eat, or make noises hoping it will come towards you. Rarely do they ever come right to you, no matter how hard you try.

The baby deer in this video acts like that timid squirrel that is really close to you. Looking all nervous and can’t decide whether or not to approach or not! This is a very cute video of a little deer that can’t decide whether to approach the person and get some food. This is a pet fawn after all, and hopefully the two will become comfortable with each other very soon!

The woman in the video is feeding her pet deer and she has six of them in fact! In this video there is one that is diving its face into a cup of food, and a smaller more timid one in the back deciding what to do. The one stuffing its face is MiLady and she seems very comfortable with the woman. They must have been together for a good amount of time!

The shy baby deer in the back is one of MiLady’s twins, Molly, and she brought the young deer to eat. The young deer is obviously still very shy and very young so it makes sense for it to be scared. Molly is pacing around trying to figure what is going on, and the woman filming is assuring her that everything is ok.

She watches her mom eat and sees that her mom is doing quite alright with the lady! She starts to inch closer and closer towards the action! She is still being very cautious, pacing backing and forth and sniffing the rocks around her! Eventually she steps over the rocks and inches closer to the food on the ground. She isn’t at the level her mom is at, eating out of the cup in the woman’s hand!

She will hopefully get there soon though! Finally, after sniffing long enough, Molly takes some of the food! Molly is a very young deer so it will take some time getting her used to things, but it looks like she has a great owner who is patient! Definitely a very cute video of a very shy fawn!

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