Brave Dog Defends Household From Evil Doorstop

6 years ago

They said dogs are man's best friend and we fully agree with this statement. As seen here a dog is protecting his owner from what he considers is a danger to the entire household. He has complete disregard for the food container sitting next to him which is what most dogs would focus on, eating. However, one should take pride in the fact that their dog wants to save them from what they consider to be a danger rather than sleeping and eating all day.

Many dogs are greedy and get angry at their owners for not being too grateful for giving them more treats. Don't they know that they save them from the mailman, the garbage truck, and the group of leaves that we're going to tag them when they come home. It may be surprising to us but this is in fact how dogs think and feel when they see or hear something suspecting.

As you can tell this dog thinks that the noise or the motion of this doorstop is going to wreck his comfortable lifestyle. As a result, he forces himself to overcome the fear of what it might do to him to shield his owner from getting attacked. One would assume that the dog is simply playing with a doorstop but we can tell that the aggression that the dog has, he intends on removing the doorstop from the wall.

One would wonder with the stress level of dog is during the day because a lot of suspecting items do coming their view. They spend hours waiting for their owners to come home then many more hours during the week trying to make sure that the house is protected. We should be ever so grateful of this group of animals that spend their days trying to make sure that we are protected but we should provide them with the same protection. What a brave pooch!

We should all search out dogs and adopt a dog that will save us from our door stops. He clearly means business as heat shoulders the food container out of his way into the left. His determination is one that we could all aspire to have. This little pup also gives it a try and barks at the door stop as if it is intended to scare him away from the family. Barking is considered communication for dogs and you shouldn't end on listening to your puppy when he or she speaks. Unfortunately this doorstop refuses to leave as the puppy continues his rant against the dangers that lie from it being in the house.

One of the greatest things about dogs is this behavior is typically not taught or trained. Dogs unlike other animals can seek danger when it's in front of them. Unfortunately some dogs get bad or poor reputations for being too aggressive. In certain cases the dogs are removed from the home or put down in some of the most severe cases. I tend to believe that this particular puppy is fortunate and not being removed from the house but on his way to a great dinner or treat.

The owner of this dog should be extremely proud of the fact that they did not get attacked or injured from anything having to do with the door stop. The world believes that this puppy dog should have a celebratory meal this evening and given the opportunity to rest throughout the night. This dog's service has done his breed a good deed.

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