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  • 0/2000
  • for what its worth on Ferry I was listening.

  • There is NO WAY this is the Wild West Canada in the 1800's. Are you kidding me! All staged photos. Our history is a LIE. Mark 1:45 is a photo in the 1920's era Mark 2:39 Look at the Architecture in the back Mark 3:54 Again, look at the Architecture. The poverty happens every 138 year cataclysm events that is the REAL RESET that the parasite class doesn't want us to know about. They have slowly been destroying our Ancient civilization's history. This has been going on since the Renaissance Age world wide for a Global world takeover! This video is an insult to anyone who has studied this world's history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmDF0Pte3Gk

  • have you tried Locals? they are in with Rumble.

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  • North American History has been obliviated. The parasite class literally destroyed our civilization to make us beLIEve we were primitive for the Global Corporate takeover. They are doing it again, right now for the Smart City Ghettos with fires, weather wars and media propaganda. Talk about dumbing down a global population right under their nose. The dead can't speak and our true history sure as hell isn't taught in the indoctrination education system of uniformitarian mind control. Shame, shame on those who call themselves Teachers. They went along with the system programming without question and dumb down the students generation after generation. It's no better than the medical system or any other Institution we are lead to beLIEve are the "Experts". Much respect to all those who question their reality and are raising consciousness. Isn't it amazing that KNOWledge is coming from those who didn't wear capes and cube graduate hat costumes holding "Degrees" that certifies they apparently KNOW IT ALL. Are y'all seeing the System of MIND CONTROL yet? It's quite mindfully liberating when we do! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95zO4kQ2afU

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  • I feel no shame when I say I don't beLIEve we live on a spinning ball moving at 6,000,000,000 whatever per whatever as much as I feel no shame saying the entire moon landing is a sham to funnel tax payer money into NASA space programming when that money is really used for Corporate interests used against we the people; or do I feel shame to say that Elon Muskrat is full of shit to create life on Mars or do I feel shame to say that the entire Alien narrative is a franchise CIA operation. I have no problem listening to the Flat Earth theory because at least those people question their reality and that's a good thing. Mundane surface conversations involve no deep introspective thinking whatsoever and those people bore me to tears stuck in their uniformitarian mind control programming. What bothers me is when people get offended when someone has a different perspective. That's not thinking at all and a very immature mindset. As if people who actually share their thoughts causes harm to anyone. Absolute nonsense but then we live in a dumb down non thinking, chase the good feels and never question anything society. Anyone who thinks for themselves apparently is murdering someone's "feewings"....hahaha!! Clown World ruled by the wicked following and obeying their Scripted lives. It's sad and soul painful to watch the decline of the human conditioning by a few Social Engineers.....hop on the decline train....Choo...Choo... No thanks, I'll take the road less travelled moving boulders of thought to clear the path of consciousness scaling up the mountain as difficult and uncomfortable as it may be! Much respect to all those who do the same.

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  • HAHAHAHA!!! Well done Archaix! Well done! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4N5XQlykPY

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  • When you look at the Sustainable Development Plan for North America Continent that's the removal of boarders. The Smart Cities will be built all across the USA for the obedient technocrat Global Dominance. Mexico and Canada will be used for disobedient slaves to mine resources. The mines will be raced coded. Anyone who is disobedient will be shipped by the new transport system to the work mines as punishment. There will be no ownership of personal property and everything will be rented and monitored based on carbon credits of your obedient social credit score. The global population will literally live like robotic slaves. Trump is talking about collapsing the IRS. That's only going to be replaced by the carbon credit system. The debt forgiveness is a scam because there is no debt to begin with! It's all fake numbers on a computer system so they will just RESET the computer to zero and that's how they will bring in the social credit score system controlled by Universal Basic Income. The fiat money is worthless and has no tangible value. Fiat money was slowly taken out of circulation through debit transaction. The land mass is already being pirated and destroyed by weather wars to build the Smart Ghetto cities. The politicians keep the masses distracted while the slave class build the Smart Ghetto cities called construction bee workers earning slave income. At what point do people make their own decisions on their own Self value? They don't! The Banking Cartel tells them what they are worth like branded cattle. The Ignoranti consent to their own money enslavement regulated and decided by Banksters. They are wage slaves who have no ownership of their own Self value. The money Gods tell them what they are worth like cattle. It's mind boggling people put up with this shit! My Art is worth what I put into it not what the Banks dictate it to be! I know my self worth and the time I spent to create using my own currency within me. Get it?

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  • People are wage slaves to Corporations. ALL governments are Corporations. The reason people work for government is because the Government Corporation offers higher wages, benefits and pensions. For example; a clerk working for a Corporate Enterprise makes less than a Government Clerk and less as a clerk for proprietor business. This is how the Government becomes bigger Government and Corporation Enterprise can push out small private business . There are more government and Corporation gatekeepers than there are private business because the Corporate government increases the taxes for proprietor business's so they never get ahead. Eventually ALL people will be slaves to the Crown Corporation of Global Government owned by the Vatican, Black Nobility. Big Corporations including Government do not pay tax, they steal it off the labor that is energy currency within the individual and tell the wage slave what they are worth like branded cattle. It became very obvious in the 80's through the GST to allow Corporate Enterprise to smother out proprietor business practice and it got worse to where we are today only now they are charging more tax on labor where income less, they are stealing the air you breathe by taxing the carbon we exhale. We are the currency the parasite class considers their bank roll. Money is fiction. Money doesn't create, build, invent, craft, paint, hammer, grow food or make anything! We do that! They control the people with a fictitious deity called the money God. If there were no people on earth NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GETS DONE! Go ahead speak to your Genie Money God and tell it to use it's invisible mind, body and spirit to built you a fortress and feed you. Better yet, ask Genie crypto invisible numbers on the cloud. Take back your power people! See this fake reality for what it is, not what your fairytale mind thinks it is!

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  • Please understand that in our history, we DID NOT always use money. What has happened is the parasite Black Nobility brought the money Genie to the Western World through worship of the Church who appointed Kings to say we have to pay to live according to God. It all began in the 14th century. We won't find any coins before the Roman Empire in the East. The Black Nobility parasite class brought their armies to conquer the West, steal the land and mind fuck the people into their own slavery to beLIEve the Genie money God is their abundance and prosperity. If you didn't pay taxes then God would not protect you said the King and the Priest class took a percentage of the tax money. This goes on still to this day only now it's called Government and Corporations but it's the same bloodlines who created the fairytale to begin with! It's called psyche Sorcery! The global population are literally under a spell because they lack KNOWledge. They actually beLIEve in their fairytale minds that we have to pay to live and now they are even paying tax on the air they breathe called carbon tax. If you don't THINK the minds are not under a spell, THINK AGAIN! We absolutely lived in prosperity and abundance with free energy, without the Genie money God, working in service to each other and built an amazing civilization guided by Natural Law without the parasite class, their Gatekeepers and the barf parrots still under the spell of fairytales. Modern Day Age is the worst minds that have ever walked the face of the Earth. They have the minds of 12 year olds and worship their Nanny State and Genie money God as their protector and savior. I'll tell ya folks, the Earth is due for a cataclysm RESET big time. We need to start over with minds who can think for themselves and people who protect each other in service to each other guided by Natural Law. Fairytale land is over! The parasite class won just with psychological warfare.

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  • Is Alex awake to FE & so pissed at the depth of lies? Lol

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  • Now wait a second....According to this same channel, Canada was in the Wild West playing Cowboys and Indians during the same era....HAHAHA!! It's good not to have the attention span of a gnat. We can see through the bullshit! My guess is this podcaster is a Rockefeller indoctrinated Charlatan getting the general public to beLIEve the lies. The only thing I see that hasn't changed is the human population participating in their scripted lives bending their Will to Man/Woman Gods who play god with their lives. Ohhhhh...the mind fuckery....HAHAHA!!

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  • I'd be cool if you and Red elephant get together

  • Bryan Callens dad is a lifetime employee of the CFR.

  • Hmmmmm. https://gab.com/KeepNHGranite/posts/113990919877214525

  • What are the chances attack on whites by Joo is BC Jesus was a Russian white person. Still Joo but white. No wonder all pics of him are white. Somebody is putting white supremist books in the Ottawa neighbourhood book niches lol. Gold!