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Parasite ivermectin rabbit hole: Clean up the heavy metals an...

1 month ago

Parasite ivermectin rabbit hole: Clean up the heavy metals and the body heals.

👋Bill gates connection to Ivermectin:


  • 0/2000
  • Yep...They are advertising this everywhere, Ivermectin cures covid, cancers etc...not buying this stuff...

    1 like
  • Not sure - as the Ivermectin guy was given a Nobel Prize [unless this is another cabal prize?] for it's discovery and the human tablet form is now out of patent& can be made by anyone for a couple of cents. This clip is describing the NEW Billy INJECTION which could have anything adjuvant in it and, because it's new, it will be under another 20yr patent ie making bucks for pharma. There was talk of Ivermectin causing infertility [would like further info on this!] however, all I can say personally, is that I was given Ivermectin tablets after visiting Africa on holiday , in the 80's, as a precaution because I was badly bitten by mosquitos but went on to have children. The African locals also were taking 'Sunday, Sunday tablets', ie every week, which were Ivermectin tablets to stop river blindness [although our authorities seem to use these 3rd World countries as their private experimental labs - disgusting!!!!!] and there were lots of children running around [although I also saw people with bumps on their foreheads which, I believe, were an accumulation of river blindness parasites]. The plan is for us to not know who to believe!

  • Why does Rumble state that there is only 1 comment when I have made another = 2 comments??????? [this being the third comment!]