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CBS Democrat Activist Margaret Brennan Interviews Anonymous USAID Employee And WOW Was THAT Dumb

1 month ago

Posted • February 9, 2025: Margaret Brennan interviewed a USAID employee while agreeing to conceal their identity, which makes it hard for us to take anything this supposed employee said seriously. However, the interview was so ridiculous that we had to cover it. It's a moral imperative or something. This is all about making the POOR, SAD, USAID employees look like victims instead of the thieves we all know they are. CBS Democrat activist Margaret Brennan conducted an interview with a USAID employee whose identity is concealed. While legacy media is actively investigating and doxxing DOGE employees, they respect the USAID employee’s wish not to be publicly named.

In this three-minute excerpt (edits are marked with white flashes), the employee claims: - An atmosphere of “massive insecurity." - A fear of being doxxed. - Their personal data is compromised. - DOGE actions have not been approved by President Trump and are the actions of a “few rogue individuals." - DOGE actions are dangerous and illegal. - DOGE actions are not serving President Trump’s mandate. - Elon is unilaterally making decisions that take help away from the poorest people in the world. —— Many of these claims are clearly untrue on their face, yet no pushback from Brennan was offered. Legacy media is working to undermine DOGE efforts to cut government waste and expose fraud, because legacy media is part of the waste and fraud. This employee is concerned that government workers have access to "The USAID system which includes my personal email address, my Social Security number, my entire security file" and that makes them feel insecure? That's exactly how I feel about the ATF every time I buy a gun. 🤨

But it's different when it's poor federal employees. The harder they fight to hide the corruption, the guiltier they all look. Considering Americans fund ALL of this, we should see everything our tax dollars pay for. And if an agency has been misusing our money, they must go. It's not personal. Ok, that's not entirely accurate, at this point it's starting to feel personal. These people are afraid their corruption will be exposed. It’s that simple. It’s always the “unnamed source." Always. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GjWeC6gW8AAQ1aW?format=jpg&name=small -- Margaret is officially the new Karen. WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE POOR USAID EMPLOYEES?!

Twitchy: CBS Democrat Activist Margaret Brennan Interviews Anonymous USAID Employee and WOW Was THAT Dumb

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • I worked for the VA for 14 yrs YOU WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! Every email you ever sent is scrutinized with ZERO ZERO expectation of anonymity, or privacy. You could have, and should expect something like this at any time. You work to serve the American people. This sounds more like rogue agency talk. Margret, Margret I think ya dun sum bad things-