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Aaron Koenig: Death

1 month ago

Aaron Koenig makes music about spiritual topics that rocks and grooves. In this funky hip hop track he raps about death and rebirth.

This song is now available on all major streaming platforms: https://orcd.co/death

Beats & synth bass: Julio Kladniew
Percussion: Carlos Cortés Bustamante
Guitars: Aaron Koenig
Backing vocals and mix: Victoria Villanueva
Final mix and mastering: Anton Orlov

Camera: Artemio Golovko
Make-up: Filippa Levemark
Editing: Aaron Koenig

Website: https://aaron-koenig.net
Instagram: https://instagram.com/aaron_koenig_music
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558284937843

Take a deep breath
And think about death
When you don't breathe anymore
You float to another shore

Your mind's still there
Here and everywhere
No body to contain it
No one to entertain it

It makes you wonder
How you kept from going under
Did you get the meaning?
Or were you only cleaning

Stuff that blocked your light from shining
Now there's no more time for whining
Change your body like your shirt
It's a marathon not a spurt

This is not the end
Death can be your friend
It is just a gateway
On your hero’s journey

Take a deep breath
And think about death
When your mind is without a body
Can you enter into samadhi?

You are still there
But does anyone care?
Will you be remembered?
Are you still bad tempered?

Have you transformed your disturbing emotions?
Have you become like a drop in the ocean?
How will be your future life?
Will you have a beautiful wife?

Or will you be reborn as a nun?
Will you suffer or have fun?
Will it be a blast or a purification
Surely it will be your own creation

This is not the end
Death can be your friend
It is just a gateway
On your hero’s journey

Take a deep breath
And think about death
When you see your body from above
And you know that all you need is love

In the end it’s all that counts
Everything else you can renounce
It doesn’t matter how much money you made
Or how many times you got laid

In the end the love you gave
Is what you take out of the grave
Into the next life that you live
So better think what you can give

Your life is precious, use it well
There is no heaven and no hell
Just an endless wheel of existence
Follow the bright light in the distance

This is not the end
Death can be your friend
It is just a gateway
On your hero’s journey