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Live Broadcast: Warning Against False Doctrine

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Prophetic Word from 1/30/25

Tell My people I am here to set the captives free. You are captive, children. You are in slavery, slavery to sin. O, the level of righteousness I call for right now. There is no righteousness in the land and among My people. None save a few. Doctrines of devils have gone forth and deceived many. Many are laid astray. Where are they? They are open prey. Where are mine anointed? They are hiding underneath the wing of the Almighty God. Your Savior is here to set you free today. Turn away from sin, from idolatry, perversion, lies, ignorance. It is now time to know your God, and be strong and do exploits. Yes, children. I call you up higher. Know Me. Know Me. Not just of Me. Commune with My Spirit. Let Me inhabit you. Would you listen? Would you listen? Judgment is here. The shaking has begun. Those that remain, remain in Me, the same shall be saved. My time draws near where I come back. Will I find truth, and love, and faith? I come back, says the Lord. I come back. Now wake up! Wake up! Says the Lord.

Scriptural References:
Hebrews 12:1-11--Chastening of the Lord
1 Timothy 4:1-6--False Doctrine
1 Corinthians 11:2-16--The order of God, directions for prophesying
1 Timothy 2:9-15--Women usurping men's authority in the church
1 Timothy 3:2, 8-12--God's spiritual order for men and women
1 Peter 4:10-11--distinction between gifts of the spirit and men preaching in the church
1 Corinthians 14:1-5-- gift of the Spirit of prophesying, emphasis
Ephesians 4:11--5 fold ministry, distinction between office and gifts of the Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:28-29--Spiritual office and gifts of the Spirit
Hosea 4:6--Relational versus informational knowledge of God


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