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Inaugural Passages: God's Protection In Times of Trouble

27 days ago

After spending four years out of office, his party once again turned to Grover Cleveland to be their standard bearer for 1892. When inauguration day came around on Saturday, March 4, 1893, in Washington, D.C. a light snow fell on the nation’s capital as Americans inaugurated the 24th president of the United States. He was familiar to the nation as he had the job before. Grover Cleveland took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice Melville Fuller and became the first, and until Donald Trump, the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms. Inaugurated with Cleveland and serving a term as vice president was Illinois own Adlai Stevenson.

For this inauguration, the Bible was open to Psalms 91:12-16. I was unable to determine if that was a random opening or deliberately selected. My best guess is that it was random.

Thank you for watching. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com

I do my best to keep a record of sources for illustrations, quotes, statistics and other information used in sermons and classes.

However, I get a lot of sermon ideas and content from a lot of sources and don't always remember to make a note of those sources. Therefore, no
claims to total originality are made or implied for this lesson. Any and all bibliographical information I have for this lesson is available upon request. Email me at: 2timothy4.2.3 at gmaildotcom with questions, comments or sermon suggestions.


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