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15 seconds

15 seconds

Quadratic Formula by Completing the Square

1 month ago

In this video I solve the quadratic equation by completing the square to obtain the famous quadratic formula. I had done a similar video 13 years ago so I thought it was time to do an updated one. Completing the square involves working backwards from the quadratic equation to obtain a form that has a square, that is of the form (x + d)^2. From here we can take the square root and rearrange to solve for x, which obtains 2 values because of the nature of the square root.

Time stamps:

- Recap on Quadratic Formula: 0:00
- Derivation by completing the square: 0:30
- Completing the square: 1:16
- Quadratic equation as a square: 2:46
- Obtaining a common denominator: 4:25
- Quadratic formula: 5:58

Notes and playlists:

- Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0EF05ExjzLbB64NgUjoV1hl
- Notes: https://peakd.com/hive-128780/@mes/dzekfnxh
- PDF Notes: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIjYlhWw4dLq59fn0Xwg .


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