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Oh Denmark, it's time!

1 month ago

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Oh Denmark, it's time!

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
23th of January 2025 05.14

Oh Denmark, it's time for You to rise!
This little giant has been in disguise.

Arise, arise people of Denmark!

It's time for You to stand up and stand against the royal house and the government.

You have been a sleeping giant that no one has seen before.

The farmers and fishermen have been controlled by the WEF, UN and the Banks.

The Government can not handle this because the shaking has already just begun.

Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

Oh, Denmark, You are a little statue but You have underestimated the little man on the floor.

Enough of the evil government!
You will see exposure after exposure come out in the open.

To the Royal house of Denmark.
Mette Frederiksen, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, and many more in the government.

You shall see that Greenland shall shake their chains off them.

The unrighteous and all the evil acts against Greenland shall be exposed.

I Am the God of Justice and Justice will be served.

The anger against the royal house of Denmark and the government has been like a volcano that has been waiting for the eruptions.

Shakings and eruptions are inevitable! It shall be seen in the natural.

Earthquake in Copenhagen. 5.7 on the Richter Scale!

To the religious churches I Am about to shake You to the core and many shall come out.

What you experience on the political platform are happening in the churches too.

Many leaders shall step down, they shall resign or be removed by Me says The Lord of Host.

Whistleblowers shall come forth without hesitation.

The truth shall be blasted out and it shall be like a hammer!

Oh Denmark, once again You shall be a delightsome land.

Oh Denmark, You shall once again be a farmer and a nation of fishermen!

Thus says The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Luk. 6:45
Daniel 5:25-28
Rev 11:16-18
Gen 28:14-15
Job 39:24
Gen 7:11
Jer. 26:3


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