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Dogs that know their owners are coming home

1 month ago

Why does science draw imaginary lines that limit what can be questioned? Why are scientists bothered when people ask uncomfortable questions, when every great discovery started with question? We're starting cross the lines science has drawn.

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home -by Rupert Sheldrake – Buy Here: https://amzn.to/3CtyLKy

Listen to The Soul Podcast https://www.thesoulpodcast.com/
Soul Podcast on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/21LDVZUQyQ7n9DMaqFbKv4

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Stacey, very happy you're openly sharing deeper understanding about our amazing life. I dared to challenge the Scientism indoctrination after I had a guest podcaster who was a flatearther. It dramatically stirred my spirit back in Nov of 2021 ... a big fear to overcome is breaking free from the limits of beliefs. I no longer agree that we went to the moon. I also now know that the earth is not a spinning ball in a vacuum of space. It's interesting to me that any videos that challenge the science status quo are immediately followed by rebuttal videos that seem calculated toward bringing us back into the deception of Scientism and the 3D Matrix programming. I'm part of the 5D truther community and I'm glad you're swimming in similar pools of exploration. I know that our individual interpretations are always subjective, but there is much more common ground accumulating as we break into 5D perception. Here's what we're doing on our podcast, linked below, I would love to have you as guest if there's ever any interest in collaborating. ~ Peace https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5d-spiritual-insights-with-dr-james-moss-part-2/id1528346446?i=1000681070111