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Cooking ostrich and ostrich heart together with ostrich meat steaks

19 days ago

Ostrich meat has a dark red color on the surface and a cherry tint on the slice,
which is due to the presence of a special coloring pigment in it, the concentration of which depends on
the age of the bird — the older the ostrich, the darker the meat. Ostrich meat tastes like tender veal and does not
lose its softness with any cooking method. Lean ostrich meat, which quickly restores strength after severe illnesses
and physical exertion, is rich in protein, contains a purely symbolic amount of cholesterol and a lot of vitamin B5,
nicotinic acid, manganese, phosphorus, iron and potassium, and therefore is appreciated in dietary, therapeutic
and children's cuisine. Ostrich meat is considered leaner than turkey, which until recently occupied the first
places in the charts of dietary products. There are almost 29 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat per 100 grams of
ostrich meat, so athletes, supporters of a healthy lifestyle and those who follow diets are enthusiastic about ostrich
meat and try to include it in their diet whenever possible.

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