Hell’s Answers
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Hell’s Answers
The concept of hell varies widely across religions and spiritual traditions, reflecting diverse beliefs about the afterlife, morality, and divine justice. Below is a summary of how different faiths view hell:
1. Abrahamic Religions
* Traditional View: Hell is often described as eternal separation from God and a place of punishment for unrepentant sin. It is associated with fire, darkness, and torment (e.g., Matthew 25:41).
* Catholicism: Hell is eternal, but there is also Purgatory, a temporary state of purification for souls destined for heaven.
* Protestant Variations: Some denominations emphasize eternal conscious torment, while others (e.g., Seventh-day Adventists) teach annihilationism (sinners cease to exist).
* Universalism: A minority believe hell is temporary and all souls will eventually reconcile with God.
* Jahannam: A fiery abyss where disbelievers and evildoers suffer physical and spiritual torment. Described vividly in the Quran (e.g., Surah 4:56). Punishment may be eternal or temporary, depending on one’s deeds and God’s mercy.
* Barzakh: An intermediate state after death where souls await judgment.
* Sheol: In the Hebrew Bible, it is a shadowy, neutral underworld for all the dead (not exclusive to sinners).
* Gehenna: A later concept influenced by Hellenism, seen as a place of temporary purification (up to 12 months) for souls before entering paradise (Olam Ha-Ba).
2. Dharmic Religions (Indian Traditions)
* Naraka: A temporary realm of suffering governed by Yama, the god of death. Souls are punished based on their karma (actions) but eventually reincarnate. Descriptions vary across texts (e.g., the Mahabharata lists 28 hells).
* Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of rebirth (samsara) is the ultimate goal, transcending hell and heaven.
* Naraka (Niraya): A hell realm in the cycle of samsara (rebirth). Beings endure intense suffering due to past negative karma but are not condemned eternally. The Lotus Sutra mentions "Avici," the deepest hell, for grave sins.
* Goal: Escape samsara through enlightenment (Nirvana).
* Rejects literal hell/heaven. Suffering arises from ego and separation from the Divine. The Guru Granth Sahib describes hell as a state of mind caused by worldly attachment.
3. Other Traditions
* Duzakh: A temporary hell where souls face punishment until the final renovation of the world (Frashokereti). Evil is purified by molten metal.
Ancient Egyptian Religion
* Duat: The underworld, where souls face judgment by Osiris. The unworthy are devoured by Ammit, ceasing to exist.
Greek/Roman Paganism
* Hades/Tartarus: A neutral underworld for all souls, with Tartarus as a prison for the wicked (e.g., Titans). Not eternal torment but a bleak existence.
Norse Mythology
* Hel: A cold, gloomy realm ruled by the goddess Hel, where those who die dishonorably reside. Not inherently punitive but joyless.
4. Modern/Non-Religious Views
* Metaphorical Interpretations: Some secular or liberal religious thinkers view hell as a metaphor for suffering in this life (e.g., guilt, addiction) or societal injustice.
* Atheism/Secularism: Rejects hell as a literal place, often attributing its origins to cultural control or fear-based teachings.
Key Themes
* Purpose: Hell often serves as moral deterrent (reward/punishment), though some traditions emphasize purification or existential consequences.
* Eternity vs. Temporality: Abrahamic faiths lean toward eternal punishment (with exceptions), while Eastern traditions see hell as temporary.
* Symbolism: Fire, darkness, and isolation are common symbols of spiritual separation or existential despair.
Hell is not a universal concept but a reflection of cultural, theological, and ethical values. While some faiths emphasize literal torment, others treat it as metaphorical or part of a broader cycle of spiritual growth. Understanding these differences highlights humanity’s diverse attempts to grapple with morality, justice, and the unknown.
In Christianity, hell was created by God for the devil and his angels. Not to be confused with the everlasting fire which is the second death. the Bible says there are two deaths. The first and second. We all must die the first death as this is the wages of sin and punishment for what Adam and Eve did. Only two have been recorded to not die the first death. Elijah the prophet and Enoch of the 1 Book of Enoch, which it isn’t considered Canon. Both were carried up into a wheel within a wheel whirlwind machine never to be seen again.
Matthew 25:41 "Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" Here, in context, Jesus is talking about those who didn’t feed and look after his children. Those who didn’t love their neighbor as well. Matthew 25 is part of a separate discourse often called the "Judgment Discourse" which details Jesus' teachings about the end times. This is when he separates the sheep from the goats. Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
Who are the goats on the left and the sheep on the right? This is a paramount question. Because according to Jesus when he sits on his throne, He will divide all of us. Does this mean the fallen angels too? I believe so. They wanted to be God over us. It was their job to feed us, cloth us, house us and visit us when we were in despair because Jesus paid our atonement and we were found holy under the eyes of Jesus thus the fallen angels had an opportunity to help us. And I am sure some did. But not many.
Remember back in Matthew 25 where it says everlasting fire? This is the lake of fire and not hell. The Bible mentions outer darkness, everlasting fire and a lake which are the same and Abraham’s bosom which Jesus called Paradise.
The Bible does not explicitly state that God created "hell" as a distinct place separate from the "lake of fire" mentioned in Revelation. The confusion often arises from varying translations, interpretations and theological views of terms like Sheol (Hebrew), Hades (Greek), Gehenna, and the "lake of fire." Here’s a breakdown:
1. Matthew 25:41 and the "Lake of Fire"
* Jesus refers to the "eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matt. 25:41). This is later identified as the "lake of fire" in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10–15, which serves as the final destination for Satan, his followers, and unredeemed humanity.
2. The Term "Hell" in Scripture
* Sheol/Hades: In the Old Testament, Sheol (translated as "Hades" in Greek) generally refers to the grave or the temporary abode of the dead (e.g., Psalm 16:10; Ecclesiastes 9:10). It is not explicitly a place of eternal punishment. Hades and Sheol were what they called the dump outside of Jerusalem. Garbage.
* Gehenna: Jesus uses this term (e.g., Matthew 5:22, Mark 9:43) to symbolize eternal judgment. Gehenna derives from the Valley of Hinnom, a historical site of pagan child sacrifice (Jeremiah 7:31), later metaphorically linked to divine punishment. This is the fire of Molech’s belly perhaps Jesus was warning those that practice this.
* Lake of Fire: Revelation 20:14–15 clarifies that Hades itself is cast into the lake of fire, which is the "second death." This is the final, eternal state of punishment.
3. Does the Bible Say God Created "Hell"?
* The Bible does not explicitly state that God created a place called "hell" in the modern sense (as distinct from the lake of fire). The focus is on the lake of fire as the ultimate destination for evil (Rev. 20:10–15).
* The idea of "hell" as a separate intermediate state likely arises from blending concepts like Hades (the temporary abode of the dead) and Gehenna (symbolic of judgment) with the final lake of fire.
* God did not create hell or the garbage dump called Hades or Sheol. But the devil had the keys to it and death before Jesus paid the atonement giving a clue that the devil created it to hold our spirit hostage
* Jesus told the thief next to him on the tree, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).
* Paradise was where Abraham’s descendants went after death
* There was a gulf between Hades and Paradise. Luke 16 says The rich man died and saw Abraham with Lazareth between the gulf. The rich man asked Lazareth to dip his finger in water to cool his tongue for he was tormented there in the heat. But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us
4. Theological Development
* Later Christian tradition (e.g., Dante’s Inferno or medieval theology) often expanded on these biblical terms, creating distinctions not explicitly present in Scripture. The Bible’s emphasis is on the finality of the lake of fire, not a graded or compartmentalized afterlife.
Key Takeaway:
The "everlasting fire" in Matthew 25:41 and the "lake of fire" in Revelation are the same final reality. The Bible does not teach a separate "hell" created independently of this; rather, it presents the lake of fire as the ultimate judgment prepared for Satan, demons, and those who reject God. The term "hell" (when equated with Gehenna or the lake of fire) is part of this final judgment, not a distinct place.
In fact, the Bible says God throws death and hades into the lake of fire so if God created death and hades which is a temporary place, why bother tossing it into the lake of fire? We know he created the lake of fire. It’s possible the devil created death and hades. Otherwise, why would Jesus take them from him?
So there are three places. Two are below the Earth and one is far away into the outer darkness.
1.) Hades or Hell
This is the garbage dump that spirits go who worshipped the material world and themselves. After Jesus visited paradise with the thief, he preached to those in Hades. 1 Peter 3:19 by which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison. Jesus went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits. To those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. Paradise is not prison.
2.) Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom or Side
A place where all of Abraham’s descendants and those who followed God went after death.
3.) Lake of Fire or Outer Darkness
Where hades/hell, satan and all his angels and those who didn’t accept Jesus when he preached to them in hell before and after Noah are cast out into the lake of fire.
The Bible says clearly Jesus preached to those in hell including the rich man who begged Abraham to get Lazarus to give him water. The Bible proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God showed mercy to those who were trapped in hell or disobedient.
Let me ask you a question. Those that were in hell pre/post flood all the way up until Jesus died was given a chance to choose Jesus Christ and leave that awful place, yet the standards we are taught now is that since Jesus paid the atonement, so only those on Earth that do not accept Jesus before the first death will not get a second chance in the afterlife like those in hell before? Let me re-phrase it. God gave those in hell one more chance after the first death pre/post Noah. Why did he change the rules and make it even harder for us living in the age of grace to go to heaven? Let me re-phrase. All of those people in Sodom and Gomorrah who practiced evil got a second chance to choose Jesus while they were in hell. But now, after Jesus came and set them free, those on earth who do not accept him before they die are screwed?
Why does the church not teach about 1 Peter 3 where Jesus preached to the people in hell? The second chance! Maybe there is no money in it. Now back to those that Jesus separates. The sheep and the goats. Instead of judging by sin, Jesus is judging by the heart. He paid the atonement for all including those that were in hell before he closed it up. After we die, some scholars say we fall asleep in Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 alludes to it. Some say we meet Jesus in the air at the rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The verse reads, "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord"
Some say we immediately meet at judgment day. Hebrews 9:27 says, “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment. This verse offers the most wonderful clue I have ever seen. People are destined to die once. I can take that verse and argue the second death during my judgement. I can say to the Father, your word is true, is it not? Thus, you said people, who is humanity and not angels, are appointed to one death and not two. Why am I then cast into the lake of fire which is called the second death? Memorize this scripture.
The sheep are the people or mankind who were held hostage for 6,000 year since this mess started. The sheep who continued to be enslaved in Satan’s systems of monarchies, dynasties socialism, capitalism and communism which he wanted over having one true King and Judge. His perfect Utopia where the sheep suffer under a sadistic ruler hell bent on worship. None of empires lasted. They all fell. And the sheep suffered through their tyranny, deceptions and control.
Those who are the goats will be the fallen angels who rebelled against heaven and the humans who followed them that were suffering in hades pre/post the flood thus turning their backs on the second chance at redemption when Jesus preached to them one last time. Yes, the Bible mentions that most stay in hell even after Jesus showed mercy. Those who die will always get a second chance to find out the truth. Jesus came to them who were betrayed and lied to just like he will do to us after our death. He now has the keys to death and hades. We see him first before we decide where to go. I am positive that he will show all proof and allow you to make that choice if your heart is pure.
Whether the devil created hades or The Father is irrelevant. All of us were deceived and during a hostage negotiation, you don’t shoot the hostage. Originally we belonged to Jesus. Then we were taken away from Him. Then we were blamed for it. Then we were lied to. Then forced to worship the material world through advertising, covertness and entertainment. We were brainwashed and conditioned to be bad so we will feel unworthy of being released. Stockholm syndrome is a theory that describes a psychological response to captivity or abuse where a victim develops a bond with their abuser. It's a coping mechanism that can develop in situations like child abuse, relationship abuse, and sex trafficking.
What’s the difference? We are given little, poisoned, placed in debt, told what to do, have to pay for peace, taxed for breathing and rebelling, placed in jail for being enabled and it never stops, even after we select a new leader. If that is not abuse, then the God of this planet has don his job. We inadvertently, subconsciously and ignorantly developed a bond with Satan. None of this occurred naturally or organically. It is our coping mechanism that executes when under a long term hostage situation. We are trafficked and sold on the stock market as debt commodities while they crash the stock market every 10 years to rake in what we saved then.
Those who love the world and money have no sympathy, apathy or empathy. They practiced witchcraft whether knowingly or subconsciously and decided to befriend the captors. They know how the system works and became tattle tails, whistleblowers and formed an alliance with the captors to gain popularity, wealth and status. Those are the ones who should be worrying about the second death. The goats who made a pact with the principalities of the air.
For those who say how can a loving god put good people in hell, I say he doesn’t and never planned to. His number one rebelled against him while he was resting on the 7th day after generating and building an entire dimension and has been negotiating a hostage situation for the last 6 days, which means 6,000 years to us. His plan to get us back was sending himself to follow the captors rules and then die at the hands of them. Since they couldn’t find fault in him, they let him go but not without giving up the majority of their power. We are in the final stages of being set free as the negotiator has set the date to storm in and get us. After that, our creator will make things right again and start over when the saints rebel.
King James Bible
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