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Tom Homan: We’ve Received ‘Nothing But Cheers’ from Chicagoans as We Conducted the Immigration Raids

20 days ago

ROBERTS: “So, let me ask you a couple of questions about your trip to Chicago. First of all, why did you want to go to Chicago? Will you be going to more cities like Chicago? And what was the reaction like when you talked to local forces there, like the local police?”

HOMAN: “Well, look, I went to Chicago a couple times, met with the black pastors, met with the community. They were begging for ICE enforcement action because of the crime in Chicago. I made a commitment to them that we’d be out there. I also made a commitment to the mayor of Chicago that I’m coming to Chicago, even though he said I wasn’t welcomed, along with Governor Pritzker. And plus, just a few days ago, Pritzker did put on social media, ICE was in the elementary school. I wanted to make a point that ICE is going to do that job regardless if they’ll help us or not. As far as the local community, nothing but cheers walking through the airport, cheers walking, you know, through the streets. We stopped at a police station to take a nature break, we were on the road so long, and every uniform in that building walked up, shook our hands and thanked us for being there and helping them make their communities more safe.”

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