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23 days ago

Hugs with Love,
Thank You,
EMAIL ME FOR MY ADDRESS: angel wallace
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All Angels books are now available on Amazon :

1. Modern Day Joan of Arc

2. God Is Our New Normal Through the Great Awakening

3. Epic Story Ever Told Our World of Illusion

4. Yerba Lindo's ( Beautiful Herbs is a compilation of how natural herbs, roots, fruits, and vegetables are all natural foods that aid in our natural way of maintaining good health.


Thank you for your purchases.
Hugs with love,

Thank you for your purchases.
Hugs with love,









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  • TAnn 3 weeks ago Pinned

    I chose to be here on this planet, at this time. It wasn't to watch humanity get slaughtered. I am the creator of my life and my future, and none of this fits in any outcome of my life. I'm following many different groups, not just Q, and everything fits together. Just because something is written in the Bible, does not make it true. King James was a freemason. Communion says drink my blood, eat my body. That's cannibalism. The bible has been altered many times. How do we know the book of Revelation was not written by the deep staters and that is THEIR plan? The bible says Adam and Eve were the first humans on Earth.....lie. And so much more.......

  • So we are doomed either way?

    1 like
  • I thought God had chosen Trump?

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  • Depressing but it sure makes a lot of sense. I spent 9 yrs admiring Trump. He is just too perfect. He never ever misspeaks, always has the right words, he has too much energy for one who lives on a McDonald’s (human meat?) diet, sleeps v little, he’s so extremely likeable. Why would God give such a “great” president to us when we don’t deserve it? Trump isn’t our savior. He’s a slick shyster. We need to get on our knees and repent and then God will save us. We don’t need Trump. Everytime I think about this situation, I am reminded of Nineveh. Thank you for this, Angel. Do you happen to know the name of the guy/video who was showing us the world map divided into sections, creating the NWO?

    1 like
  • Angle you have put some really out there podcasters. If you believe this you are part of the problem sowing division. I believe Trump is showing what the NWO had planned.

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  • This video made me sick to my stomach. I've wondered this about Teump all along. However we have to use discernment on everything we see and hear. I believe Good always conquers evil. I couldn't understand any of the words in that music video. Also, I've followed Q for 8 years. They must have a good time machine to k ow what's happening now, seeing as they put posts out several years ago. Or it's all scripted, a movie, Central Casting. Regardless, it doesn't help me sleep any better at night. Thanks for all your hard work Angel. Love from Idaho.

  • thank you for sharing angel. question what do you think is it really true what he is saying

  • Question is what can we do to Truly get our country Back if the military is involved. Blinded By Bull shit. Corporations owns Just about everything..if not everything.

  • its such an evil world, but i believe we chose to come here at this time to have an erthly experience and learn. love is the only thing we can hope for from our creatot. cant understand how evil has been allowed for so long. there's no balance. surely there will be an intervention from Our Creator. Our only hope, I think. I have had reservations about Trump and 'Q' but shruggedthem off..... I'm flummexed, don't know what to believe anymore. I love you Angel. You;re the only one who seems sincere and real. xx