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Satanic Christians Spread Lies Thru Jim Fetzer As Antisemitic Hypocrite Joachim Jagopian Pans Jews

16 days ago

The Infamous January 12, 2025 Jim Fetzer, Joachim Jagopian, Don Grahn public "Backstabbing Incident", has exposed hypocrisy and misinformation being spread by so-called truth tellers in alternative news media as The Apocalypse lifts the veil and shines Light on the Darkness diminishing public trust. See link for full details https://old.bitchute.com/video/FFxoXNjfHcOX/
NOTE: I've actually received emails from subscribers and patrons who used to support this podcast who were so incensed by my hosting GERTJAN ZWIGGELAAR on this podcast and allowing him to speak freely that they have decided to boycott, unsubscribe and have promised never to support this podcast thru financial donations, ever again. The irony is that the people who will no longer support this show with donations are White Christians who are upset because of what GERTJAN ZWIGGELAAR said about the Jews, which just goes to prove that the reason why Jews are able to conquer White Christians is because, unlike the Jews, White Christians are not united and suffer from White guilt.
I will not bend a knee to public pressure that demands that I create an echo chamber so as not to offend White Christians who are pro Israel and condone the genocide in Palestine for sake of who they have been brainwashed to believe are "God's Chosen People". I welcome diverse opinions because that is how we learn the human condition. I have invited Rabbi's who have promised to come on this podcast to share their perspective of the Talmud, Zohar, Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Prayer and Protocols of the Elders of Zion, alas, the Rabbis's have thus far failed to keep their promise to come on this podcast and speak freely as GERTJAN ZWIGGELAAR did, of course, the Satanic Christians who hate me for inviting GERTJAN ZWIGGELAAR to speak freely on this podcast do not take into account that I am not the one who doesn't give Jews a platform, it's the Rabbi's themselves who choose to not honor their promise to appear on this podcast. Jews never boycott Jews but White Christians have no problem feeding into the divide and conquer strategy put forth by the Synagogue of Satan. United We stand Divided we fall. If you wish to make up the difference in lost sponsors by sharing in compassionate wealth to support this podcast feel free to press the donate button on this link: https://victorhugocollection.com/
"My job is not to be politically correct. It is to witness, observe, analyze and document, the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time."-Victor-Hugo Vaca II
Victor-Hugo Vaca II can be reached at vhviipress@msn.com


  • 0/2000
  • Goy vey Victor! It’s the Eskimos! Tell me this is an old rerun and you haven’t gone back to the Fetzer's Fools show.

  • What kind of name is Jagopian. Doesn't sound Anglo-Saxon to me ..

  • We need to have a discussion about these wombats controlling America

  • We need to know the Truth on who the Real Isrealites are, the True Tribes of Isreal... this would clear up a lot of NONSENSE... Victor , I would be happy to discuss this with you and if you think I'm worthy, then maybe be a guest ... the Caucasians, Europeans , White if you will , are the True Abrahamic race from ADAM , True Adamites , to be correct, the jew has definitely corrupted the history on this one fact alone , thanx,G-MAN

  • 👉 ATTENTION :Jim Fetzer -Joachim Jagiopian Due to lack of credibility and your childish behaviors, I took your books and trashed them . Only regret is I didn't BURN them first! Joachim Jagiopian got all 5 of your books last week . Remember I commented on them weeks ago ?… Now they are the BEST $150.00 dollars to ever to see the bottom of a trash dumpster! Now they are trash like YOU BOTH. BACKSTABBING LIARS! I heard your lies on tape ! PURE FACTS! Fucking Hypocrite! You talk out of both sides of your mouths. If you're a therapist Jagiopian then you need to go see a REAL therapist for your delusional BEHAVIORS! I wouldn’t let ANY children around you for therapy in your dangerous mental condition. I wish I would have NEVER wished you well when you were in the hospital Fetzer you hypocrite AND condescending PRICK! “”Cease and desist”” that you old, lying,HEARTLESS buzzard. Fuck you traitors. Both of you are the cross between lint on a scale and that white crust SCUM that forms around the sides of ones mouth .

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  • Jimmy what a disgrace he was running around naked great researcher he is what a 🤡 she needs to paint his face orange and be a trump double and then blow Trump to thank him

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  • the REEL DEAL beta male fishing foursome is invited to stay as long as they wish at any TRAMP brand Resort and Adult Amusement Park. Tell the F. Desk the reservation is under the author of The Hunchbook of Noter Dames. a sad but true blooded American living where the FBI.gov can not touch him.