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A lot of our Architecture in antiquity was destroyed by the Secret Society's to build their Corporate take over. I remember it well in the 80's but if you pay attention in your cities, you will see remnants of our advanced civilization. It began in the 1800's. Our ancestors left us our memories and the Dark Occult slowly destroyed our history through their stinkin wars, fires and controlled demon-ition (demolition). They are doing it right now with fires and wars and have been our entire lives while keeping the tax debt slaves chasing the money God and distracted in left/right political theater. Clown World where the masses don't question their reality. They beLIEve everything they are told without question even when it's in plain sight. They don't even question what they read. It's called cognitive bankrupt.
Look at our historical buildings. They are everywhere "founded" not built. They branded one of them the Hockey Association and added a modern top as a distraction mixed with modern day glass and metal. They branded our buildings, they DID NOT build them. They did the same thing with Churches, Government buildings, transformed them into museums etc...etc...and every single one of them they charge us money from them. They were FREE and used for profit for modern day slaves to the money God, BAAL. We are ruled by a Death Cult and their dumbing down operation. To raise your consciousness you need to stop the beLIEf in their world view. It's all lies and deception. ALL OF IT!
Listen folks, I care about all of you. I only want the best for all of us. The Will of the Spirit is imagination, creativity, intuition, cognitive reasoning and empathy. It's heart aligned with the mind. The Death Cult stole all of it through their psycho-logical dumbing down operation. They want Ancient Egypt world wide and they have changed their names throughout history. The people on the world stage are their puppets. The dumbing down is so diabolical the masses actually beLIEved Steven Hawkings was a genius when truth is, they propped him up and used voice overs for a man who couldn't even think or talk. Elon Musk is not a genius. He is a useful idiot and he is being used the same way as Steven Hawkings. Nikola Tesla was a genius who didn't invent but rediscovered our free energy. Musk now uses Tesla as his brand name to bring in trans humanism that is nothing natural or good. The Death Cult has destroyed the Devine nature within mankind. Our job is to get back to our true Devine nature. We can't do that with a Death Cult's world view. We must unlearn and relearn everything we have been taught. It takes work! Karma is ignorance of knowledge. Dharma is KNOWledge. We are creating our own karma through a Death Cult's world view. If seeing the Architecture of our ancestors who built buildings that stood the test of time doesn't spark your soul to remember, then the dumbing down is complete. First step, free your minds from the Death Cult's world view and feel what your intuitive heart already KNOWS. The Death Cult does everything to destroy your true Devine Nature. The truth is in plain sight but they keep y'all so distracted your mind's eye is blind to it. Much respect to everyone who is really trying to make sense of the wool pulled over their eyes and making a difference in service to others. There are 2 Egypts that you were not taught about. That's another history lesson.
A lot have no idea, I learned a whole lot from watching europa the last battle. see polievre's jew statement today?
What did aping Trump PP say now?
I think Europeans should have white light week and wear white. Just go about our business wearing white all week long. After all, light is what darkness most fears. We can pick a week in the summer. It doesn't have to be a national holiday from the slave plantation. We can get creative choosing a week. It's not mischief, it's not violent, it's nothing at all but it would be visible showing our true color of our Devine Nature. People wear white all the time so how would the ruling class even know who's who....HAHAHA!! I think that would send a very loud message that we are not in fear of the dark or their fake ass Adversary invisible man in the sky.....HAHAHA!! Let's have some fun without fear oppression. That's what we are born to do!
If your home can be taken from you for paying a yearly extortion fee you DO NOT have Property Rights. If a small piece of land for first time Homeowners is unaffordably beyond reach you DO NOT have a Right to Land. Without Property Rights/Right to Land you’re a slave.
Canadians must start discussing Property Rights/Right to Land, which is the root cause of population collapse, poverty and the National Housing Crisis
There are two Egypt's. Lower and Upper Egypt. It's duality between good and evil. The upper Egypt is the good Pharaohs who rule under Catholic rule of Law. The lower are the bad Pharaohs who reign today. They rule under the Talmud and/or Sharia Law religious Law. There are 13 ancient bloodlines. They interbreed and inter marry to maintain power. NONE of these bloodlines are religious. They use we the people, for their power to play God on Earth. They have Pharisees who are their Priests on both sides of duality that write the religions as law and use that to control the people. They incorporate the historical record in ALL religions after the next Pharaoh or in more modern times "Kings" as the sovereign over the people. The cataclysm events are on a 138 year cycle that they claim as prophecy. It's not prophecy it's a cycle in this realm. Each cycle they take turns playing God in this realm. Both sides use the Occult KNOWledge to mind control the people. The world "Occult" simply means to hide KNOWledge. They are Masters at psyche manipulation. People are in duality within themselves. Get out of the duality of right/wrong, good/evil and centered in morality. Morality comes from the Devine Spirit intuitive heart NOT MAN GODS because Man in the flesh is not the Universe who Created all Devine life. No book can tell us what God said. We have a direct connection to the most high in morality higher consciousness living under the guide of Natural Law in service to each other NOT Man Gods. Both Jews and Christians have been used as pawns to fight their stinkin wars for land mass ownership of the natural resources and ownership over their subjects aka civilians aka slaves as a collective. Stop the beLIEf in collective that is hive mind mentality. We build communities as mindful individuals of sovereign souls in service to each other.
follow these jeets, cover your plate and beat these fucks
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Apparently, the Legislative buildings in Canada were built with horse and buggy and only took 3 years to build it's magnificent Architecture until of course it was burned down by a fire rebuilt, restored or in some cases moved from one location to another....HAHAHA!! The dates and timeline DO NOT add up folks. Good grief! They can't even build a square box high rise in 3 years let alone the intrinsic sculpture of design. Question your reality. The parasite class has hidden 1700's through the 1800's of our history. We were a far more advanced civilization prior to 1700. We were all under a dumbing down operation and STILL ARE!
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May want to check out explored abandoned places in Canada. This one I find compelling that raises a lot of questions where the Pope took residency on one of our Islands. Stay tuned for the end and see the sacrifice shrine at the end of the clip. Pay attention to detail in the ruins. Ask yourselves why would the Pope who apparently resides in Vatican City need his own Island in Canada? These are the areas that are never mentioned in our history or spoken about in MSM. You would not believe the number of abandoned towns and mansions hidden in our nation. People who disappeared without a trace. I'm sure this was the take over PLAN after 1902 in all Western Nations. The government is very good at putting up "Danger Signs" as a fear tactic to prevent these places from exploration. I've seen a few myself in my travels. The distraction is REAL folks. They keep the masses busy chasing the money God so they never question their reality. Look how fast the masses move on to distraction after distraction. It's a mind control tactic oppress memory and not question their reality.
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The Taylor interview was great and much appreciated.
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Thanks pistols.
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Hitler was not a good Dictator. He was working for the British Crown, lower Egypt to wipe out the Europeans and used the Jews as pawns to start WWII the continuation of WWI. There were over 100 million people who died in all religions in WWI and WWII using the Europeans to slaughter each other to depopulate. Oh yes, Christians and Jews alike were used as pawns. There were no gas chambers however, all involved went through a horrific time in history simply for participating in obedience to their Dictators in both wars. The British Monarchs are German who took over the Netherlands as well who are bloodlines of lower Egypt. The Free Masons and Jesuits were sent to North America and put into positions of power to get involved. This all began in 1776 for Global Dominance. They are a Death Cult and hide behind religions as your Lord and Savior. They have no problem assassinating good or evil to get the job done. So what we are dealing with is the Vatican Black Nobility lower Eygpt bloodlines and their Secret Societies who are generational wealthy puppets on the world stage following the Script sworn to secrecy. Those who don't follow the Script are murdered. Those who do their job, can retire off the world stage or fake assassinated. Basically folks, we were born into covert slavery through psycho-logical mind control programing and social conditioning under the guise of progress, safety and protection when that can't be further from the truth. Everything we have been taught is a lie. Now what I see happening is more duality than ever! What needs to happen is the people need to stop participating in the Script. The Book of Revelations is the playbook in how it all plays out. They are working the Olypiad Calendar right now. Breaking of the 7 seals. I will break that down for you.
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Love the Trebuchet.
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Starts at 7:44
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Derek. I seriously need a link to that "My heart goes out to you video". I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
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Harper still a player behind the scenes for the Conservative party to further world dominance of totalitarian control for profit. These people sell their souls to a blood contract. It's like the song Hotel California ~You can check in anytime but you can never leave~ They are life dependent to rotten filthy immoral corrupt deeds.
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3rd world behaviour is out of control - they have to go back
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Our Scholars can decode the movies using the historical data chronology in Calendrics. We live in a mathematical construct where all events repeat over and over again to specific dates. The man Gods program the people to follow the cycles. They harvest the energy of the collective who follow their programming. It's called rituals. It doesn't matter if you don't believe how this realm is ruled, the focus is how people go along with their programming and participate in the rituals that ends up in human sacrifice. No Universe told anyone to follow man God rules, the problem is people participate in the rules that create the events called collective karma. Dharma is knowledge where people who possess knowledge who's minds can't be controlled in social conditioning.
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You see folks, the parasite class needs to depopulate not because the Earth is over populated rather many people have become aware of the systematic programming. The parasite class can't have that because then they loose control after the next cataclysm RESET. The REAL RESET is post May 2040 cataclym and November 2046 Vapor Canopy Collapse to which the parasite class resurfaces from their underground cities like Gods who save the human race survivors to begin another repeated cycle. They call it "Rising from the Ashes". We can go from horse and buggy to advanced technology within 100 years because the parasite class brings all the technology up to the surface to play God with our lives. There is nothing new under the sun because the people go along worship of Man Gods and participate in their programming under the guise of progress, safety and protection. Meanwhile the people suffer over and over again, cycle after cycle thinking this is how life is supposed to be.
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The Olypiad Calendar are events that take place every 4 years. These events are illustrated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic games every 4 years. It doesn't matter if you don't beLIEve it, the Death Cult does and they use the Olympics ceremonies to tell us what they are doing. It's a Script from the Greek play written called the Book of Revelations. 1st Seal....2020 The God of medicine Apollo poisoned the human family. 2nd Seal...2024 To take peace from the Earth by fire and daggers that we are seeing played out through mass migration 3rd Seal...2028 Violence, famine and disease For the knowledge of the Seven Seals, our Scholars can provide you the comprehensive details. You just have to have a thirst to learn. When you learn how they Script your lives, you have a choice to not participate in Man God games and connect with your Creator in service to each other by your own Free Will not blind consent, willful ignorance, obedience or conformity that is collective hive mind mentality.
Been driving truck my whole life with my uncle. Did the training got failed 3 times by a jeet 20 grand down the drain. Not 1 accident in 25 years all highway driving.
What is with these rumble ads lately 😅😮💨 hilarious and also embarrassing at the same time depending on who is in the house ..
This guy was found dead in 2019. Everything he was talking about from documents came to pass and the future events planned for human extermination. Our Scholars have decoded "The Purge" films that I'll post for you to see how it aligns with the documents. His personal notes at the end are compelling. Talks about having 2 - 5 million to survive the financial collapse. Who's got that kind of money laying around. Better brush up on your natural survival skills folks and have a plan. The breaking of the 2nd Seal is to take peace from earth for the next 4 years. The breaking of the 3rd Seal is violence, famine and disease. We can turn this around with KNOWledge in service to each other. Know the SCRIPT being played out and DO NOT participate in the political theater left or right. Those who are in willful ignorance will not fair well. Stay away from ALL places where there are crowds of people; protests, concerts, movie theaters etc...etc... Social "norms" and social justice hive mind programming taking the bait.
Yeet the jeet! \\\
Thanks for keepin on
Derek you have a great sense of humour and urgency sorry your family has been in shitty terrorists environment. probably why you walk this path. get a propane furnace for off grid other fuels can be found or made love you brother
"The Secret Society of Jesus" is alive and well writing indoctrination programming. Y'all don't want to miss this! Love our Scholars who are not participating in this realms programming. They have spent their entire lives in deep study to bring the truth to the light out of the darkness of ignorance. Folks, you have no idea how much the parasite class controls the psyche of the masses in everything! They suppress the knowledge for their control over the masses. Remember, you came into this world with a FREE MIND that the parasite class enslaves to their narratives not the TRUTH.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 \\\
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