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1 month ago

Medical Freedom Makes Inaugural Splash; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s $500 Billion AI/mRNA Cancer Vaccine Commitment, Biden Pardons Fauci on his Last Day, and Trump Orders include WHO Withdrawal and Reinstatement of Unvaxxed Military; mRNA Pioneer Shares Concerns About Larry Ellison’s mRNA Cancer Vaccine Announcement.

Guest: Robert Malone, MD


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  • one thing is the human body and nature itself needs microbes, bacteria and some 'viruses' to survive in a healthy way.... these germaphobes have it wrong. interfering with the natural balance of is always a mistake.

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  • as far as his surveillance goes, these guys suggesting it should go first and their every move and all of their speech should be broadcast for public viewing for ten years before they even think of putting it on all citizens. I don't trust AI because I've found AI inaccurate enough to be wary. also, if they are so concerned about climate change but installing data centers that require most of the world's water supply for cooling? especially since they are diverting water from soil and plant uses. detect an imbalance here!

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  • also the study he read said a 40% destruction of tumors in a year. 40% isn't a plus.

  • More research is need!