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Supreme Court CONSIDERS 2 SHOCKING Trump Cases

19 days ago


  • 0/2000
  • I like Gorsuch too!

  • Everyone should consider ADF Alliance Defending Freedom as a very worthy place to send money! Thanks Doug for the Plug. They have defended a variety of issues including the over reach of some City's to Enforce Covid Lock downs on church gatherings, spying on churches, defending so called Violators of the FACE act some of which are 87 year old grandmothers trying to protect the unborn at Abortuaries.

    1 like
  • as long as we don't get involved with helping "The Church of Satan" - this is a country of God loving folks who don't want, in any way, to support Satanism

    1 like
  • Enough with public schools! Just do it online, free from Karendoctrination!

  • Both sides have distorted this part of the First Amendment.  What it says is that _Congress_ shall not establish...", not that states, counties, cities, school districts, etc. can't."  At the beginning of the Revolution, established churches existed in nine of the colonies.  The first amendment in large part was a guarantee to the states which insured that the states would be able to continue whatever church-state relationship existed in 1791.  MD, VA, NC, SC, and GA all shared Anglicanism as the established religion common to those colonies.  Congregationalism was the established religion in MS, NH, and CT.   NY, on the other hand, allowed the establishment of Protestant religions.  Only in RI and VA were all religious sects disestablished.  But all of the States still retained the Christian religion as the foundation stone of their social, civil, and political institutions.  Not even RI and VA renounced Christianity, and both states continued to respect and acknowledge the Christian religion in their system of law.  (Quoted by Hand in Kirk, "The Assault on Religion, 22-23.)

  • Our Granddaughter & her mom moved to stay with us & she attended the local public school. It was horrible, kids running wild & no discipline. We put her is a BASIS School & it is great. The kids want to be there & she is a super student. I'm sorry that other states are so blind as to what is happening.

  • No religion in public or government funded schools!!! If you do what religion would that be? This is the only right wing view I do not agree with.

  • Enjoyed the video.

  • If secularism were to be named a religion by the SC, that would be a game changer. Most liberal arguments would immediately collapse re: separation of church and state.

  • What happens when they want to have government funded Muslim schools, Scientology, Jehovahs Witness, etc