Dog Steals Owner's Dentures From The Bedside

6 years ago

Part of the charm behind dogs is their mischievous ways. Even though they get in trouble sometimes, they still find a way to make us laugh and steal some smiles from their owners. This dog discovered a new ‘toy’ one day that belonged to her owner and decided to have some fun.

Even if we think we know our doggos so well, we should remember that they generally hold a specific measure of unpredictability. We should be cautious of the things we leave around because they could encourage our dogs' interest and we could discover them in funny situations. Just like this funny dog! He was intrigued by some ventures sitting on the bedside table so he took them for a walk in the backyard to see what they really are!

This dog stole some ventures and he looks hilarious! Info from Licensor: "He stole my father's dentures from the bedside. When my employee saw him, he ran to call me and he had his cell phone in his pocket at the time. He also stole my father's hearing aids and chewed everything else. I could not catch him. He's terrible, that bug." So funny! This video was filmed on August 27, 2018, in Curitiba, Brazil.

Although it is their natural habitat to steal, some dog just like like stealing food. However, this dog has crossed the line when it comes to stealing. He is a pretty little thief and he looks so happy we can’t stop laughing about it!

However, the guilt on his face at the end of the videos shows the regret he has and probably he realized that he made a mistake! However, why do dogs steal?

Clothes, shoes and kids' toys are the most loved things for dogs kleptomaniacs. These pooches may appreciate biting the objects or simply tossing it around. However, when a dog takes something that does not belong to him, they don't recognize that as stealing, they steal because they need attention.

Some dogs because they want to get the attention of their owners. They will get whatever they will find just for you to chase them. In this case, the ventures were the victim of this crime. These dogs know what is important to you and they will grab the item just at the right time, so you see them do it. Their great hope is that you will follow in hot pursuit. We find that so adorable!

Some dogs love to steal food, some dogs steal socks and some of them love to steal coffee. This rescued beagle steals owner’s coffee from their family van!

Buddha is a rescued beagle who has a nose and stomach that are always working overtime. He can smell food at great distances and zero right in. But his nose doesn't just lead him to food that dogs are supposed to like. He will eat or drink almost anything. He discovered that the family van often has half-finished coffee in the cup holder and he developed quite a taste for it. Hilarious!

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