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Tom MacDonald _ Roseanne Barr - Daddy's Home

25 days ago

Tom MacDonald _ Roseanne Barr - Daddy's Home


  • 0/2000
  • Just too low class and low IQ to represent ANYTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP. You people who think it is funny or cool to go all ghetto just amaze me. You think that flipping people off or swearing and saying fuck a million times, has any effect on who you might intend it for? If you think that 3rd grade childish humor is funny your wrong. You are probably one of the few people in the world who actually thought that the 3 Stooges were funny? You are catering to your own baser instincts and you clearly have no idea who you are dealing with.

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  • The people who gravitate to Roseanne, are seemingly DEscending, NOT raising their frequency into the opposite direction.