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Peace And Security - Chaos Out Of Order - Their Time Is Almost Up!

14 days ago

*** Lots more hard hitting truth content in the Truth Vault on my website: https://shakingmyheadproductions.com

“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” Revelation 9:11

*SMHP may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos.
For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
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I am a one man operation that has been trying to bring you the truth since 2016. I would like to say thanks to all the watchmen out there that have been sounding the alarm over the last several years. This is not an easy job. I have been constantly trying to find and share the truth 7/365 since June of 2017. I held a corporate job before this and am glad I gave it up as your appreciation for the truth means everything to me. I love you all friends. I get worn down but thanks to my supportive subs and viewers, I march on just like the rest. Time is short. Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him!


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  • Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah) was born to Jewish parents in the line of King David. He was raised in a Jewish home celebrating Jewish holy days and keeping the law. When He ministered to Gentiles, He made it absolutely clear He was sent first to the house of Israel.  He died as a Jew and was buried in the Jewish customs of the day. And when He returns it will be as the Lion from the tribe of Judah!  Those of you who claim to be Christians but paint all Jewish people with the same brush as the evil Synagogue of Satan tread carefully. I know the levels of darkness this group of masquerading Jews are bringing to our world. Yeshua made this distinction, and you should be careful to do the same. If not, the Word of God condemns you already. In Genesis 12:3, The Lord said to Abram; “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” When Barak hired Balaam to curse Israel in Numbers 24:9, he said, “Blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse you.” Zachariah 2:8 For thus said the LORD of hosts, “After his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye.”

    1 like
  • Nice job, brother. Grace and peace

  • When has negotiating with terrorists EVER worked?? This is insanity. Over and over. They never learn.

  • ANYONE that uses the word "palestinians" IS part of the EVIL cabal.

  • I’ve missed you dude. Used to watch your vids on YouTube. Good to find you here

  • Jesus was also a warrior, troublemaker and non conformist. See dr rouni kilde the moon. Jesus (christ michael) is very real but they preach for people to need a savior, they are doing the same with trump, everyones been psy oped to need a savior. blood of christ was the fact he came from the pure human bloodlines. ammon hillman is translating the septuigen and any truth always fits with the urantia book that also knew about continental drift before we did and many other things, no wonder they tried to supress it, people would be hearing truth which raises conciousness, so does being moral and look how much morality changed in just one generation, it didnt take them long to corrupt a lot of people. they infiltrated churches and all else. there is truth around, its just rarer. great job on these. and these guys have been following old info, its why its not worked for them as well as they hoped, they are cut off from spirit , we are a soul and have a spirit or spark of the divine within, we can all find God in the stillness.

  • thank you i will check the vault. one on black goo would be amazing too, weve seen greta and gaga with it to just name two, suddenly black goo in photo shoots is a thing. hmmm also on yt jeff mara podcast has a recent interview named galactic politics black goo and more. its interesting. steven greer has been pushing for free energy and disclosure for so long, the lost century is amazing...also id think any reptilian stuff people talk about are more like jinn, when i was young not many people went missing, from what i am seeing its wars and people killing people. gods angel of truth has a clip on reptilians up that seems more like what i would feel is right, my theory is most people that talk of them have been ultra-ed just from what i have seen so far. the jeff mara interview does seem to fit...dr rouni kilde RIP was told why it was not being disclosed and asked some questions, its in the interview named THE MOON trinity 1111 has her videos up, they supressed her energy healing and she told us all years ago what was coming including exposing swine flu. She had some remarkable experiences after working at the UN. also theyve been targeting the vmat2 gene specifically. probably been doing experimens with us all for years. it is the gene that affects the ability to sense God.

  • the guy narrating about norman vincent peale missed that trump said they never wanted the sermons to end *puke* they never wanted to leave , hmmmm, why would that be? Gross

  • really good video. they have had it all so wrong, looks like crowleys symbols must go back to john dees scrawling. also the baphomet image that was done is a composition of all things Jesus said not to worship eg cloven foot , scaley skin , with both male and female, horned so some artist made a shemozle of it all together and they have used that since. its all the things that they were told not to idolise. ..stemming from the old mystery religion days that they worshiped al sorts of things, I am guessing. the snake wasnt satan, it was a being named caligastia and he did decieve eve the fruit was her womb, she slept with a nodite to try and speed up our development as a species, dr joye pugh found that as the hebrew translation and its exactly wht the urantia book says, so cain was adams step son. he didnt want to live eternally here without her so he sinned as well so he would also end up mortal. sweedenborg is amazing as well, he darius j wright and the urantia book all say the same about the realms. we have a unique opportunity here to jump to quite advanced levels which is rare...if they mess with vmat2 in our dna that opportunity will probably not prevail. pure evil. i dont think they have much faith in the goodness of people because they only know themselves. the road less travelled and the urantia book should be mandatory reading at schools...then we could actually progress properly as a species. we dont want wars, stuff dumped in oceans, money spent sending out stuff that will end up space junk no doubt like elons car, whos paying, tax payers, we pay for it all and the way fiat is set up the richest benefit from that system too. the whole lot is rigged. such a good time to be here for it all to be exposed, we are certainly getting growth like no other time and hopefully its waking a lot up to how important simple things like truth is, all problems domestic or political all stem originally from dishonesty really. wake up people, its not progressive

  • if you do something else on the spiritual.... the stuff iv found out is bizarre, after hearing about fen ben i learnt it works on microtubule formation, after a hunch...really from seeing pomegranate on a popes gown once , hearing it related to being on the ark of covenant and it is in alot of old christian art...so i googled pomegranate affect on microtubule formation. i was amazed at what i found, its even noted as working on tumors and the cherry on top was one study saying its been known since ancient times, of course it has, they just kept that a secret too. I must admit having one self seed in my yard when nothing i plant stays alive, frost, bad soil and drought has not been very ideal then during an ascention period in my life one grew possibly from a bird eating scraps from my compost so it did jump out at me when i would see it on a robe or in chritianity, i kept thinking wht is the pomegranite about because i had had a lot of symbolism like a white bird that looked like it sparkled stopped over me one day and the silouete was so stunning and angel like it took my breath away. I had a lot of stange stuff from nature like butterflies landing on me etc all when i started seeing prana and having what they would call gifts start to switch on, so some of the solar energy stuff is probably true too, some days its stronger than others and i hear the shuman resonance now and can tell if its a full moon just from how much stronger it all gets so the pomegranate kept irking me too, i just felt it was related somehow. they have a lot of the new age stuff wrong and the christianity, all are not quite correct, darius j wright is ligit. sweedenborg and the urantia book, im not sure who else would have accurate information on it all at this stage. some ppl have truth mixed with junk. Ammon hillman is good on the bible but jesus was ligit. watching this made me realise they have purposely added opposite info in the bible mixed with the real truth. same 4 new age bs.