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Mafia III: Definitive Edition | Shutting down criminal networks and taking down The Butcher

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Gameplay Part 3

Part three of the Mafia crime saga trilogy - 1968, New Bordeaux, LA.

After years of combat in Vietnam, Lincoln Clay knows this truth: family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you die for. When his surrogate family is wiped out by the Italian Mafia, Lincoln builds a new family and blazes a path of revenge through the Mafioso responsible.

More Mafia III: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQ1u4Gf3sO_IDvraJ_kwxtQeqmQ7y7LT

In this playthrough we cover:

Mission 19: Protection
Lincoln Clay turns his attention to Frank Pagani, one of Sal Marcano’s trusted lieutenants, operating a protection racket in the River Row district. To dismantle the operation, Lincoln sabotages Pagani’s revenue streams by interrogating his collectors and destroying key supply lines. Lincoln targets warehouses and enforcers across the district, forcing Pagani to retreat to his base at the construction site. The mission showcases Lincoln’s relentless strategy, combining intel from allies like Donovan with brutal force to destabilize Marcano’s criminal network.

Mission 20: Moonshine
Lincoln sets his sights on shutting down an illegal moonshine operation in the Bayou controlled by Chester Moreau, a sadistic bootlegger working under Sal Marcano. Using tactics learned in Vietnam, Lincoln ambushes delivery routes and destroys stills hidden deep in the swamp, cutting off the flow of alcohol and profits. With intel from his ally Cassandra, Lincoln uncovers Moreau’s hideout at an abandoned distillery. After infiltrating the facility, Lincoln confronts Moreau in a climactic showdown, delivering justice for the workers Moreau enslaved and exploited.

Mission 21: Kill The Butcher
Lincoln Clay arrives at Burke’s scrapyard to find Thomas Burke preparing for an ambush on Roman “The Butcher” Barbieri, who is en route after Burke taunted him with a phone call. Lincoln criticizes Burke’s reckless decision to reveal their location, but Burke brushes it off, claiming Lincoln takes things too seriously. Nicki Burke interrupts, warning that The Butcher and his men are already closing in. She takes position in the tower to signal their arrival, while Burke directs Lincoln to use explosive barrels placed around the scrapyard to even the odds. As The Butcher’s men swarm the area, Lincoln fights them off with Burke providing sniper support. After defeating the last of his goons, Lincoln confronts The Butcher, who makes a futile attempt to fire an empty gun. As Burke revels in his victory and outlines a grisly fate for Barbieri, The Butcher warns them that their days are numbered before being dragged away.

Mission 22: Only Way’s Forward
Lincoln finds Thomas Burke drunk and reflective, singing The Last Rose of Summer while drinking moonshine. Burke admits he initially saw Lincoln as either incredibly lucky or doomed to fail but now respects his determination. He reflects on a lifetime of fighting against everyone, even allies, which has left him with little to show for it. Lincoln emphasizes that with Irish Point back under control, Burke must focus on generating revenue for their war against Marcano. Though Burke resents having someone over him, he agrees to uphold their deal.

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