Beautiful Sunset Casts Red And Pink Colors

6 years ago

Check out this spectacular footage of a sunset that dazzles with both red and then pink coloring. How cool is that?

The purple evening glow will certainly remain in the memory of almost any person who had the chance to observe it. After all, this is what has been the kernel or many an artist light-motif and what photographers strive to capture better in their collections. And why is the sun red at sunset but never again during the day? This is what people of all ages and od all periods have asked.

One of the distinguishing features of a person is curiosity. Probably everyone, as a child, looked up at the sky and wondered: "Why is the sky blue?". As it turns out, the answers to such seemingly simple questions require some knowledge base in the field of physics, and therefore not every parent can correctly explain to the child the cause of this phenomenon.

Consider this issue from a scientific point of view.

It is scientifically proven that the sun does not have a certain color. And its rays are composed of many tones. The length of each electromagnetic wave corresponds to a certain color. The eyes of a human, according to this length, distinguish between tones and semitones. The thickness, as well as the density of atmospheric air, directly affect the overall color of the rays. But not everything is so simple.

The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation covers almost the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, into which the radiation visible to man also enters. The image below shows the dependence of the solar radiation intensity on the wavelength of this radiation.

Analyzing this image, one can note the fact that visible radiation is also represented by an uneven intensity for radiation of different wavelengths. So a relatively small contribution to visible radiation gives a violet color, and the largest is blue and green.

When the Sun hides over the horizon, we can observe the long-wave radiation of red-orange color. In this case, the light from the Sun must pass a much greater distance in the Earth's atmosphere before it reaches the eye of the observer. In a place where the radiation of the Sun begins to interact with the atmosphere, the most pronounced are blue and blue. However, with distance, the short-wave radiation loses its intensity, as it diffuses considerably along the way. While longwave radiation does an excellent job of overcoming such large distances. That's why the sun is red at sunset.

As mentioned before, although long-wave radiation is slightly scattered in the air, nevertheless scattering takes place. Therefore, being on the horizon, the Sun emits light, from which only the emission of red-orange shades reaches the observer, which diffuses somewhat in the atmosphere, forming the previously mentioned "wandering" light. The latter and colors the sky in mottled shades of red and orange.

If you are not much of a science fuff but you do have the romantic inclination and want to observe nature and its movements, do look at the following video. It shows a beautiful time-lapse footage of Northern Minnesota.

Clouds seem to take on a life of their own in this time-lapse landscape drama from Minnesota. Where still life painters capture a single frame of the essence of a scene, in this dynamic interlude we see that the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself. The earth breathes, moves, is alive.

The colors and shades are very subtle. Maybe some of us are drawn to different parts of the composition. I like the clouds, with their creamy textures and variation from white to dark gray. You may be drawn to the water, with its moving surface that reflects the sky. We see that the lake even seems to move more quickly than the sky reflected upon its surface. Sunlight spray paints the green trees on the horizon, which was green, then wan black, according to the whims of the moving clouds.

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