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Reclaiming Femininity

1 month ago

In this episode of The Hannah Faulkner Show, Hannah Faulkner welcomes Lauren Husemann to discuss the truth about feminism, the importance of traditional roles, and empowering conservative women.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • It is 100% BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to be INDEPENDENT, EQUAL to their counter parts, to be a PATRIOT, to be a CONSERVATIVE, to provide COUNTRY SERVICES, and to be a LEADER. It is NOT possible for women to RECLAIM their femineity. Once it is lost for a woman, thats IT! You cant take a bath and scrub yourself to your hearts content, but its GONE! Just like you get 1 life to live, women get a short time period, with a small limited # of trys. Womens biological job is to judge a man by his character/potential and not his looks, wealth, resources, etc.