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Ezra Cohen Reports On Biden Administration’s Middle Of The Night Changes To Orders Of Succession

2 months ago

Aired On: 1/4/2025


  • 0/2000
  • This last minute BS from this corrupt administration makes me sick. Middle of the night crap….First off, Biden is not competent to be doing anything, yet alone doing any of these changes in the middle of the night!! Sickening!

  • why can't these people just be arrested for treason?

  • No, what we HAVE to do is make it SOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable for those TRAITORS that they WILL NOT FA to FO. And yes, I am definitely talking about perceived VIOLENCE! Fuck them all. We have no appetite for fuckery this time around. The PURGE is coming and it will be swift and painful, if they want it that way. We the people will not stand back any longer. At least those of us who actually took the oath to defend our country. And who have read and understand the REAL CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC AS IT WILL ALWAYS STAND.

  • drag those fuckers out to the street and throw them out!

  • Noooo. Don't look at the changes in order of succession...look over there at the fake manifesto and a car full of fireworks. lol

  • George Soros and son are enemies of The Christian West. They must be investigated, arrested, tried, bankrupted, and imprisoned for life, if not executed.

  • So all this fake terror is to distract from THIS!

  • I would not be surprised to learn the regime has hidden its best weapons in the 3rd or 4th levels and placed throwaways in the lines of succession to keep its well placed assets insulated, and able to avoid scrutiny for as long as possible. The keyword is not simply “smarter”. The keyword is DEVIOUS.

  • the one man who wants to destroy nationalism and America, Soros, is given a frickn medal. The medal for putting this country closer to being a Vasile state full of surfs for the NWO. The man that is to far gone to be prosecuted for his crimes is continuing to implement disastrous policies for the American ppl that he obviously uses to enrich himself and absolutely hates. Our only recourse, peaceful protest? The regime effectively shut our ability to use this by arresting and putting in prison for years American citizens for questioning his installation in 2020. The dictatorship the Soros family is salivating over, was thrown a bone.

  • Right On, Steve! It's way past time to round them all up and execute these traitors! They are too evil to ever change. We all know Obama is writing this script under Soros's puppet strings. Humanity needs to be free NOW! We need to PROSPER! They have kept us from everything that's good and are genociding us as we speak! We must do it for the Children!!!!

  • Shutting the Govt Down would of been better for Trumps Admin Confirmations - Remember - Speaker Johnson Refused To Shut the Govt Down for One Year in Fact said he will be the Speaker who will Never Shut The Govt Down - A Speaker who wont Defund Anything is The Democrat Dream

  • They took out true history away. They keep 're-setting' our existence so we hold no memories. That's what they are doing right now! They kill all of us and start over with orphan babies. It's more evil than any of you could ever imagine!

  • Sounds like Trump should have his own set of changes ready to sign so that he is able to put someone who is not potent resistance in charge immediately awaiting his own people being set in positions of potency.

  • Take all those awards back given to those demons especially Soros, Clinton and Liz Cheney. It is a disgrace of the honor of the award.

  • Great information as usual! Thanks Steve!