How To Be Free!

2 months ago

How to be free!!!!

Statutes do not apply to YOU.
Statutes apply to legal entities and corporations.

What is a legal entity?

Police officer
Etc etc

The Inalienable University teaches how to exercise your rights and handle the current ty-ran-ny using the common law.

As living men and women.
Words matter in the law.

But oh how they love to impose their legal fockery upon you.

The Declaration of Independence states, "the consent of the governed".

In their eyes, you are consenting to it.
But where did you consent?

What they did was create mechanisms...
That lacked full disclosure..
By participating in their mechanism...

Since the early 1900's they got us all to believe that we need their permission and a license to do everything from own a pet to take a d*mp.

Oh, this is ILLEGAL until you pay us for the license to do it.

Think about it.

This is the big secret that the BAR CARD agents of the state may not know at first, but the seasoned ones do.

Call any of them and ask them...
"Will you represent me in court by exercising my rights?"
They'll hang up on you.

They can't.
Only legal entities enter Article I courts.

No legal entities have rights.

That's why they laugh and call people "sovereign citizens".

1. They have no comprehension about the word sovereign.

2. Claiming to be a citizen, is volunteering to be a slave.

A citizen of what?
Your city?
Your state?
The United States?

All of those are private for profit corporations acting and pretending to be the government.

As such, a contract that compels you to perform for them.

We have the Bill of Rights, but only if you know about it and can SEE the fockery!

Courts cannot impanel juries pursuant to the seventh amendment to the Bill of Rights,

Courts have no judicial power to adjudicate a claim against you in the absence of said seventh amendment jury.

The state legislature has no power to overshadow the Bill of Rights, change due process, and deprive anyone of life, Liberty, and/or property.

Due process of LAW is the fairness and equality of judicial proceedings, and courts attempt to use ADMINISTRATIVE law to adjudicate claims not authorized by the bill of rights or any constitutional amendment.

Many people send me other so-called experts books, websites, videos, etc.

If you go to court to beg an ADMINISTRATOR for your rights...


We are at the top of the mountain.

Send my stuff to you bearded off the grid impoverished mountain men who claim to know the true law.

Follow me to freedom!
Join https://Inalienable.University

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