Inalienable #6 Tamara's Freedom Testimonial
Tamara was the first member in my Inalienable University!
Listen to how she has changed her entire life to be free and has no fear of the civil servants.
Uncensored truth!
We Have No Obligation To Conduct Business With Our So-Called Ex-Post Facto Government.
So Many Government Attachments You Think Are Required By Law Simply Are Not.
Learn How To Remove Yourself From Them!
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
How To Use The Supreme Court.
How can you use the Supreme Court to your secure your freedom & insure your rights are respected?
By learning how you are UN-KNOWINGLY CONSENTING to be governed and waiving your rights.
Even if you're a person who thinks, "Oh I never do anything wrong,", or "I'm not in any trouble," you can benefit from knowing how to exercise your rights.
There shouldn't EVER be a discussion about the 1st amendment or the 2nd amendment.
Even when you agree to the Miranda warning, you're waiving your rights because that warning tricks you into admitting you stand under the entity Mirandizing you!
Our rights are INALIENABLE.
They are not fluid.
They stand in every single inch of the land of the United States Of America.
They do not stand under the corporation of the United States. Those are not the same thing.
But there are places that you do not have your rights because you've unknowingly consented to waive your rights without full disclosure of the terms of the agreement.
You've got to learn where there is jurisdiction and where you're volunteering for it.
My hand to God, your life will change just knowing where and when this is happening.
If you have a modicum of IQ, you should have the desire to acquire the LENS with which to see where the legal system is subverting your rights.
So much chatter on here is blah blah blah when Trump comes back.
Trump is a 78 year old man.
He's doing what God has in store for him, but you should be doing what God has in store for YOU!
If you're counting on the RV or the NESARA/GESARA, that's passive.
You don't know when any of that will be incorporated or how long it will take to take effect or what it will do for your life.
Today....right now, I have a curriculum in place to remove the mechanisms that circumvent your rights.
Today...right now, I can make you the promise that our curriculum insures that YOU KEEP EVERY DOLLAR THAT YOU EARN and out of government's greedy hands.
Today...right now, I have a curriculum that removes the government from seeing what you own so that it can no longer be taxed and taken.
But most of all, you don't even know what you don't know.
Do you want to know all you can about how to exercise your rights?
Follow me to Freedom!
You Are NOT A Taxpayer! The IRS Explained.
I like to replay this tax rant of Scott's because it contains all the elements of why the governments have no authority over any of us.
And lastly:
Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906) Pp. 3, 5, 9
“We are of the opinion that there’s a clear distinction . .. between an individual and a corporation.... The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited.
He owes no duty to the State.... He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives nothing there from beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution.”
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
What Is Babylon?
Many people ask me if what I teach applies to their country. Yes but....
Take a listen to this clip from my Inalienable University.
Named as such to teach you that your rights are INALIENABLE as it states on the contract that structured the USA.
They cannot be taken away.
They cannot be given away without your consent.
Your consent is only LAWFUL when you have full disclosure of the terms of what you are consenting to.
I am a born and bred gal from the United States Of America.
Yes, I know that the code based statutory system is in every modern country.
But I am not an expert on any documents or constitutions of other countries.
I am not an expert on how the barratry is executed there.
I just know that Roman civil law of the statutory code commercialize legal entities IS everywhere.
I'm fighting to save this country.
I'm being attacked by the BAR CARD TOOLS of the state because they've never heard of this.
They're so indoctrinated by their little plaques on the wall that they paid tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for to be trained in the code based system that they literally have no idea, nor do they EVER SPEAK of rights.
I saw a man's post yesterday where he thinks he's going to an appeals court for his 1st Amendment right using the legal entity as the plaintiff in an Article one court.
All that he's doing is wasting his time and money on his BAR CARD tool that will never reveal this to him.
It's a case against Facebook.
Facebook is a corporation.
That man has to take the actual living men and women who made the decisions to censor his speech to an Article Three common law court.
Sue Mark Zuckerberg in an Article Three common law Federal court!
Facebook cannot speak for itself.
A BAR CARD tool will.
The BAR CARD TOOL can ONLY speak for corporations.
GIANNA MICELI is the legal entity.
Gianna Miceli is the living woman.
This "styling" is in the playbook of the American Bar Association. It's on their website deeply hidden.
Are you getting it yet?
Only YOU can exercise your rights, never the legal entity.
So stop being IT.
We'll teach you how to recognize it, and how to distinguish yourself from answering for it.
If the country wants to set itself right...
The statutes are for the LEGAL SYSTEM.
Corporations. Dead entities.
The Common Law is for living men and women.
The people are sovereign so says Justice Gorsuch.
Go put it in a search bar.
Because the idiots claiming I teach sovereign citizen nonsense have no idea what they're talking about.
I never use the word citizen ever.
I am not the subject of any state, STATE, or country.
A citizen is an unpaid employee.
No thanks.
Words matter.
Your diction determines who has authority over you.
I'm a sovereign American.
Nobody has authority over ME as I do not consent to it.
This curriculum is the grass roots of what Trump is doing when he says he's returning the power back to the people.
That's YOU!
You're dropping the ball when you say....
Do they "allow" you to drive without a license?
Do they "allow" you to carry an arm?
Do thy "allow" you to not record and register your private property with the county and state?
You do not ask the government for permission to exercise your rights.
Follow me to freedom.
Please share since I'm being attacked.
Join https://Inalienable.University
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Friday Night Fights With The Bar Card Tools Of The State!
It goes on all day every day.
The bar card tools of the state have such colossal cognitive dissonance that they never actually learned the true law in school, wasted time and money, that they dismiss the words of the great Justice Gorsuch who is on tour right now telling the world:
"The People Are Sovereign."
Follow me to freedom by joining the Inalienable.University
Sovereign Citizen Nonsense
Join me and one of my best members as we gab about the people being sovereign, some real cases happening in our university, and how to stand!
Join Inalienable.University
Meet A Member & How To Spot A Fake Warrant!
Uncensored truth!
We Have No Obligation To Conduct Business With Our So-Called Ex-Post Facto Government.
So Many Government Attachments You Think Are Required By Law Simply Are Not.
Learn How To Remove Yourself From Them!
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Mention The Constitution In COURT??? No Rights!
What is Government LEGAL FOCKERY exactly and how do you remove it from your life?
Let's list the agencies and illusions of the Government Matrix:
State Birth Certificate Registration
(where it all begins...)
Conceal Carry
Marriage license
Hunting license
Fishing license
The Social Security Administration
The DMV, DOT, and Driver's Licenses.
Stop signs, turning right on red, speed signs.
Registering to vote.
School loans
The Value of college degrees.
W-2, W-4, 1099 IRS Forms
That you need and LLC to own your own business.
Corporate Taxes.
TINs & EINs.
The true meaning of the "law". (it's really rules, codes, statutes, and by-laws of corporations)
Auto loans.
Permits for your property improvements.
People thought mask mandates were laws.
That a corporation (invisible man) could force you to vaccinate yourself with an unknown, untested, zero liability poison where the ingredients were kept secret.
The many times you are forced to put your signature in places where you have no idea what you are signing, like the magnetic strip in doctor's offices.
The WAY you sign your name can create a security they use to pay off your loan, sell the note, and you still make the payments plus interest for 3-5 years.
The list can go on and on.
They created mechanisms for you to operate THEIR LEGAL ENTITY.
You consented to all this.
The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence...."consent of the governed".
You did it.
But they committed fraud by not disclosing the terms of all these contracts that waive your rights.
Follow me to freedom at https://Inalienable.University
Permission To Update Your Home? Haha!
Let's dish putting your property "INTO THE PRIVATE".
The government in its present form wants to nanny you to death and you're letting them.
Time to rewind your mind!
Ask yourself.....why do you need to ask them for permission TO DO ANYTHING?
What is conveying your property to the private?
It means that you've removed the government registration of your property.
There is no obligation for you to do any of this.
Doubt me?
Find the law.
Statutes are not laws.
If they were, they'd be called laws.
They are rules & codes.
Don't apply to YOU personally.
Legislators can only regulate "commerce".
Your private property is not in commerce.
You're unknowingly consenting to be governed.
So are we a banana Republic?
Yes and no.
You consented to be governed.
But through mechanisms that tricked you through fraud and lack of full disclosure.
So you cannot remove your home from the County Recorder unless the mortgage is satisfied.
Let's go a step further.
Has your mortgage been sold?
Yes, 99.9% yes.
So that made it null and void.
You are no longer obligated to that contract.
So extinguish it.
Then convey your property to the private.
The SEC v Jarkesy & Chevron rulings have made this path even easier.
It all rests with the Constitutionally elected County Recorder.
Join http://Inalienable.University to learn how by people with 25+ years experience LIVING IN THE PRIVATE.
Follow me to freedom!
Have You Read The 7th Amendment....EVER?
In the recent Supreme Court decision SEC vs Jarkesy, the Supreme Court reasserted the rights found in the Seventh Amendment to a trial by a jury.
Justice Gorsuch, joined by Justice Thomas, concurred with the majority, emphasizing the importance of preserving jury trials in civil cases. Justice Gorsuch:
“The Seventh Amendment’s guarantee of a jury trial is not a mere formality, but a vital component of our system of justice”.
You will never ever have your rights in an Article One administrative court.
Did your BAR CARD TOOL & FOOL ever ever ever demand one? Nope.
Bannon. Navarro. Trump. J6ers. etc etc.
The ruling limits administrative proceedings to impose civil penalties.
Therefore, must be heard in an Article III, Constitutional, Common-Law court, respecting your Seventh Amendment rights and provisions, where you have the right to a trial by a jury.
All courts are franchises of the United States.
The United States is a corporation.
In 28 USC 3002, subsection 15 it defines the “United States” as a Federal corporation.
Administrative Article I courts are in-house to the corporation the United States, Inc.
In-house statutes, ordinances, policies, regulations, judges, prosecutors, and courts have nojurisdiction over the natural man or woman.
That’s because they are part of, in-house to, the corporation of the United States, Inc., and corporate officials, policies and procedures have no jurisdiction over the natural man or woman.
In Clearfield Trust v U.S., 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942), the “Government MUST follow allrules of incorporation since they’ve chosen to contract.”
As such, there is no due process to be found for living wo/men in Article I administrative, statutory, corporation courts, adjudicated by Article I, corporate officers/administrators. (not judges)
These courts are a cluster of due process violations.
Constitutional rights cannot, have not, and will not be seen in these courts because they aren’t Constitutional.
They are corporate.
Thus, the use of a Magistrate Judge in an Article III venue is inappropriate.
And you all agreed to be governed by them because your BAR CARD TOOLS & FOOLS have no idea how to stand upon your rights.
Open your eyes.
They are agents for the state.
Judges are agents for the state.
The common law jury is the only way to equal justice.
Wake up.
Follow me to freedom.
Peek inside our weekly zoom call with this clip.
If you want to learn how to be free, exercise your rights, and stand up, then join http://Inalienable.University
You Don't Hate Banks Enough!
Mortgage Series #4. You don't hate banks enough.
There are two great educations you should get this year.
1. How To Exercise Your God Given Rights.
2. The Mechanics Of Money.
Just watch what these sheisters do and you sign up for all of it and consent because you sign things you don't understand.
We are taking them down and saving people like senior citizens and those getting taken advantage of!
Scott and I are in the trenches of actual Article Three common law suits showing people how to stand upon their rights and use THEIR rules, codes, and statutes against them.
And they don't like it! LOL
Nobody has ever called them out on this, certainly not bar card tools.
They can't.
You have no rights in administrative Article One courts.
The SEC v Jarkesy and Chevron rulings are pointing this out.
We have an entire common law and Supreme Court library inside Inalienable.University
You can and should preemptively forensically investigate your mortgage or your home is at risk, not only by the bank that no longer owns the note, but then the state who hammers you with property taxes.
Especially if you are a senior, you should get this education and make a life changing decision for yourself.
Follow me to freedom!
Your Mortgage Is A Fraud
My Mortgage Fraud Series continues......
The bank does not take title to your property.
The note is the debt.
The mortgage is the contract.
The full terms of the agreement were not given to you.
That also makes it a contract of fraud.
So, let's say you're late on a payment.
Hey it happens.
They send you a notice, PAY UP OR WE'RE TAKING IT!
And you are scared and in tough times, so you don't answer.
You're just trying so hard to get the payment together.
You not responding, is also you acquiescing to their accusation, that they have no right to make!
That's called "course of performance".
The attorney turds know this term but they never speak of it.
They don't want YOU to know that you can and should do this.
You have a right to an evidentiary rebuttal as to why they make the claim they can sell your home, but you don't know this, so you don't demand it.
Your silence is also your agreement to what they are saying.
But, my Grasshoppers....it works both ways!
When you call them out on the fraud, they have to prove they own it to sell it!
Hence why I call my profile "Legal Fockery".
They have no jurisdiction!!
Always challenge jurisdiction in every presentment.
Watch this video. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Scott is an EXPERT in domestic and commercial banking and has a law degree.
We do not help those already in foreclosure.
We offer a preemptive service to forensically audit your loans (any loan) and it it was sold, you are no longer obligated, as per the law.
See what we do inside http://Inalienable.University
This is the Constitutional education the country is starving for.
This is not for the weak and meek.
They will never hand you your rights.
You have to desire to become educated and we make it super easy.
You demand them.
When you stand they fall.
Follow me to freedom.
How The Banks Steal Homes
Who's ready for the truth about their mortgage? LOL
Who has any concept of how VALUABLE their signature is to bankers?
You sign your name.
They're drooling to get it.
What they do with it nets them ZILLIONS on the back end.
Was your mortgage sold?
99.9% yes.
Are you familiar with 1872 Carpenter v Longan?
You ought to be.
It will change your life and set you free.
Watch the video. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
The Supreme Court is the ONLY remedy between We The People and the Constitution.
You all complain about your rights but you've never ever studied them.
We have.
We do.
This is our life and our entire world 7 days a week.
You must know what the juridical person is vs the living wo/man for only the living have rights.
The juridical person is the parallel entity THEY created to that THEY, that which became a corporation, had to create TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU.
A corporation can't do business with the living man.
Just ask your bank teller!
It calls you the ENTITY in their own system!
None of this is speculation.
We live it.
We've been fighting this over a decade and set hundreds free from fraud mortgage obligations.
The forensic audit does not come from a Bloomberg terminal.
It comes from a 3rd generation banking family security analyst.
It's INCONTESTABLE in a court of law.
But it will never see a court of law.
Because you the living wo/man have no rights in Article One administrative courts.
Once you have this EVIDENCE, you take this to a Federal common law Article Three court.
So what does the bank do?
Oh they scurry like the rats they are to their BAR card attorneys screaming...."Save us! Get us out of this!"
But they can't.
The bank is a dead entity corporation.
They can only deal with your dead entity corporation juridical person.
They won't ever want to go to discovery or let a common law jury see this evidence.
We're going after the people who actually created the mischief and they can't hide behind attorneys.
“Judges may die, and courts be at an end; but justice still lives, and though she may sleep for a while, will eventually awake, and must be satisfied.”
Quoting Justice Patterson of the United States Supreme Court in Pennhallow v. Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. 54.
“If a suit is in the nature of an action at common law, then the matter presumptively concerns private rights,
and adjudication by an Article III court is mandatory.”
“On that basis the court has repeatedly explained that matters concerning private rights may not be removed from Article III courts.” The Court also recognizes a class
of cases concerning “public rights” (collection of revenue, immigration law, etc.) But “even with respect to matters that arguably fall within the scope of the ‘public rights’ doctrine, the presumption is in favor of Article III
courts.” SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024); Mertens v. Hewitt Associates, 508
U. S. 248, 255 (1993).Northern Pipeline Constr. Co. v. Marathon Pipe Line Co., 458 U. S. 50, 69.
Follow me to freedom.
Join the university to learn how.
FBI Vs Sovereigns
Tackling Sovereign Citizen accusations.
Chisholm v. Georgia was the first great constitutional case decided by the Supreme Court.
In Chisholm, the Court addressed the fundamental question: Who is Sovereign? The People or the State?
It adopted an individual concept of popular sovereignty rather than the modern view that limits popular sovereignty to collective or democratic self-government.
In Chisholm, the Justices of the Supreme Court rejected Georgia’s claim to be sovereign. They concluded instead that, to the extent the term “sovereignty” is even appropriately applied to the newly adopted Constitution, sovereignty rests with the people, rather than with state governments.
According to Justice Wilson, to the extent one wishes to use the word “sovereignty” at all, sovereignty lies in the people themselves, not in any government formed by the people.
This is the principle that “laws derived from the pure source of equality and justice must be founded on the CONSENT of those, whose obedience they require.
The sovereign, when traced to his source, must be found in the man.”
In other words, obedience must rest on the consent of the only “sovereign” from which justice and equality rest: the individual person who is asked to obey the law.
Wilson believed that the only reason “a free man is bound by human laws, is, that he binds himself.
Sovereignty is the inherent and independent right to do all that is necessary to govern oneself.
In the United States, the People are sovereign.
In fact, only the individual is truly sovereign, because only the people, and not government, have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property, along with the right to protect and preserve it.
Our Declaration of Independence tells us about our individual sovereignty.
In the first paragraph, we are told that our sovereignty is based on Natural Law and God’s Law – “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”
The only rightful power our government has is the power that the People – by the consent of the governed and according to the precise language and intent of our Constitution – have temporarily delegated to it.
In that grant of power, in a system based on the Sovereignty of the Individual, there is always a mechanism to take that power back.
That is why the Declaration explicitly states that the People have the right to “alter or abolish” their government (when it become destructive of its aims).
In fact, that right is so important and so fundamental, it is listed with the other inherent rights that individuals possess.
In other words, what the Declaration is saying is that the People of the “united States” have the right to reclaim the sovereign power that they temporarily delegated to that government to govern and protect their liberties.
Again, this is because our system was premised on the Sovereignty of the Individual.
Let's look at "citizen".
n. person who by place of birth, nationality of one or both parents, or by going through the naturalization process has sworn loyalty to a nation.
But the FBI claims one who stands upon their Bill of Rights, is. "sovereign citizen".
Sure there are criminals doing fraudulent things using the doctrine of being a sovereign citizen, but there are criminals who are not using the doctrine of sovereign citizens performing the exact same crimes of fraud.
Just like there are honorable sovereign people who are NOT committing crimes.
For the FBI to gather all of those who wish to be free into the same bucket is the same as the citizens to state all of the FBI is corrupt because SOME ARE.
Back at ya fucktards.
Since it's abundantly clear that the United States of America is not the same as the United States, (just read the code 28 USC 3002 (15) it says it right there) and a citizen of the United States Of America is not the same as a US citizen, (just read the voter registration for of any state written by ATTORNEYS) anyone who accuses a person standing up for their rights as a negative action in the world is simply as ignorant as can be.
To be a citizen of the US corporation is nothing I want to be a part of nor will I be tricked into it since they simply exchanged the word "subject" from England to "citizen".
I am a citizen of my state and the United States Of America.
I am not a US citizen (subject) of the corporation known as the US, UNITED STATES, nor United States. OF AMERICA is the qualifier. It's OF the states.
OF is a word that changes the meaning.
As such, there are no laws that I am required to do business with a single private for profit corporation acting under the color of law pretending to be a government agency. (18 USC 241 & 242)
So no, FBI, I do not use fake ID, or fake anything. I do not commit crimes, I harm no one, and I own everything my sweat and toil has paid for and I do not donate it to the control of the agencies.
I don't use "fake plates" as there is no law I must use those of the state.
fake adj.
Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.
My plates reflect my status.
They do not pretend to be that of the state.
There is no law that I must acquire a government ID.
My ID identifies my physical characteristics, my name, and has my photo. I am not required to inform you where I domicile.
I don't owe the government to be registered with them, more than they got me at the event of my birth and unlawful issuance of a social security identifier.
Quoting the Bible is not a crime since the law comes from the Bible.
Standing up for my God given rights is also not a crime.
Whereas the FBI has no charter to even be operating outside of the scope of the corporation.
Make them produce it and lets see who is actually unlawful.
Join the University at https://Inalienable.University
My Bill Meyer Radio Interview
Uncensored truth!
We Have No Obligation To Conduct Business With Our So-Called Ex-Post Facto Government.
So Many Government Attachments You Think Are Required By Law Simply Are Not.
Learn How To Remove Yourself From Them!
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
Free From The DMV
How did I get to be a bad ass freedom guru?
It all started in 2006.
My brother woke me up to traffic courts becoming administrative.
My father was a cop, and I got tickets often.
I speed. I talk on the cell phone. So what.
I harmed no one.
That does not mean I am reckless.
But in 2006, I was pulled over in my Lexus, at night, on an icy road and was not doing anything wrong.
The story is in my book.
I discovered with the help of a paralegal that the officer ran my plate, violating my 4th Amendment, and that's how he learned that I had a suspended license, which I had no idea I had.
How dare you violate MY RIGHTS.
18 months prior I got a ticket for a 3 day expired registration and the ticket was illegible soI called the town to ask what I was to do and they simply said to just get my registration. I thought the ticket was a warning.
The paralegal guided me as to how to get this ticket dismissed. This was long before what I know now, which is that there is no jurisdiction because I was not "operating in commerce".
So back then, when I handed the motion to dismiss to the mean judge, he took it in his hand, but didn't pull his hand back. He scolded me, so I tried to take it back.
But he pulled it back from in clear anger.
He tipped his hat. I laughed. He HAD to take it.
He was a jerk, so the paralegal guided me as to how to get him RECUSED, and I won that motion.
Recused from traffic court in a tiny upstate NY town!
I have to laugh!
While back then I had no idea why THEY were paying all this money to have this attorney help me, (watch the video) I now know, that I as the dead entity of my all caps name, cannot be heard by the court.
I HAD to be re-presented by the attorney.
When you hire an attorney, you announce to the court that YOU are incompetent, which you are, in their legalese satanic deceptive system to circumvent your rights.
They always re-present the dead LEGAL ENTITY although I never signed anything taking him to BE my attorney.
Knowing what I know now, they were trying to railroad me, because they create bonds out of the tickets. They have to have your consent to absolve their liability.
Knowing what I know now, is that just showing up IS consenting to the proceedings.
But the prosecutor had to prove that I KNOWINGLY drove on the suspended license which they could not prove since they had no proof of mailing me anything.
The prosecutor still wanted to go to TRIAL over the bogus and flimsy charge that my rear lights were not on, which is the excuse the officer used to pull me over.
So that was my first victory in the courts standing.
Now I don't even go to court.
I don't plea.
I don't pay.
I return all tickets calling them out as violating my rights.
They return my paperwork and say they can't find me in the system.
Duh. I'm not in the system and your officer knows that at the side of the road, but they love to be time wasters.
We love educating the civil servants.
I don't donate my car to the state via a registration.
I don't participate in the fraud of asking for a driver's license so says the SCOTUS.
Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, section 329, page 1135 “The right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, in the ordinary course of life and business, is a common right which he has under the right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right, in so doing, to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day, and under the existing modes of travel, includes the right to drive a horse drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purpose of life and business.”
I have a class called "Free Yourself From The DMV".
The license is the LEASH the state PERCEIVES gives them the right to control you and your private property and it extends way past operating a motor vehicle.
I have an automobile.
It only BECOMES a "motor vehicle" 'when you register it.
Sometimes they shorten the verbiage to "vehicle" but they know what they're doing.
Unless and until that happens, your private conveyance does not meet the definition of their CODE.
Vehicle has a legal definition.
But even if it did, the terms of the driver's license contract were not fully disclosed to you.
If they ever told you that you were giving up your right to travel and you would be under the scrutiny of the policy revenue officers who's entire job is to generate income for the corporation through your driving actions, you never would way yes to that so that makes the contract fraud.
We even have DMV workers THREATENING our members for DARING to return the state license stating they're breaking the law.
But what law? LOL They can't name it.
If you don't need a license to be employed, then make a political statement and return their contract with a big middle finger.
My class teaches you all the steps, what to use instead for ID, and how to stand up to a police officer should you be pulled over.
It's easy and empowering.
You will walk the earth differently being free.
Follow me to freedom.
Are You One Of The Slave Monkeys?
Hey Dopey Broad
are you an FBI plant trying to keep people enslaved, and that's why you work to actively prevent people from standing upon their GOD given rights?
Is that why you claim the US Code is superior to the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights?
Is that why you teach people to BEND OVER and stand under the statutes made by man using the 14th Amendment, which was made after the transformation of the Republic to a corporation, that created mechanisms to literally circumvent our God given rights?
Shall we go for round two today?
Because my post to you was shared 80 times so far.
You're great for my algorithm.
Thanks babe.
For any people who take offense and my calling another woman a "dopey broad" well if the shoe fits.....
ANYONE who works to prevent FREEDOM is an ENEMY.
Anyone and everyone who tries to prevent your God given rights IS YOUR ENEMY and that's what Melody's false information does.
This country was founded upon the very principles Melody is using to earn credibility in her life and feed the CABAL (child traffickers) so she is either too dopey to understand or she works for them.
There is no middle ground.
How is it I have unwavering F-you confidence?
Because I've been challenged and had the courage to stand and won using the exact information I share, and I've won ten times now using the standing that Melody says doesn't exist.
I have to laugh.
I wish I could find more trouble to be in to stand up to the so called government, but now that I'm out of the matrix, I have no trouble. LOL
When I won this battle with the Panhandle TX police, this was LONG BEFORE I met Scott.
I had a little education and I stood up to a 28 year old bitch of the century policy revenue officer at the window of my rented car, after I just left a freedom class, and was on my way to the airport who put her hand on her gun three times during this stop just because a middle aged broad alone in a car refused to give her my papers.
And how did I stand?
As a free foreign national, free from the jurisdiction of the United States government, from which all government corporations fall under.
No corporation has jurisdiction over me.
No corporation has jurisdiction over YOU, if you learn how to stand.
Read about it here.
The judge phoned me because I returned their first envelope because they sent it to my home address using a zip code which I don't use, so as to not put myself into Federal jurisdiction. (Scott says this doesn't matter but I choose never to use a zip code at my home)
Since the judge did not say, "Hi this is Judge Rusk, may I speak to Gianna?", which really pisses me off, not only did I scold her for her lack of phone manners, but I scolded her for not using the address on my paper, which was my mailing address.
Don't send shit to my home. It won't be accepted.
After I hung up the phone, I laughed.
I just told off a "judge" and she bowed down to me.
"Ok Gianna, I'm so sorry. We'll resend it."
She's just a bank teller (court administrator) trying to PILFER MY POCKET OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY under the guise of my breaking a code, so she gets no respect from me for her chosen profession.
How dare I go ten mph over their designated speed on a totally empty back road that leads to the airport where not a single living man or woman suffered injury.
No victim = no crime dopey broads.
All dopey broads.
The judge.
The cop.
Her chosen profession is to use mechanisms that circumvent my God given rights.
My victory meant that I no longer was one of the five monkeys, because I have CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
There are people SO JEALOUS that I have this skill that they actually say I got this ticket dismissed because the court found it too much of a HASSLE to go after me.
Oh please.
They have the process on automation.
They exist to get the money from the monkeys.
They had the power to revoke my license which I no longer hold and if you read the post, they bowed to ME.
I have no state ID.
I own all my property in allodial title meaning the state can't SEE IT to take it.
That's freedom.
Become invisible to the invisible man as Scott likes to say.
The so called "state nationals" you referred to on the RAV appearance yesterday are literal criminals.
David Straight is not free.
He holds an Oregon driver's license.
He's on the run from warrants in Johnson County TX and the FBI.
Bonnie Straight is not free. She is literally in prison for daring to carry a .22 gun and breaking an contract with Johnson County TX.
Bobby Lawrence is not free. He holds a PA driver's license. He holds a mortgage. He is not free. He's never stood a day in his life despite holding classes alleging how to do it.
Sherry Noeller, David's unpaid assistant, is calling people as of YESTERDAY, crying that David dumped her and she is broke. She is not free. She holds a driver's license because she collects welfare.
I could go through the list of all the so called freedom people and ask every single one of them.....HAVE YOU EVER STOOD UP TO A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE?
Show me your standing.
Show me where you stood up to a government agency and won.
Show me how you even know what your rights are to stand upon them.
Because Scott and I have and our lives prove the rhetoric you spewed on Real America's Voice yesterday IS CATEGORICALLY FALSE.
When the United States became a corporation and commercialized the people, they ceased being a Republic.
NOBODY votes.
LEGAL ENTITIES have no rights.
So while it's honorable you're spending your time on election integrity, the ROOT CAUSE of what you're trying to fix, is the very battle that I have taken on, which is to set people free of the system of mechanisms the state created to circumvent our INALIENABLE RIGHTS.
So no, I will never be a US citizen slave until the CORPORATION of the Federal government ceases to be the slave factory as it stands today.
Follow me to freedom.
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Make The Claimant Prove Their Claim
Would it blow your mind to know and SEE that what passes for legal claims and warrants are pure fiction?
Legal Entity
You are none of the above.
We will teach you how to read allegations and expose the unlawful system keeping people in the chains of slavery.
They use ignorance, fear, and intimidation to get you to AGREE and CONSENT to literal fiction and it's perfectly LEGAL because you CONSENT.
It's like Walmart threatening to put you in their court, jails, and fine you.
Would you ever say yes to that?
But every day people say yes to private corporations acting under the color of law without ever challenging jurisdiction.
Make them prove their claim.
Make them prove their jurisdiction.
Make them prove they have authority over you.
You'll be blown away by what happens because NOBODY EVER DOES THIS.
They've been getting away with it for decades.
They've been keeping the people ignorants for decades.
Does it matter to you to terminate this bullying tyranny?
If so, then the http://Inalienable.University is for you.
It's a community.
It's a lifestyle.
It's the future of We The People.
Follow me to freedom!
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
Legalese vs Lawful Ease.......
So all over social media, they say we have a two-tiered justice system.
Do we?
Well yes and no.
How were the J6-ers railroaded?
How were Bannon and
For lack of knowledge.
Hiring BAR card tools who will never ever reveal that they are only ALLOWED to re-present the LEGAL ENTITY that is, in their words, a dead fictitious entity, not a living man or woman.
The LEGAL ENTITY has no rights, as you can see.
Open your eyes!
There is not a two tiered system!
Oh sure there is law fare, but some know the secrets and some don't.
They create a parallel word in their statutes using the word "person" but it doesn't mean what you and I think it means.
It's legalese.
It's legal BS.
It has no rights.
You never have to experience the detriment of the LEGAL ENTITY but you answer for it because you don't know.
You know what else is Legal BS?
Anything you get with variations of your name on them.
Like....Miceli, Gianna.
That's not my name.
Miceli, G.
That's not my name.
That's not my name.
Most people join my Inalienable University to become free from the IRS.
Great start.
But what we also reveal inside here is how much the entire government is a COMPLETE FRAUD.
What is a magistrate?
What is a judge?
Do you know there are many types of courts?
Do you know an Article One vs Article Three court?
Do you know the 7th Amendment guarantees your right to a common law jury?
Do you know that no District, State, Justice, Administrative court can ever give that to you so therefore they MUST dismiss the case?
The only way you EVER get to exercise your rights is by demanding them.
They don't want you to do that so they try to intimidate you.
"Oh are you one of those sovereign citizens?"
I'm sovereign, but I'd never claim the label of citizen.
Citizens are slaves.
Nobody owns me.
I'm a sovereign American.
How do you know any presentment you get has any meaning?
100% of people make an assumption that the entity has authority over them, when the opposite is true.
They have NONE!
Where there is no victim there is no crime.
Every government contract you have been offered lacked full disclosure of the terms so therefore it is fraud.
Fraud vitiates EVERYTHING and has no expiration date so it's easy to remove these contracts from your life.
What contracts Gianna???
Your registered children.
Your registered auto, boat, motorcycle, truck, all your private property.
Your recorded home on the county record.
Your driver's license.
Your state plates.
Your state marriage license.
And yes, any IRS form you ever put your autograph on.
But your rights are INALIENABLE.
No civil servant or politician is ever going to say, "Oh, you have rights. I'll leave you alone."
They will lie, cheat, and steal your property and money.
We see it every day.
To enter Inalienable University, is to enter a new LIFESTYLE.
It's not for the weak or meek.
If you are a meat eating wanna be a Lion in training, this is the community for YOU.
You can join is using the link in my bio.
Follow me to freedom.
There are hundreds inside the community.
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
Do Employers Fight Against Leaving The IRS?
The IRS class is our most popular!
When you get to it, you will just kick yourself in the ass for not leaving sooner.
To enter classes in Campus 2, you MUST complete Campus 1 in full.
You need the foundation. Trust the process.
Scott is a law school grad who chose not to join the BAR after spending a week interning for a law firm. He was totally turned off after hearing how they literally plotted to siphon the money of the clients they were supposed to re-present.
Scott's unique life experience made him look at the so called LAW very differently than anyone else. He discovered the MECHANISMS as to how they circumvent our rights and he used his education to turn the tables on the fraud & deceit of the rules, codes, & statutes.
We teach you how to live in the private, and remove government interference that you are unknowingly contesting to.
Please like and subscribe and join us in changing the culture of the perception of freedom this country has.
You ave a right to be left alone.
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Is There An Oath To Office?
How Do You Attain Freedom From Tyranny And Win?
Our mission is to see you all living in the private and free from government control of your lives.
My biz partner Scott is a law school grad who did not join the BAR when he saw how evil it is.
The govt messed with the wrong man when they messed with Scott.
His life experience brought him to a place to attend law school as an adult, and not so insure him a good living but to find the fraud....and he found it.
He's able to see the difference between the statutes and the common law and has been in practice for 25+ years.
Common Law = Constitution.
You CAN make them adhere to it.
You're all screaming there's a two tier justice system.
There is and there isn't.
The public is simply ignorant of the SYSTEM.
There are different kinds of courts.
There are different kinds of jurisdictions.
There are not laws for a thousand things you think you are required to do simply due to societal conditioning.
Legal and lawful are not the same.
There is the living man and the legal entity.
To the name calling skeptics, we laugh at you.
We do not speculate.
We are free as can be.
In fact, our opinions and teachings come from direct experience.
If you want freedom, then stop living in the public and liv in the private.
It's not so much what "to do" but what you do not "do".
But this is going against the grain you have to know how to stand against the civil servants because this disrupts their apple carts.
We'll teach you how to cut off the head of the snake.
Stop feeding it your hard earned income.
IRS DMV Marriage license Permits, etc etc etc.
Remove your private property from their control.
Monday is our weekly live Zoom with Scott and myself.
You can sit in free today and get a 3-day free trial to see what we do inside https://Inalienable.Univesity
Bring your skepticism!
Bring your questions!
Follow me to freedom.
Common Law VS Statutory Law
The words Scott speaks in this video are the words used in our papers.
We implore you to join the writing class and never do anything on your own.
For instance, we just had a member file a TRO DEMAND but the clerk, the freaking clerk......the civil servant, made her change DEMAND to MOTION.
Demand is your right under common law.
Motion is a STATUTORY word, so of course the judge denied it.
You can't ever operate as the living man in statutory jurisdiction.
That's called concurrent jurisdiction and the court will always scheme to use statutory.
YOU have to demand your rights under common law.
Hopefully one day we'll have judges who default to the common law and Constitution but only the Supreme Court does that right now.
The writing class is Campus 5, so get there when you get there.
The University is laid out to take you on a path of learning base on our living experiences and Scott's 25 years of experience.
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
You Don't Owe Civil Servants Anything
When new members join our Inalienable University, they can hear the words "government agencies are merely corporations that have no jurisdiction over you" but the mindset transformation happens as you attend our weekly Zoom classes where you can see and hear the other member's experiences and interact in the community with them.
Let our faith & courage be contagious to you because living IN THE PRIVATE is your right.
You will kick yourself in the ass for not doing it soon the more you learn how ridiculous it is to ask the government for permission to do things and pay them to do them.
What did people do before these agencies were set up?
They drove!
They got married for free!
They did not pay taxes!
They did not record and register their private property!
They did not have all these rules & regulations.
Hint: All this requires your consent to the contract.
What's between you and exercising your rights in your daily lives is KNOWLEDGE.
Excited about Chevron???
You already had the power to say no thanks to agency regulations.
They got you by consent.
Now the SCOTUS has caught up with the Constitution.
Follow us to freedom!
We have hundreds of members success stories.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
Screw The Rules!
Beating civil servants at their own game is SPORT to us.
We love it! We have no fear.
We had a great victory yesterday come through.
One of my members has been harassed for two years by this cast of characters I'll post at the end.
He said / she said marital nonsense, where the woman made a claim, but wouldn't sign her name under penalty of perjury that the man harmed her.
Never sought medical treatment, never left the house.
She's trying to steal HIS house, short marriage blah blah.
For two years they've been trying to get him to AGREE to take a plea, using completely lawless fictitious documents that would have only cost $500.
But this man knew it was wrong and wanted to stand.
So stand we did!
With my help we composed the mother of all letters putting them on notice and challenging jurisdiction UNDER THE COMMON LAW AS A LIVING MAN, as is your right under the the 7th Amendment and they canceled his plea hearing.
They will never say, "Hey you're right."
They simply backtrack and back off.
The rules, codes, and statutes DO NOT APPLY TO YOU without a victim. Plain & simple.
You are entitled to a common law jury so says the 7th A.
This was just the beginning.
To learn more join our university.
Notice And Demand of Rights In Common Law
By what authority does the Comal County Sheriff Ronald Potts, a civil servant employed by the private for-profit corporation of Comal County Sheriff’s Office, owned by the County of Comal, DUNS #196715890, claim jurisdiction over the living man First Middle Last, in regards to a fictitious complaint #2023CR1131 without a contract that compels him to perform nor an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury by a victim or witness?
I declare that my Rights are INALIENABLE, and no fraudulent adhesion contracts via the:
*Birth certificates of ourselves
*Driver’s licenses with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
*The Texas Department of Transportation
*State Of Texas marriage certificate issued
give the State/state of Texas or any of its subsidiaries authority to compel me to perform to a REQUEST to appear in the administrative private for profit corporation DUNS #098824758 known as Comal County Court At Law #1.
Here's the cast of character who got this letter:
Ronald Potts
Comal County Texas Sheriff’s Department
3005 W San Antonio St,
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Ida Paniagua Comal County Clerk
199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Judge Randy C. Gray
ISLN # 906920686
Bar Card Number: 08328230
199 Main Plz Ste 1102-3 Ste 3
New Braunfels, TX 78130-6983
Jennifer A. Tharp
Comal County District Attorney
ISLN: 918794879
199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Jennifer Barry
Comal County District Attorney
ISLN: 916285430
199 Main Plaza, Suite 2007
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Attorney General Ken Paxton
ISLN # Unknown
Bar Card Number: 15649200
Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
Governor Greg Abbott
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428
We will teach you the LENS with which to SEE the unlawful fiction they try to pull on you.
No BAR card tool can ever re-present YOU using your rights as the argument in article one or municipal courts.
Follow me to freedom.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
You Have No Constitutional Rights In Court
No Constitutional rights in court? Yes it's true. You're kidding yourself to believe otherwise.
They created a system that commercializes you and them, because only like kind can "do business" as per the eight laws of a lawful contract.
As was told to me today by a man persecuted for 2.5 years by the un-justice system, his BAR card tool/fool said she would lose her "license" to practice law if she brought forth Constitutional claims in his case.
When you give up autonomy and your rights to conduct private economic activity by asking Daddy state for a license to do business, they own you.
That's how they were able to shut you down for the fake planned demic.
They PERCEIVE they have jurisdiction over you via their mechanisms, but if you know how to stand, they fall.
So today while you blah blah blah all over social, what will you do to learn how to no longer bend over and take it?
If you like my clips, you'll LOVE the full classes.
Online, on demand, take them on the go on an app.
Follow me to freedom.
Bring your questions to our Monday night free zoom call 6pm EST.
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club
Every J6 Warrant I've Seen Is Unlawful
Every J6-er mistake has been hiring a BAR card tool and thinking that is a profession of honor.
They are trained in the PROCEDURES of statutory codes and none of them can address COMMON LAW, as it's written in the 7th Amendment.
They put it right in front of our faces:
The United States of America is made up of 50 states.
Washington DC is not part of the USA.It is an independent territory
Washington DC is not considered USA soil.
The significance of the United States not be considered part of the USA is paramount to proving the illegitimacy of both federal and state governments.
The United States is a “federal corporation” (28 USC 3002(15) that is no different than any other corporation. (Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators, 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) 54).
No state in this nation, including the “United states”, subscribes to common-law, but rather employs a code-based system of statutes and codes.
The 7th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America (Bill of Rights) guarantees all claims “at common-law” are afforded a jury, whose verdicts are supreme and final (not reviewable by any court of the United States).
As no state (or the United States) subscribes to common-law, they offer no constitutional venue for a true jury to convene pursuant to the 7th Amendment… and therefore “war against the constitution” and comity acts of treason on a daily basis.
Every judge in every state and federal district court is guilty of treason.
Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.
Purchase Gianna's book: https://www.GiannaMiceli.com
Join The Inalienable University: https://Inalienable.University
Get A Consult With Gianna On Minnect: https://tinyurl.com/msGianna
Join A Patriot Bank That Shares Your Values: https://oldglorybank.com/
Join Gianna’s Freedom From Fat Program: https://FatFreedom.Club