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Col. Derek Harvey Blows Whistle On Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating Intel Agencies

2 months ago

Aired On: 1/2/2025


  • 0/2000
  • Fight for your country same as you would fight for your family and home!

  • DEI "Green beret" cuck doesn't know how to make a bomb. The Military now are all cucks who doesn't know what a woman or man is...Lmao

  • I've heard this a long time ago on muslim brotherhood #s inside our state department & involved in huge nonprofits in bed with the politicians in DC

  • When I signed up for Special Forces many years ago, security clearance was a must. Asshole just walking across our border are cleared by word of mouth. That is the problem. The do goods and the greedy has messed up our country with a capital "F" The 7th was at Bragg when I was there.

  • Mossad runs and uses Muslim Brotherhood.

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  • Are the intel agencies corrupt? Yes. Are they infiltrated by the MB? No. Bannon knows this but for understandable reasons he had to pick a side in the Mossad-Likud civil war. There is no infiltration because the CIA owns the MB. Just look into what happened in Libya under Obama and what is just went down in Syria. The idea that the MB is somehow inside the agency is such horseshit. There is a relationship there but it is not because the intelligence heads are trying to implement Sharia law. They deal with everyone from the cartels to the mafia. This is just how the shadowy world of intelligence works and I would be against the CIA cutting communication with the cartels because that would be counter to controlling what happens in Mexico. I support Bannon and I understand that he is playing a cunning political game on behalf of American workers by siding with the Likudniks but listeners should keep their eyes open to the reality that the issue with the deep state is not the fact they are secretly working for Erdogan. Additionally, anyone with any actual understanding of ME politics knowsthat AQ/ISIS are bitter enemies of the MB. The MB narrative was dropped when Obama left office and now that Bannon's Israeli allies are getting criticized by the right, the decision has been made to circle the wagons with this story again.

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  • A US President’s job is to protect our country/borders where we’re currently being invaded! Now attorneys from US and other countries are assembling in/on the Border to help Catholic Charities, Lutheran Services, Jewish Family Services, two UN Groups, and many more to enable the INVASION! These people have to be stopped, because obviously they will not obey the Law!

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  • Are we sure it was the Green Beret who did that explosion? That PLASTIC Military ID Card looked awfully good for having been inside a burning Tesla.... Kinda like the condition of the passport of the "hijacker" who flew the 757 into the WTC tower....

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  • And I thought that since Turkey, US, Isreal got rid of Assad with the "ex" ISIS leader ruling Syria, that ISIS are our guys again🤓. Maybe ISIS forgot to email Jabbar? It's a coincidence about Army SOF guy was stationed in Europe and liked wearing Ukraine logos and Mara Lago shooter had lots of money to fly back and forth to Ukraine 🤡

  • look at Brennan and Obama MB