i won't blame you cos that's just dumb *elevation is key

3 days ago

how often do we make your problems my problems
i will always take the flack
i'm free from whatever you expect me to do
days when i am more frazzled i am more bothered but that's my issue
it's not my business to do it for ya
the best advice is the kind that nobody wants to take
sometimes i wish i was never bothered by any of this shit but alas
all too human, i will waste my energy on sumin silly
i can't pretend that sumin don't bother me
this is what i do, from another angle
scolding works on boring people
you have forced me to treat you differently, i didn't wanna
i am not submissive nor am i a girl boss
i can't stand bossy women n authoritarians in general
i got into pot cos the gifted kids w/ high IQs introduced me to it
a person that is open to plant life is clearly on the right path
the boomer generation is retarded
it is false enlightenment that's what i think
if i wasn't a conspiracy theorist i'd probably believe in stupid shit like inoculation n other types of nazi eugenics
people are flawed so they react w/out realizing
that's eulashia, not a stereotype at all
ag is the minority in this industry so who wants to fuck w/ me
why are you trying to remind me of being in a govt school?

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