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  • 0/2000
  • Good talk, good talk.

  • Good evening bigots \\\

  • good friend s are solid

  • goodnight yall, good show

  • Rationalizing juicing? Dude…

  • An emerging proto-middle class is one thing that helped Europeans advance our society, but another and if not a little more important, as important, is our sense folkishness for all that, that mindset encompasses. That is why it is apples and oranges when smol-brains liken the fall of the Roman Empire, from invasion by mostly Germanic 'barbarians' to the flooding of the Western world today by the shit-colored third world, facilitated nearly exclusively by jews. The Romans and the more Northern Europeans had nearly identical if not shared genetics, very similar cultures, ideals and a sense of 'Volk'.

  • recently discovered Shockley was connected to the Georgia Guide Stones.

  • Getting a salaried job for 60k as a graphic designer is tough. And any job you could get, you likely wouldn't want. [all gay government/corporate shit generally]. He could have DEFINITELY found an american that would have taken 45k.

  • It wasnt until they started lighting cow shit on fire in your kitchen - that you realized you're a retard. Jesus H christ.

    1 like
  • Ferry is correct - its not anti microbial, its literally a culture of gnarly bacteria. This is why we add it to soil for fertilizer. Because that bacteria goes to work in the root zone and makes nutriets bio available. And yes... The aversion to horrific smells is trying to keep you alive.

    1 like
  • https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6l8r81

  • Naturally fresh cat litter ,its crushed walnut shell. No stink. and btw find the album called 'STINK' ..MMM

  • The fogs and mists that have been documented recently are probably not a government weapon to kill the people. That anyone would even announce this is evidence for it being a cover story, not the truth. In fact, these sickness mists or plague fogs have been documented since the dawn of recorded history. William Corliss in his Sourcebook Project books and Charles Fort in his myriads of reports and books has documented many incidents of fogs and mists appearing unusual and then causing widespread sicknesses. This has been happening for a long time. In 1930 thousands fell ill after strange fogs appeared in Belgium. In 1902, the last Phoenix year they are mentioned. Referenced also in this newspaper clip. Star jelly, carbonaceous materials like flakes falling from the sky- all documented. Fetid, putrid, sticking fogs and snowflake materials of hydrocarbons. In 1347 strange objects in the sky over Europe were seen spraying mists later called plague fogs. The Great Black Death plague broke out. This has been well documented in the historical record but people don't read. Yes, our skies are being sprayed however it's not a fog. The distraction is to take Pharmika to add to the depopulation Agenda that causes immune deficiency. The population is thinning. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR HEALTH, NATURALLY. I have made reference many times in how you CAN! The choice is yours.

  • We live in a mathematical construct that people refer to as the Matrix however the masses don't know why events occur and play out in pattern because they haven't studied the historical records. Prophecy is based on cylindrical studies of the past to predict the future with Resets. The biggest problem we have is the people go along with their programming and don't live according to their true nature and natural law. Here is the breakdown of cylindrics for the 2025 predictions. If something is true it can be seen from many vantage points in the historical record. Clear your minds and listen to comprehend. Our Scholars who have stepped outside of the Rockefeller indoctrination programming deliver what you need to know. It's time to step outside of the program people and get on with your lives in service to each other. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN0GDG7BcjU

  • Trauma base mind control of the masses by the Death Cult. The masses are not going to self actualize until they learn what's been done to them their entire lives, generation after generation. Truth hurts but that's where the light shines the brightest. We MUST get back to our true Devine Nature and live according to Natural Law. Excellent Podcast....https://odysee.com/@WakeTheDead:9/Sean-McCann---WTD-ep.145-Max-Lowen-'Trauma-Based-World-Control':b Sharing is caring and CARE is the highest spiritual law that has been demonized.