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Chicks On Right, Dan Bongino: Economist, Charlie Kirk: H-1B Visas, DeVory Darkins: NIGHTMARE | EP1425

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Chicks On The Right 12/28 - Trump Goes After Remote Workers, Congressional Pay Increase Drama
- https://www.afge.org/article/union-membership-in-federal-sector-went-up-in-2023/

Dan Bongino 12/28 - Legendary Economist Explains Why Government Is So Terrible At Spending Money

Charlie Kirk 12/28 - How H-1B Visas Have Led to Lower Pay, Record Profits, and Jobless Americans

*** :19
DeVory Darkins 12/28 - Trump Drops NIGHTMARE Warning on Joe Biden

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  • meccamike just started following your channel @MurTech. Maribeth74026 just started following your channel @MurTech. debradebby7676 just started following your channel MurTech Daily News Update. Ddav11 just started following your channel @MurTech. ----- Ramjr01, KRocky, debradebby7676, Debbiebs commented on your video "Alex Newman: Bird Flu, Andrew Klavan: New Year, Charlie Kirk REVEALS, McWattersaffect: Elon | EP1424". loriericksonjason506, DanBonginoOutreach15 commented on your video "Daily News Update Marathon Live Stream II". KRocky, Debbiebs commented on your video "x231a: Wendy Bell Radio - On Day One". KRocky, Debbiebs commented on your video "x232a: Charlie Kirk - How H-1B Visas Have Led to Lower Pay, Record Profits, and Jobless Americans". rjm1008, Debbiebs, KRocky commented on your video "x232b: Doug In Exile - Congress Tries To BLOCK TRUMP From Taking Office".

  • Live Chat GammaVal Good Evening Everyone. Hard to Believe this is the last Saturday of 2024! Kocque Good evening John. Thank you for your hard work. GammaVal The way I see it, if the Government has a union, then they have a pension program that is way better than the private sector. They should NOT qualify for Social Security. In My Opinion. nhy6576 They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to do this right now....... Trackdok.com nhy6576 They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to do this right now....... Trackdok.com nhy6576 They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to do this right now....... Trackdok.com GammaVal last night, Kevin O'Leary was talking about Canada becoming part of the U.S. That was predicted about 30 years ago when they were talking about the North American Union. GammaVal ..And the currency would be the "Amero" GammaVal The North American Union is Canada, United States and Mexico becoming "One" country...Not just sharing the continent. GammaVal Why did they even allow Carter to give the Panama Canal away?? GammaVal Trump is correct in taking back control of the Panama Canal. GammaVal The Canal has also been a sight for a lot of Cartel problems. Getting Control back would st GammaVal ..stop alot of the Cartlel problems

  • 🙏🏼Drain the SWAMP🙏🏼🕯️🇺🇸🕯️ Thumbs 👍🏼 Up

  • They are not worth what they get now, it's way too much. it draws cons.

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  • Thank you!

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