Prophet Julie Green - Your Enemies Are on a Warpath to Stop My David - Captions
This video from Prophet Julie Green during a live show on November 14th, 2024, starts with a message of encouragement from Ephesians 2:10. Julie shares insights from her spiritual journey, emphasizing the importance of seeing oneself through God's eyes rather than the enemy’s distorted view. The talk transitions into a prophetic word concerning imminent spiritual and national battles, with specific references to elections, political unrest, and international dynamics. Julie urges listeners to stay spiritually vigilant, trust in God's plan, and resist complacency. Additionally, there's a call to prayer for national leaders and protection against both domestic and foreign threats. The session concludes with a prayer for personal freedom, national security, and collective faith.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-14-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Encouraging Scripture and Prophetic Word: Trust in God's Plan
In this episode, Julie begins with a morning scripture reading from Ephesians 2:10, emphasizing how special we are to God and encouraging viewers to see themselves through God's eyes rather than the enemy's. The discussion covers trusting in God's plan, even amid life’s struggles, and staying vigilant against spiritual attacks. Julie also shares a prophetic word about upcoming political events, urging believers to remain spiritually prepared and trust in God’s ability to intervene. The episode concludes with a prayer for strength, protection, and deliverance from the enemy’s plans.
00:00 Morning Greetings and Encouraging Scripture
00:42 Understanding Ephesians 2:10
02:08 Embracing God's Handiwork
03:29 Trusting God's Plan
04:23 Receiving God's Good Life
07:04 God's Help in Our Struggles
11:42 Prophetic Word: Be Prepared for Battle
13:21 Enemies' Plans and God's Assurance
18:38 The Old Guard and Division
23:34 God's Protection and Promises
34:07 The Power of Praise and Worship
34:39 Trusting God in Battle
36:50 Spiritual Warfare and Faith
38:23 Resisting the Enemy
41:19 Staying Alert and Prepared
44:48 Political Intrigues and Prophecies
01:01:57 Prayers for Protection and Victory
01:04:46 Closing Remarks and Encouragement
Video Information:
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Today’s Scriptures:
Eph. 2:10
A House divided cannot stand. (Matt. 12:25)
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 46:1
Dan. 3 (Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)
Ps. 46:7, 9-10
Isa. 49:26
2 Chron. 20 (entire chapter)
1 Peter 5:8-9
James 4:7
Rom. 10:17
Isa. 54:17
John 8:36
You need to see yourself the way God sees you. You are so special and so loved by your Heavenly Father. You are His handiwork.
God is Elohim- The Creator and El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
Receive what Jesus Christ has already done for you on the cross.
When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do.
Your hands are not big enough to fix your problems. That's why you give it to God because He can. He's not asking you for your help. He's asking for you to trust Him.
Don't grow weary and keep holding onto the truth and God's promises.
This is the time for God's church to get up and reign.
Stand up, use God's Word and call the enemies' plans down.
Sometimes it gets darker before the breakthrough.
God is a well proved help in times of trouble.
God is Emmauel- God is with us.
Keep calling the enemies' plans and walls down.
God is telling you to fight spiritually.
Hold the line and withstand the enemy (with the Word of God and firm in faith).
Listen to the Word of God and get into the Word of God day and night.
This is the time to be prepared and stay alert.
Marching Order: Hold the line, Trust in God and stay in faith.
You resist and withstand the enemies' plans with God's power, authority and dominion.
Pray and call out the traitors, snakes, and wolves in President Trump's camp.
God needs you to stay in this fight spiritually.
Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, November 14th. Of 2024 and I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today And I have another encouraging scripture to give you this morning And that's how i'm always in prayer and study with the lord before I get on here And i'm always asking him not only for the scriptures that he gives me for the prophetic words But you guys know that he's been having me do the encouraging scriptures every morning In this one, I know it's going to make you smile if it if you are not in a good mood right now You I believe this is going to put you in that mood Knowing how special you are and how important you are to our heavenly father.
It's Ephesians chapter Ephesians 2 10 out of the Classic Amplified Version. I'll be reading this out of the Classic Amplified and the CEV translation. But the first Ephesians 2 and verse 10. For we are God's own handiwork, his workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew. That we may do those good works which God predestined, planned beforehand, for us taking paths which He had prepared ahead of time.
That we should walk in them, living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us. To live. Do you see how powerful that scripture is? Now i'm gonna read that again in this first part of it for we are god's own Handiwork. A lot of times we see ourselves the way the enemy wants us to see ourselves We see ourselves defeated.
We see ourselves as a failure. We see ourselves as a quitter. We see ourselves as well Some people can see themselves as a hot mess. They can see themselves as the addict. They can see themselves as sick They take ownership of all these wrong versions of yourself that the enemy wants to to betray in your life.
He wants you to believe in all of these things that he's trying to do to you. But I want you to know how special you are to our Heavenly Father because you are his handiwork. He put you on this earth for this very day and this very hour. I remember him showing me this scripture quite a long time ago where I was going through a lot of self hatred.
A lot of times where there was again, a lot of suicide, a lot of depression, a lot of darkness and he gave me the scripture and of course it made me cry and it made me realize I was seeing myself in the wrong light. I was seeing myself and what, how the enemy wanted me to see myself and all the situations and circumstances that I was going through.
And there was even certain things recently that I was struggling with and there was something that the Lord again showed me this morning, this very scripture. And it wasn't just. For, I knew it wasn't just for me. It was for each and every one of you. You are special to Almighty God. You are His handiwork.
He hand picked you. Maybe not the life that you're living right now, and not the struggles that you are dealing with, because He said, right here, He prepared, so, He planned beforehand for taking us past, which we had prepared ahead of time, that we should walk and live in the good life. God has a good life.
prepared for you. It may not be a good life right now because satan is trying to destroy that good life that god has prepared for you. So how do we receive that good life? How do we expect that good life? How do we say god you take this mess take all these things take it remove it out of my life. I thank you father god.
You are bigger than all my problems. You are bigger than any problem. That's going on in this earth Because you are Elohim. You're the creator of heaven and earth. You're El Shaddai. You're a God whom nothing is impossible. I have a lot of impossible situations in my life. There are so many times in situations that overwhelm so many people they forget that there are God's creation.
We forget that we're God's handiwork. We forget that he has a good life planned for us. We just have to get on that right path. How do we get on that path of that good life? How do we receive the good life that God has for us when we're not? When it seems like our, our life is a hot mess. We get on that path of that good life by receiving what Jesus Christ has already done by receiving the sacrifice that he made for us so we wouldn't have to sacrifice.
He suffered so we wouldn't have to suffer. So what we had to do is we had to take and receive all those redemption rights and all those things that God has already done. Take it and receive it for our own life, and then expect God to change. What's going on in your life right now. There's also another translation.
I want to read this out of. I was just telling this to Carter like seconds before we got on. I had to look this up and it's a CEV translation out of Ephesians because sometimes he knows. There's sometimes I'm gonna give him a scripture. Sometimes I won't give him a scripture because it comes out of my spirit.
Sometimes I don't get it beforehand. Sometimes I get it while I'm on here. But Ephesians 2. 10, this is out of the CEV translation, listen to how powerful this is. This is the reason why God has these scriptures in the Word of God for us to encourage us of how special we are to Him. Ephesians 2. 10 out of the CEV translation, God planned for us to do good things.
And to live as He always wanted us to live. This is why He sent Christ to make us what we are. Think how po Those are just words. That's a vision that God has for each and every one of us. That's what He has designed for each and every one of you to have a good life. God's speaking these words to us to take these words so it comes to life in our life.
So it comes alive. Lord, I've been on a wrong path. I've been on this crooked and narrow path. It has been destructive. It has been dark. It has been heavy. There has been so much turmoil. There's been so much stress. There's been so much fear. There's been so much corruption and destruction in my life. And Father God, but you said you have planned for us to have good things.
And I thank you, Father God, I take what you have for me. So if we think upon those things. All those things, again, God has set up for you a good life. The reason why a lot of us don't experience that good life is because we don't know that he has one, even though it says right here in his word that he does.
And then we just try to fix things all on our own. This is something he also gave me. I thought it was an extremely powerful revelation that he wanted me to share with you today. When you've done everything you can do, That's when God will step in and do what you can't do. This is what he was showing me.
When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do. A lot of times we try to fix our own problems. We try to solve everything that's going wrong in our life. I know I've been guilty of that so many different times and God said to me before, you guys have heard me.
I don't need your help. So God said literally when he was correcting me, Julie, I don't need your help. I need you to trust me. that I'm able to do this. And not only am I able to fix this problem in your life, but I'm willing. And so again, when you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't.
God will help you. We have to take our hands off of everything that we're trying to fix and put all those problems All those cares and put it into God's hand. That's when we unload that weight and unload that stress. And another thing he gave me is our hands are not big enough to fix our problems.
That's why we give it to God because he can. He's not asking for our help. He's asking us to trust him. I'm gonna read that again. Our hands are not big enough to fix our problems. That's why we give it to God, because he can. He's not asking for us to help. He's not asking for our help. He's asking us to trust him.
A lot of people think they have to help God. I know I've done it in several different situations and circumstances in my own life. I thought by doing certain things, I was helping God. And actually I was interfering in the, the breakthrough that I was believing for. I was interfering, interfering with the blessing that God had for me and the answer to prayer.
That God had for me because I took it out of his hands and I put it back in mine So we can learn a lot of life lessons if we just trust in God. He is big enough to solve a problem That's why I like even what they just go into the election and and going with all the things that people were freaking out about Because they knew the enemies were trying to steal it.
Well, it was too big for our hands We couldn't all be everywhere at every time To stop what the enemies were trying to do. That's not what God asked us to do. God asked us to trust him with it. And so we started praying. We started praying down all those walls. We started praying exposure. We started praying down every plan of the enemy.
And then we started expecting a victory, which we received. Why? Because we weren't big enough to fix it, but God was. And so in our life on a personal, in our personal every day to day life that we have all these different issues. You think about how he did it on a massive scale for our country. Just think of how he'll easily do it for you, personally.
In your own life no matter what it is. No matter how hard it is And no matter how hard it seems that god doesn't hear you. He's not going to do anything You've prayed for a short time and it doesn't look like anything is getting better, but it's getting worse That's when he was giving us that scripture yesterday not to grow weary So don't grow weary keep holding on to the truth of the almighty god's word and his promises Because he will not fail and he has this good life You set aside for each and every one of you to live.
You are his handiwork. You are special to almighty God. Don't see yourself the way your enemy sees you. You see that yourself the way God has made you. Okay. All right. Now let me get to this prophetic word again before I get to that, that's so important because so many people have the wrong perception of who they are.
They're believing what the enemy is saying who you are, but you need to start getting into Relationship with our heavenly father getting into his word listening and him him revealing to you what he has for you to do Everybody has a special calling Everybody has a special assignment upon this earth and he wants you to know that and that's why you can figure that out By getting and spending more time with him.
Okay, so here's this prophetic word. I heard this on the November 11th And I don't have a title for this one yet. I had to pray more into this title when I was dictating out this morning. Sometimes I get them like right away, like almost instantaneously. And then there's sometimes I really have to pray into it.
So the reason why I'm not giving you a title yet is because I don't have one, but as soon as the Lord gives me one, I will give it to you. And I'll make sure that I have it up on rumble and then we'll put it up on our website with the title on it. This is from November 11th. My children be prepared for a battle.
Stay on guard because your enemies are planning on something against you that you do not see yet. Do not be taken by surprise. That is why in my word, it states to stay alert because your adversary is roaming around seeking who he may devour. He is planning on all of you. He is planning on all of you becoming complacent.
So with this next attack, he can take you by surprise and knock you off your feet where you can't resist him or fight back.
This is a time to be prepared, to get more in my word, a time to get to know me more, a time to be strengthened by me. This is a time for battle that I am fighting for you. You just have to hold the line and stay in faith. And trust in me, that I will take care of your enemies, says the Lord. Foreign enemies are about to invade and attack this great nation.
Your enemies in Washington want it to look like they are peaceful and accepting the results of this election and the will of the people. And that is the exact opposite of what really is going on behind the scenes. What they want to do is far worse than what it looks like happened in your country on January 6th.
That fake insurrection constructed and carried out by the swamp rats in your capital. I have warned you they will try an actual insurrection. But something you would not expect in the way this would be carried out. Call their plans down. You can't stop an attack that is coming. But like I said before, you can stop the effects of it.
This is unprecedented in ways that will shock this nation at the attempts by your enemies in Washington to stay in power. Right now you are seeing that they have been rattled and knocked off their feet, but they are not done resisting and standing in your way from this country mover moving forward without them.
They are petrified of losing power and money. They will try things they never would have even six months ago because they had never expected a Trump victory. They have to do what they can to stop the massacre of their establishment, but all attempts will fail.
Something significant will take place in Washington DC before inauguration day. Your enemies are on a war path to stop my David from taking back that seat. It is calm now. So you'd put your guard down and you would stop fighting to let them in so they can take back the win. So my church stand at attention and continue to shout at their walls and against any and all attacks against you.
I need my church to stay in this fight spiritually. My children continue to move forward to take back the nation that it already belongs to you. Don't back off like the Israelites right before the promised land. Learn more from their, their wrong decisions and move and remove all the giants in your land by standing and using the authority that I've given to you.
You will see them all fall and be removed at unprecedented ways. Unconventional things will continue to take place for your nation's complete deliverance from the hands of the wicked, says the Lord of Hosts.
Nancy Pelosi and many in Washington are about to be ousted for the failure of Kamala and for the pressure of removing the Biden. Many of the establishments are on the chopping block for that decision. Many shocking resignations are coming. The establishment is getting rid of the weak links, of the failures, and getting rid of those they have no use for anymore.
Some that have been re elected, watch what takes place to them, the ones that have stolen elections year after year. Judgment is clear... that you will see justice... it will be served. The more they plan and plot and resist my David, The more they will fail, fall, and be exposed. People like Mitch McConnell and other traitors like him will fall in unprecedented ways.
The "old guard" is being removed by me, says the Lord of Hosts. My children, your enemies are turning on each other more and more. There's a foreign nation that is about to turn on the establishment and join my David. This will cause a great shaking because this foreign nation has explosive proof of what the deep state has been up to.
And it will crush their efforts moving forward.
Keep your eyes on Ukraine. Truth is coming that will make Washington scream. Their honey holes are being emptied out and where they stored some of the biggest secrets are being discovered. My children, your enemies are in for a world of hurt once they realize some of their long-time allies are turning on them with no stopping it.
Keep your eyes on Washington from now until inauguration day. The landscape will change and the people will change and this nation will be freed from the establishment once and for all. So start to rejoice for I have said where you see your enemies today, You will soon see them no more, says the Lord, your Redeemer.
Now, one of the things that he's been saying to us for about a year or more, he's been talking to us about the "Old Guard". These are people that have been in our, our government for year after year. For some 40 plus years, they have been there. This is the Old Guard. And of course, the Old Guard, has brought in some new faces, but still part of the establishment.
They still have the same jobs. They're still there to do the same thing, which is to destroy this country from within. God's been talking about this old guard for such a long time because he's been warning us that we have people that have been infiltrated in our country. They've allowed foreign nations into our government to destroy our country and demolish it from within.
They want it to collapse. Because a house divided cannot stand. That's why you've seen so much division in every single way possible. They've tried division in every level. Why? Because they want us divided. They don't want us united. That's the reason why we're called the United States. We're supposed to be united, one nation, under God, and this old guard, this establishment, with their lamestream and, you know, their media, they have designed, and all of their corporations, and all with their three letter agencies, They've designed to divide.
They've designed to divide what to conquer. They designed for all of this to happen, to overwhelm the system and, and automatically collapse this country in order for it to join the one world government, a one world religion, and a one world currency. This has been the whole plan all along. Their great reset.
The, the one world government. This is what they wanted. They try to speed it up and this is where we're at right now. God is crushing their plans. We have to get along and align ourselves with God and his plan because his plan is saying, look, it's not time for the one world government. It is not time for them to reign.
It is not time for them to do what they want. This is time for my church to get up. It's time for my church to reign. It's time for my church to show my life. through them in order to show the world that I still am the same God yesterday, today and forever and show them the God that's not a version of him that the world wanted you to believe, but the, that, but the real God almighty and what he really wants and has for us upon this earth.
That's why the body of Christ has to get up right now. They have to awaken. God is strengthening us. He's giving us all these revelations. He's giving us a heads up of every way the enemy can attack. But again, a lot of times when we have a victory, we just want to sit back and go, okay, I just need this time of, I just want to take a break.
I don't want to fight anymore. I just want to relax. And we are getting that time of rest and we are relaxing. That's why it's calm right now. It's calm right now. For us to be prepared. Not the fact that it's gonna be like World War 3 or anything. That's not what God's saying. That's what they wanted.
That's not ever what they're gonna get. Look what he said. They, he warned us about what they were gonna try to do with viruses. And that fell short and didn't come to anything either. Why? Because people heard what God was saying and they were standing and praying against it. That's why a lot of these things did not happen as big or bad as that the enemies wanted to.
God has been giving us a heads up. This is their enemy's plans. Now, what you need to do is stand up, use my word against it and call it down. We can't always stop everything they're doing, but we can stop the damage that they're causing because some of the things that they're doing, It's really awakening people up because people want to think why didn't they enter?
Why didn't God intervene? I guess president Trump was as anointed and appointed for this time to lead this country. But why wouldn't God stop the effects of the enemies from all those indictments from the assassination attempts for all these different things. Look what it did. He was protecting Trump and this country this entire time, but it caused a great awakening.
It caused a shift from that old guard from that old establishment and how things and how things were going. to how things God always meant this country to go and the path that God wants this country to go in. So sometimes it gets darker before the breakthrough because sometimes people need to be humbled.
Sometimes people need that awakening, like a, that, the a ha moment, because they were going down the path of destruction and God said, I need you to pivot. I need you to change course. So there's something that, Laura's given me a few scriptures this morning. I don't know if I'll get to all of them again, because there are quite a few of them.
Psalms 46 and verse 1. Psalm 46 and verse 1. I'm gonna read a few different scriptures. This is one of the scriptures I wanted to get to yesterday. But that was not his plan. So I didn't get to it yesterday, but he wants me to go over it today. Psalms 46 in verse 1. So when anything happens in your life, personally, if there's turmoil, there is constant struggle, there's a battle, there's a heaviness, there is attack from, you know, all different sides, it feels like this is something that I really want you to pay attention to.
Read the scriptures that God's been giving to you every single day. God's been giving us encouraging words every day, giving us scriptures. They're all in the description box. For every video that I've made for quite some time now, for several months, there are scriptures for every single one in the description box.
And when you also go back and watch the videos now, you can see the scriptures on the page. Thank God for my son that he's doing the, you know, the being a producer now, and I don't have to do this stuff for myself. Because I'm not, I'm not capable of doing all these things. So it's nice to have somebody else to put these things out there and to figure out how to do all that stuff.
Because it's so important where you can just go back to where it was, and say, well there was a great revelation regarding that scripture. Now you can fast forward go through that exact moment in time in that video and go that's what that scripture is and that's what That revelation is. It's a great tool.
I love it So anyway Psalm 46 in verse 1 and it says God is our refuge and strength and mighty and penetrable to Temptation a very pleasant and well proved help in Trouble. So if you feel like you are drowning in In your sorrows, or you're drowning in those tests and trials and circumstances, and you're frustrated.
Remember that God is always a well timed help in trouble. Remember I gave you the illustration of what he gave me several different times, and when I needed it? Was Peter, when he was walking on the water, when Peter started walking to him, when he was focused on Jesus, he was fine. And then when he lost sight of Jesus.
And he started looking to the left and he was looking to the right. He was looking, you know, back and forth. He saw himself. He saw that wind. He saw the waves. He saw that struggle. And he goes, I can't walk on the water when it's windy. It was a thought that came in through his mind. He was walking out there by faith, but then he fell.
And he started to go under. But what was Jesus? The most beautiful thing was, is Jesus just walked on the water over to Peter and picked him up. And put him safely back on the boat. So if you're going through your storms in life, God is going to pick you up and put you back in a safe place. He is a well proved in trouble.
A very present and well proved help in trouble. So if you're in trouble in your life today, You think about the illustration of Peter walking on the water. You think about how and what happened. You also think about the one of the greatest illustrations of Jesus showing up when we're in trouble is Abednego in that fiery furnace in Daniel chapter 3.
They were in the fire and Jesus showed up. And so if we're drowning in a storm with the wind and the waves coming because there's so many different tests and trials, there's so many different things that the enemy's attacking you with, and you feel like you're drowning in all your, all your problems.
He'll pick you up out of that water, and he'll put you in a safe place. He'll get you out of that storm. He'll calm the storm. Remember, right after he picked him up, he put him back in the boat, and he said to the storm, Peace be still. And so, he also, if you think about it, with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you think about they were in the fire.
They weren't saved before the fire, they were saved in the fire. And Jesus was the one, he was the fourth man walking around that fire with them. And when then, when he came out, when they came out, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of that fiery furnace, Because Nebuchadnezzar saw the fourth man. He saw Jesus.
He saw the Son of God. He said, let them out. So they came out. And they didn't even, that fire, it had no effect on them. It had no power over them. So even though the fires in our life, and our, you know, the fiery furnaces that we're in, seem to destroy us, but we're supposed to walk out of those fires. Like we were never in it to begin with.
Just like Abednego. Oh, if we have storms in our lives that are tossing us to and fro, He's the one who picks us up, puts us in a safe place, and then He calms that storm again. He is very present in our time of need, and He is there to help us. And that's something that we all need to be aware of. He does help us.
Now I want to get to another scripture, and Psalm 46 in verse 7. Psalm 46 in verse 7, it says the Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge, our fortress, and high tower. Think about that for a minute. He is with us. Remember, he's Emmanuel. God is with us. That's his name. Well, if you know he's with you, all we have to do is call upon him and he'll help us.
Get some of those illustrations in your heart. Get them deep down in there because I know a lot of times because we're going through that, the storms in life or the fiery furnaces in life and you're going through things that will get your attention off of the Lord. And then people forget and it's easy sometimes to forget when you're going through those circumstances that he's with you.
And he's asking you to trust in him that he will get you out of every single one of those storms. And then verse 9, Psalm 46, verse 9. And look what he's been, he's been warning us about what the enemies are up to. He said they're not, they're, they're, they're gonna resist. They're not going down without a fight.
There's another powerful scripture or a powerful prophetic word he was giving me this morning. And when he was giving me some of these scriptures afterwards, there are so many things that he's going to reveal to us. I'm going to give it out to you maybe tomorrow, if that's what he has planned, unless he has plans for something else.
But this prophetic word is extremely powerful. I heard it this morning about what they're up to. So he's giving more detail and insight of what they're doing. But look what it says in Psalm 46 and verse 9. He makes wars to cease. To the end of the earth, he breaks the bow into pieces and snaps a spear in two.
He burns the chariots in the fire. Verse 10. Let be and be still and know and recognize and understand that I am God. I'll be exalted among the nations. I'll be exalted in the earth. He makes wars to cease. So no matter what they try to do, they're gonna try to attack this country. Look what they've already done by letting gang members Take over apartment buildings in Colorado.
They're taking over things in Texas. They're doing stuff in Ohio. They're doing stuff in New York City. You can see the enemies are already here. There's gang members, terrorists, rapists. They're here already. Guy's been warning us of this. Don't be complacent to it. You call all their attacks down. They're not gonna get what they so desired.
What they so desired was a 9 11 style attack times 100. All right. That's what they planned. God's been saying that for like three years. They're not gonna get that at all. They're not even gonna get near anything like that. They won't even get near what 9 11 was. But what I'm saying to you is that God is saying to us, this is what the enemies want, but He is the one who makes wars and seas.
So what we have to do is not to be afraid and start calling these things down. Collapse their plans. It's like we were doing with the, with the blue wall. I thought they were trying to stop this country from moving forward. We called down that blue wall at the walls of Jericho. Guy's been saying that over and over again.
And so we called it down and it came to nothing. And so that blue wall was a joke. And so what we have to do is remind ourselves that no matter what they try to do here, it's not gonna be as big and it's going to fail. But we still have a part to play by still calling it down and calling it to nothing.
There are still terrorists here. You think these terrorists are just gonna go away? They're just gonna say, Okay, President Trump's now back in office, and so we just need to go walk back across the border. That's not what they're gonna do. And so we have to, we have to pray, for the servicemen and women in this country and anybody else who's going to take part in getting rid of these terrorists that are already here.
But there's a lot more than people realize that are here, that are here to do something that the, that establishment wants them to do. What our job is to do is to not fear and know where we see our enemies today that will soon not be here again. I cannot wait until a lot of these people are removed from our country.
But it doesn't just take a, you know, a, our ability to do it. It's going to take gods. Let's turn to Isaiah 49 and verse 26, Isaiah 49 and verse 26.
And this is going to be the amplified version. And I will make those who oppress you consume themselves in mutually destructive wars. That's eating their own flesh and they will be drunk with their own blood and as they were sweet wine with flesh They will know and acknowledge and grounded in personal experience that I the Lord am your Savior and your Redeemer.
That's a harsh harsh scripture. He talks about how they will consume Themselves and right now you see they are turning on each other. I mean, it's obvious now the last week They've been just Erratic. The blame game. They're destroying themselves. And this is not the first time this has ever happened. Look in 2 Chronicles 20.
Because God's people praised and worshipped him and believed the prophet, when the prophet was speaking and said, The battle is the Lord's. You're not going to have to fight in this battle. What you're going to have to do is trust God. 2 Chronicles 20. It's a powerful, powerful scripture. Powerful revelation.
But so, when he said the battle is the Lord's, They took it and said, okay, the pressure's off of us to try to figure this out. This army is greater than us, they're bigger than us, they have more weapons than us, but we have God with us. And so they started praising and worshiping, and because they did that, God set up ambushes against the enemy, and then they defeated themselves.
They consumed themselves. They destroyed each other, and they were all defeated. And so when God's people came up to that spot where they were gonna war, there was not one left. And so when you think of scriptures like this, it says right here, and I will make those who oppress you consume themselves. You are already starting to see them turning on each other right now and they're attacking one another.
They're weak right now where God is making us strong. But because like he said, like he, like he said, they were ca like caged animals. They're not gonna go down without a fight. Remember Pharaoh, God, just gimme this example. Remember Pharaoh let his people go After the Angel of death came, he said, I, I've had enough.
After all the, the 10 plagues, he had enough. He let GOs people go and all of a sudden the Goss people went up to the Red Sea and then all of a sudden the enemy's charged. I don't know where. They thought they were, you know, they were free from Pharaoh. They were never gonna see Pharaoh ever again. And all of a sudden Pharaoh showed up again.
There was a calm before Pharaoh came to charge after him again to try to take him back into his slavery. So the enemy, there's always like, again, we, they were knocked off their feet. They're trying to get their composure again. But with their composure and what they do, It'll be like Pharaoh and his army.
They're gonna be completely destroyed. However, God does it, I don't know. I'm not saying they're all gonna die. That's not what I'm saying. Their plan and their trying to control this country will be devastated. It'll be annihilated. It'll be like they weren't ever there. God is a God of restoration. God is a God of protection.
God is a God, he said he's our refuge. He's our very present help. And he's proven to us time and time again that he has helped us. I'll go back over this prophetic word and In the first paragraph, it says, My children, be prepared for battle. For a battle. What battle is it? Our enemy always wants us to feel like we're in an impossible situation that we're not going to get out of.
We have to realize the battlefield is in the mind a lot of times also because if we have a Failure mentality if we have this everything always is going wrong in my life. It never goes, right? You know the enemies are just gonna try to do something and they're just gonna take it over and we're just gonna lose again And it's just like a never ending cycle and you have it you have this defeated mentality We have to fight in a battle, and God's been saying he wants us to fight spiritually.
They're fighting natural with natural weapons, kind of like that example of David and Goliath, how David said, you come to me with a javelin and a spear, you come to me with all these different things, but I come to you with the name of the Lord. David was fighting Goliath spiritually. Before he fought him physically.
He knew he couldn't fight him physically without God. So when we go into our battles of life, we have to realize, don't go into that battle naturally. You go into it first spiritually, use the word of God on it, and know that it's not by your power, your authority, and by your strength. It's by God's power, God's authority, and God's strength.
You're just there to agree with God with the enemy's defeat. He says, stay on guard because your enemies are planning on something against you. Do not be taken by surprise. That is why, in my word, it states, to stay alert because your enemy or your adversary is roaming around seeking who he may devour.
You can find that in 1 Peter.
1st Peter chapter 5
and let's recast our cares upon him in verse 7. Verse 8, Be well balanced, temperate, sober of mind, vigilant, and cautious at all times. For the enemies of yours the devil roams around like a lion, roaring in fierce hunger, and seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Automatically came up to my spirit.
And then it says in verse 9, So with Stand him. This is part of the battle. To withstand him. Resist him. James 4, 7. Resist the devil. He must flee from you. So if we're doing these things, God says he's, he's wandering around seeking who he may devour. He's trying to do all these attacks, trying to do all these things against us and God's saying withstand him.
That's, that's that holding the line. Never surrendering. Hold that line. Withstand him. How do you withstand him? How do you resist him?
Withstand him, be firm in faith. How are you going to withstand him? Be firm in faith. How do you, how do you have your faith? Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word. Romans 10, 17. If you need stronger faith, and stronger trust in God, you can't pray for it.
There's people that ask me, Julie, will you please pray that I have more faith? I can't do that. It's not scriptural. I'm not gonna pray if it doesn't align with scripture. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word, Romans 10 17. You need more faith and trust in God. You need more of that firm focus foundation.
You need more word. You need to start listening more to the Word of God on a continual basis. Let's just say I listen to it at night. I listen to it during the day. There are certain things you have to do in order to feed your spirit to be able to withstand the devil. Because he's gonna try to attack you all day long.
That's why it says in Joshua 1 9 to get into the word day and night. Because your enemy's gonna try to attack you by the, by night time. You're so weak you can't fight him anymore, and you're just tired. But if you had the Word of God, your, your flesh might be tired, but your spirit man's not.
Let's keep going. He's planning on all of you becoming complacent. Just like God's people. They were by the Red Sea. They didn't have their guards up anymore. They were excited. Then all of a sudden they got to the Red Sea. They started to panic a little bit because they're like, well, where are we supposed to go?
We're kind of trapped here. Like Moses, what's your plan? If we go back that way, we're going to go back to Egypt. If both sides of us, we can't climb mountains. We have people that, you know, are old, can't climb. They could because there's no feeble among them. But they're thinking naturally. And then they see the water in front of them.
They're kind of like, okay, what's going on here? But we got to figure something out. But then all of a sudden the enemy comes, catches them off guard, and they begin to panic. And then they start screaming at Moses, Moses, you sent us here to die, it's your fault. Moses didn't send them there to die. It looked like it.
It looked like he made a big mistake. And he was a failure, but he wasn't. They weren't seeing what Guy was going to do. And so the enemy had caught him off guard because they didn't stay prepared. And so this is a time to be prepared to get more in my work. This is how you prepare for a battle. I'm sorry, I skipped some of that.
He is planning on you becoming complacent. So with this next attack, he can take you by surprise, knock you off your feet where you can't resist him or fight him back.
Stay alert. Stay in the word of God. And this says, this is a time to be prepared to get more in my word, a time to get to know me more, and a time to be strengthened by me. So now we're in this calm, okay? We're in a peaceful place. Take this opportunity to spend more time with God. Spend more time in his word.
This is a time for battle that I am fighting for you. Now, again, he's insane. I am fighting this battle for you. But what we have to do, you say, well, Julie, you said we're supposed to fight in battle. Yeah. The battle is in our mind that we don't faint, we don't lose heart, and we don't quit on God and what God promises.
I'm telling you, our future is very bright. It's amazing what God has for us. But the enemies, just like Pharaoh, he let it go for a short time because he got knocked off his feet because he didn't know when he saw all these people die because he didn't know when he saw all these people die. He didn't know what to do.
It was an opportunity, gotta let his people go. God forced Pharaoh to let his people go, and all of a sudden then Pharaoh was like, Well, I made that bad decision. I'm going to go back and get him and it was for his ultimate destruction. So in this time, God is fighting for you. I want you to know that God is fighting for you.
I want you to know that God is fighting for this country. He's fighting for Israel. He's fighting for his people. He's fighting battles that we don't even see. He's warning us of these things so we don't get knocked off our feet and we don't get complacent. He says, you just have to hold the line and stay in faith and trust in me that I will take care of your enemy, says the Lord.
So that's what we're supposed to do. That's our job. Our job. To stay in faith. Our job is to know that God is gonna protect us. That's what we're supposed to, to know of what we're supposed to receive. Foreign enemies are about to invade and attack this great nation. Your enemies in Washington want it to look like they are peaceful and accepting the results of this election and the will of the people.
He's been saying this for, what, two months probably or more. He's been saying that they were afraid of President Trump. That's the reason why they tried to assassinate him. And that they were going to activate their foreign invaders when they needed them. But he also said the foreign invaders were going to turn on them because they're not getting what they want.
They have demands and Washington is not meeting those demands. But think about this for a minute. People say, oh, you know, the politicians would never allow people in our country. We have lost to prevent. What happened? Governors could have stopped it, could have worked with law enforcement, could have worked with Border Patrol, could have worked with National Guard, they could have done all these things, and they could have prevented this all along.
This is politics, people. You have, in Aurora, Colorado, you have them taking over entire apartment complexes? Where's the military? Where's the police? Where's the protection? They're letting, they're letting people do this when it can be stopped. We've already been invaded,
but now they want to be more activated. And so they're acting like, you know, it's this peaceful transition. You know, that's not true. You know, it's not true. They're plotting and planning and scheming stuff. What they're going to do. I don't know. Like I said, they weren't planning on a Trump victory. That's why we're seeing like a delay.
In some of their response, but they're going to try something. It's just not going to work and God's saying you resist and you withstand Their plan you withstand their power with God's power God's authority God's dominion He said that's the exact opposite of what's really going on behind the scenes.
They're not accepting this. They're not what they want to do is so far they want to be far worse. Excuse me than what it looked like happened in your country on january 6th So what they want and guys are warning us that they want an insurrection But they actually want a real one. They actually want to cause a real one.
That was a fake one that was staged. We all know, we've all seen some of the photos, of the videos, and all this kind of stuff of what really happened. They were infiltrated. Those people that were peacefully, and patriotically, singing and praising God, worshiping God, and there was infiltrators in there.
That the government had. And so you think about all this. This is what they had staged for him so they could impeach President Trump so he could never get back into power. You think they're just gonna let him walk back in because the will of the people actually said they wanted him? The will of the people said they wanted him back in 2020.
And they didn't care about the will of the people back in 2020 either. So again, that's why we stand and pray. He says the fake insurrection construction and carried out by the swamp rats in your capital. I have warned you that they will try actual insurrection but something you would not expect. So it's not going to be the same exact way as they portrayed it in January 6, 2021.
It won't be the same. They'll do something different, entirely different, something that you wouldn't expect how they would carry it out. Call their plans down. You can't stop the attack that is coming, but I, like I've said before, you can stop the effects of it. They wanted to steal the election. They didn't get to steal the election fully.
They stole some House seats and they stole some Senate seats. Oh yes, they did. It's another thing that the Lord brought up to me this morning. I will go over it with you tomorrow, once he changes it. They stole seats, but they didn't get to steal the whole entire election. They're caught, and God's gonna do something about it.
This is unprecedented in ways that will shock this nation at the attempts by your enemies in Washington to stay in power. So we're gonna be shocked at what they do to try to stay in power. They are so arrogant. Now, I don't believe it's gonna be the Biden. I think, as you can see, Biden yesterday was President Trump.
I didn't hear what happened, besides seeing some pictures. He was smiling. He was giddy. I couldn't believe it. And, you know, what we talked about before, Joe wore red. The day of the election. So I have a feeling that they're laughing because these people, all these people turned on them and now they're seeing all these people that turn on them fail and be exposed.
I think the Biden and Jill are just. Like we're done with you and I can't wait until you're destroyed. I have a feeling they're not on that side anymore. I still wouldn't trust them though. I'm not saying they're good people at all They're evil, but i'm just saying they were they were turned on and backstabbed by their own people But they're still gonna something happened to biden.
It's not done. It's not over yet. Just watch what happens with the biden It's not done because if he's resisting Them they're not done trying to destroy him right now as you were seeing them They're rattled and knocked off their feet But they are not done resisting and standing in your way from this country moving forward with them.
So again, they're rattled right now, but they're not done resisting. That's why we have to withstand and keep standing and praying and fighting that good fight of faith, holding that line. They are petrified of losing their power and money. They will try things they never would have even six months ago.
Okay, look what they try, look what they tried against President Trump. Two assassination attempts. And he's saying, what they tried six months ago, they never would have thought of trying this six months ago. How extreme they get, I don't know. Are we supposed to be fearful of it? No. We're not. God's not asking us to be fearful of it.
God's asking us to be aware of it, to start calling it down, to start agreeing with Him, to be alert, to be cautious. That's all He's asking you to do. And then use this time to prepare wisely with, Okay, Father God, I thank you. There's not gonna be a civil war. They're not gonna, enemies are not gonna get what they want.
I thank you. I praise you. I give you all that care. I thank you, Father God. And no matter what they try to do to stop this transition with President Trump going in with his administration, I thank you, Father God, it will be smooth no matter what they try to use as hiccups, no matter what they try to do to sabotage it.
And you keep praying for President Trump right now because there are still people that I know should not be bynext to him, that are next to him. There is something when I saw this person on camera, and this person is next to him, and I keep seeing this person, I keep discerning a snake. Every time I see this person's face.
Every time. And so, again, there are people that are there that look good and they're not. And no, if people are gonna say, Julie say the name. I'm not saying the name yet. If God allows me to say that name, I will say that name. But right now what you need to do is start calling any wolves Any snakes and he has traders in his midst still that they will be exposed And removed in the right time if they don't turn from what they have planned But there are people that should not be there.
I know people are saying who is it? I can't tell you I'm not gonna say right now if he does not allow me to say it. I'm not gonna say it I have to be obedient to him But why I said that is to warn you there are people not everybody that is You There is good. They look good, they're not good. But if the Lord lets me say it, I'll say it.
Okay? I promise you I will.
So you'd put your guard down, and you would stop fighting to let them in so they can take back the win, okay? So, and I'm gonna say, there's more than one person. So when I've seen people, I've seen a snake, but I've also seen wolves in discernment. When I've seen their faces, I've watched them on TV, I can't help it.
I see their eyes, so I see a snake, I see, I see wolves. So what I'm telling you this is, is because God will give you that discernment. God, who is it? What am I supposed to do? What do you want me to say about this situation? Father God, I thank you, no matter what the enemies are trying to do as a warpath, no matter what they're trying to do to sabotage, no matter what they're trying to do to infiltrate, I thank you, Father God, for exposing each and every one of those snakes, each and every one of those wolves, each and every one of those traitors.
I call them out and I command them to be unmasked before the world. That's what we're supposed to do. And again, sometimes I don't know why I'm allowed to say certain things. I'm not allowed to say certain things, but all I know is I'm saying it's no, it's no, but he's telling you, he will also give you that discernment of who's there.
I believe a lot of people know who these people are. I do. I a hundred percent believe that a lot of you know who I'm talking about because there's a few people, you know, who I'm talking about. God will give you that discernment. You'll know. Like I said, if he tells me I will be bully up and I'll say it, but until then.
You pray about it. So my church, stand at attention and continue to shout at their walls and against any attack against you. I need my church to stay in this fight spiritually. So God wants us to stay in this fight spiritually. People want to back off and say, okay, the election's over, we're done. That's not what God is saying to us at all.
He's not, He's not been saying that for a long time. He's been saying there's gonna be an election. Because a lot of people didn't even think there was gonna be an election. God never told me there wasn't gonna be. But he did say he didn't need one. But look what he does, he's gonna go back. 2020 and before that.
And there's gonna be a lot of people ripped from power. There's going to be a cleaning house. There's going to be shockwaves going through this country of how many people are in our government right now that do not belong there. And this is part of what he has President Trump doing, but also President Trump, you pray that he has discernment and that he's being led by God and not political strategists.
Alone. If the political strategies are not being led by God, that's why we have to pray. Because it can't just be natural intelligence. It can't just be natural strategy. You have to have spiritual strategy and spiritual discernment. that goes along with this. You have the natural side, yes, but you also have to have the spiritual side.
He needs both.
So he says, to save this fight spiritually, he says, My children, continue to move forward to take back this nation that already belongs to you. Don't back off like the Israelites did right before the promised land. They backed off. They made a bad decision. And they wandered around for 40 years, and they shouldn't have.
Learn from their decision and remove all their giants, or move all the giants in your land by standing and using the authority I've given to you. You will see them all fall and be removed in unprecedented ways. Unconventional things will continue to take place for your nation's complete deliverance from the hand of the wicked, says the Lord of Hosts.
So again, what we need to do is stay focused. That we have the country that God has designed. And we're not gonna back off. We're not gonna back off no matter what happens. They didn't mention names. Nancy Pelosi and many in Washington are about to be ousted for the failure of Kamala and for the pressure of removing the Biden.
Oh, so many people are There are so many things about Nancy Pelosi. There's so many things about some of these old guards. It looks one way with them when it's really totally opposite. I cannot wait till God unveils all of it. It's, it's a, it's He's been giving him prophetic words and he's been giving to us.
It's going to be a shock to this country to see how many people really were the people who they say they are and who weren't. Who really were supposed to be there and who weren't. Many of the establishment are on the chopping block for that decision. So people are going to pay for that decision they made with replacing the Biden and with Kamala.
Many shocking resonations are coming. The establishment is getting rid of the weak links of the failures and getting rid of those who have no use for them anymore. So, again, if they see you as a failure, they're just going to toss you aside, and that's what they're going to do. Some that have been re elected, watch what takes place to them.
The ones that have stolen elections year after year, judgment is clear. You will see that justice will be served. Again, why do you think the House took a week, over a week, to declare who the winner was? Think of the Senate. The Senate was called almost right away, but they were prolonging these seats because they were stealing them.
And God's gonna show it. The more they plan and they plot and resist my David, the more they will fail, fall, and be exposed. People like Mitch McCollum and other traitors like him will fall in unprecedented ways. The old guard, again he's saying it again, is being removed by me, says the Lord of Hosts. So that means the establishment is going to be moved by him.
It's not just going to take an election to remove them. It takes more than that. My children, your enemies are turning on each other more and more. There's a foreign nation that's about to turn on the establishment. A foreign nation that's about to turn on the establishment. So watch that in the news and join my David.
This will cause a great shaking because this foreign nation has explosive proof of what the deep state has been up to and it will crush their efforts moving forward. Now, he didn't mention the four nation, but just watch the four nation is turning on the establishment. Keep your eyes on Ukraine. Truth is coming that will make Washington scream.
Their honey holes are being emptied out, and where they stored some of their biggest secrets are being discovered. Again, money trails. Follow the money. All the money they siphoned through Ukraine. Watch it. It's gonna be ripped apart. All the exposure of what they the government was doing in Ukraine my children your enemies are in for a world of hurt Once they realize some of your long Their longtime allies are turning on them with no stopping it Keep your eyes on washington from now on until the election day the landscape will or sorry Inauguration day the landscape will change the people will change and this nation will be freed from the establishment once and for all So start to rejoice for I have said where you see your enemies today You will soon see them no more.
So what we're supposed to do is spend more time with God. Spend more time realizing that you are His handiwork, that you are special to Him, that He has a good life prepared for you, that He has assignments for you that He wants you to fulfill. He's given you the ability and the talent. He's given you the strength to do it.
We just have to tap into it and believe and trust in Him that He will fulfill it. Accomplish that in our life and then also When we resist the devil we had to we had to withstand them We had to resist them no matter what it looks like no matter how many things may seem again This is the calm in this time be prepared spend more time with god Get more spend more time in his word and get the revelation of who you are With Him.
Not on your own, but who you are with Him. I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, on behalf of every person at the sound of my voice, I just want to praise you and thank you right now, Father God, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. And Heavenly Father, how they have seen themselves through the enemy's eyes, how they have seen themselves as weak, or seen themselves as foes, or seen themselves as an addict, or seen themselves as an adulterer, or seen themselves a certain way.
Father God, I thank you those ways are destroyed because you, Father God, they have been made by your handiwork, and you have a good life set up for them. And we bind right now, and we resist the devil in any way that he's trying to stop you in your efforts to live for God. There's so many people right now that are struggling with addiction and you see yourself as an addict.
I break that mindset off of you right now by the power of the name of Jesus Christ. I command that spirit of addiction to be released off of their minds and released out of their bodies and their lives right now in Jesus mighty name. Father God, I thank you and I praise you that those chains and those shackles that they have been under are destroyed by the power of that blood.
Amen. And by the power of that name of Jesus Christ. I thank you, Father God, that not only are you setting each and every one of them individually free, no matter what prison cell they were in spiritually, p
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-14-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
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